Zhutian’s Strongest Need System

Chapter 306: Wind and rain

Wang Yin, who had been standing still in the face of the attack, suddenly took a step at a speed that was impossible for the human eye to see clearly, stretched out a palm, and patted Meng Hongyi's chest.

Meng Hongyi was in the same space as Wang Yin at this time. The flow velocity of this space was different from the space seen by the people around him. It was more than ten times slower, but since it was ten times slower, Meng Hongyi still couldn’t see Wang Yin’s exit. Palm, even more sad is that he has no way to move his body to avoid, can only watch this misty palm printed on his chest with desperate eyes!


The space where Meng Hongyi and Wang Yin are located was broken, and everything around them restored the original time flow.

Meng Hongyi felt that an irresistible force of Peiran bombarded him, and through his body, through his self-defeating bodyguard, he reached the core!

It was like a giant hammer hitting a piece of tofu, and it was awkward.

Meng Hongyi, as a military warrior in Star Wars, has never encountered an opponent in the same rank of war warriors, nor has he encountered a Skywalker who can actually exert more powerful force than him.

This power is even more than ten times greater than his power. Meng Hongyi even suspected that his opponent was Ling Wuxiu, otherwise how could there be such a powerful power?

This is just one point, and his speed is far inferior to this young man, the defense is more fragile like paper paste before this young man's palm.

Meng Hongyi is stupid. What a Skywalker, Pang Yuanming, you are a brainless idiot. No wonder you are going to die. You don’t even know what your opponent is. This teenager is obviously more terrible than war martial arts!

Meng Hongyi felt too wronged and was about to cry.

He didn't know that Wang Yin didn't do his best just now, because he and his three brothers' Qingming faces and their contempt and hatred for Pang Yuanming made Wang Yin feel like they were not all the way with Pang Yuanming.

If he knows, it is estimated that he will hit the wall with his head. I thought I was so good, but it turned out to be a stupid beep.

Fortunately, Wang Yin only wanted to kill Pang Yuanming to take revenge, but he didn't want to kill indiscriminate people, etc., otherwise Meng Hongyi might not even have his bones.

Meng Hongyi didn’t know that because of his benevolence and righteousness, Wang Yin moved his thoughts to save his life. He didn’t know that Wang Yin didn’t do his best just now, otherwise he might cry and burst into tears. The opportunities are gone.

"Boss!" The three brothers rushed over to help Meng Hongyi.

Meng Hongyi had a severe chest pain, a scorched, at least two ribs had broken, blood gas was not good, there was a burning tear in the meridians.

Just a palm!

In one palm, Juxing Roujin battles Wu Xiu like this. The three brothers couldn't help but widen their eyes, an unbelievable look.

Meng Hongyi is a master of physical training. What he is best at is strength and defense. As a result, he was broken by a teenager. What is the realm of this teenager?

Thinking of this, the faces of Meng Hongyi's three brothers all became a bit irony.

They and Meng Hongyi have the same brothers and sisters, and are also locked in this place at the same time, knowing Meng Hongyi's love for his daughter!

If it were not for Meng Hongyi’s daughter, the three would not even agree with Pang Yuanming’s deal. Who knew that the enemy was so powerful, even Meng Hongyi’s strongest trick could not deal with him, and was hurt by his palm.

"No hindrance!" Meng Hongyi supported to stand up. Although his chest hurt like a dagger cutting at any time, he didn't show a trace of pain.

Victory must be won, otherwise the news of her daughter will definitely not be available! You can't give up even if you die. Meng Hongyi continued to cheer himself up and calmly said to the three brothers: "Swing wind, rain and thunder!"

Three pairs of six sharp spikes as bright as Meng Hongyi's hands appeared in the hands of his three Jieyi brothers. Four of them were fan-shaped, and they went out to Wang Yin. Like four thunder eagles descending from the sky, the momentum is forcing people to kill their prey in one blow!

The wind and rain and lightning arrays are as shadowless as the wind, as dense as the rain, as violent as the thunder, and as swift as the electricity.

This is a combination of martial arts and martial arts by Meng Hongyi and three brothers.

Only four flexible warfare martial arts can be displayed. Once displayed, their power is even better than that of spiritual martial arts.

Meng Hongyi and others even defeated Ling Wuxiu with this formation, and even killed countless lord beasts.

This formation is the best way for their four brothers to press the bottom of the box. Most people don't know it at all. In a jargon, they are called-knowing people (monsters) are dead!

Of course, Pang Yuanming didn't know this set of methods. He thought that Meng Hongyi had already failed. He didn't expect another surprise, and he immediately rejuvenated himself.

When looking closely, Wang Yin seemed to fall into the wind, rain, thunder and lightning array of four people, just like a small boat in the stormy rain on the sea, there is the possibility of overturning at any time.

Although Wang Yin flew through the formation of four at a very fast speed, he still couldn't get out of the range of the formation. Like a small insect caught in a spider's web, the more he struggled, the faster he fell.

Pang Yuanming finally let down his heart and was glad that he had taken this step right. Although the four people in private release must have angered him, after all, the deadly killer was in front of him. If he could not stop the killer, everything would be empty.

Pang Yuanming was interested in watching from the sidelines, but Meng Hongyi and his three brothers in justice were suffering from their own knowledge.

Originally, this set of scholastic skills was not suitable for protracted warfare, but now it is impossible to end the fight in a short time against the young man in front of him!

The teenager never fought back, but floated around in the array with super high speed light power. It is said that such a high speed could not last forever, but the teenager's internal energy is constantly flowing, as if it will not fail, which makes the four people more stressed. Come heavier.

What makes them even more depressed is that this teenager will also give them a shot from time to time. Although this wind and rain thunder and lightning array is four in one, one person will be divided by four people if they are attacked, and they can also reduce part of the attack through the situation. Ling Wuxiu's counterattack did not have any pressure, but when they faced Wang Yin, they found that the previous laws had become all the past in him.

Wang Yin's palms reduced some of the power through the formation, and then transferred to the four people. The four people shared or brought almost unbearable pressure to the four people. It was like an elephant stepping on one foot, no matter there are four under the foot. An ant is still an ant. For ants, the pressure they feel is almost the same, and they are completely unbearable.

"What's the matter?" Even Pang Yuanming felt wrong. Wang Yin in the formation had not lost so obviously for a long time, but the four people like Meng Hongyi started to move vainly and act slowly as if they were not strong enough.

"What are you doing, hurry up, don't rub it!" Pang Yuanming started to urge Meng Hongyi, but they didn't know that they are suffering now. It's not that they don't want to accelerate their offense, but that they have been restrained by Wang Yin.

Wang Yin suddenly took a step and stopped at the place where Meng Hongyi originally wanted to step out. Meng Hongyi was about to bump into it and hurriedly stopped. At the moment when he was stunned, Wang Yin had moved away and immediately stepped on Meng Hongyi II. Where my brother just stepped on...

After a few steps, Wang Yin has completely disrupted the wind, rain and thunder array. Not only that, but now the four people are completely led by Wang Yin. Because as long as they can't keep up with one step, the position will completely collapse, and once the position collapses, they have no way to defeat the young man in front of them, and all their hopes will be lost.

They are like drowning people, and they refuse to let go of a straw. In fact, there is still a big question whether this straw is really useful.

Pang Yuanming also saw the disadvantage of the four, and did not know how the situation would suddenly reverse like this. Although Wang Yin's teeth tickled in his heart, he could only worry.

Wang Yin was very relaxed at this time. In fact, at the beginning, this formation did bring some pressure to him.

The combined force of the four is stronger than any single spiritual martial arts encountered before.

Although he couldn't hurt Wang Yin, he became interested. The four under-level war martial artists could actually attack more powerfully than Ling Wuxiu.

As the observation deepened, Wang Yin felt that the time in the wind, rain, thunder and lightning array had slowed down, and the original miserable rain had gradually slowed down, and then slowed down, and slowly returned to the actions of people, even the movements of these people. Great, every step and every way of them became a slow snail in Wang Yin's eyes.

After repeating it several times, Wang Yin had fully understood their weaknesses, and thought of a simple method of cracking—to get one step ahead and step on where they would step on.

After this step, the wind, rain, thunder and lightning array immediately became chaotic. The more Meng Hongyi and others wanted to maintain their position, the more they were seized by Wang Yin and took the lead, so that they would completely lose themselves later, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Of course, the com momentum cannot be sustained anymore, and it collapses suddenly.

Lost again! Pang Yuanming looked incredulously at Meng Hongyi and other four people who were full of confidence and vigorous spirit in the field. The open mouth seemed to be able to squeeze two big fists.

Although Pang Yuanming hadn’t seen the formation just now, he estimated that if he is against himself, he will never support the three moves. If he is replaced by a spiritual martial art that is one level stronger than him, It's unlikely to sustain ten moves.

But the young man in front of him turned over in less than thirty strokes. Not only did he not hurt at all, but he also used a simple method to lead Meng Hongyi and others in their noses, making them exhausted and finally collapsed.

Is this young man a human being, can he be like this? For the first time, Pang Yuanming had doubts about his determination to revenge his son.

After suspicion, Pang Yuanming did not give up, but he was also the leader of a bunch of people. I, Xiao Xiong, was not so weak that he could easily concede defeat.

"Get up, get up and fight again!" Pang Yuanming yelled at Meng Hongyi and others, and at the same time took out four round beads from his body and threw them to four people.

"Long Xiang Kuang Li Wan!" Meng Hongyi caught up with Xiaozhuzi's complexion.

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