Zhutian’s Strongest Need System

Chapter 473: Top 10 Jingwu

The man in white appeared again and said without emotion: "Congratulations, you have completed the second stage of the Jingwu trial!"

"The second stage? Why do I listen to the third stage?" Wang Yin suddenly panicked.

"Yes, the next stage is the third stage!" The white-clothed man nodded, floating with a blank expression on his face.

"Is it still going to fight 495?" Wang Yin was about to collapse, but he was at the lord level. Why did this trial emerge in endlessly like Chinese cabbage? This special is endless, he is serious Suspect that Longmen was targeting him.

He didn't know that other people had never experienced this kind of special treatment. Even if they were the first place in the end—of course, they were only the first on the surface compared with Wang Yin—the middle-aged scribes and the strangers were nothing but Those who challenged each of the three Lord Levels will be defeated, and those after them have never encountered Lord Level challenges.

As for him, because the results in the previous trials were so awesome, he took another path, a path that no one else is qualified to take.

"No, the third stage of the trial is very clear. There is only one person. As long as you defeat this person, you will complete all the trials!" The white-clothed person explained in time.

"A person! It sounds good, it's not easy to think about it!" Wang Yin muttered to himself.

"Of course it's not easy!" The white-clothed man said unexpectedly.

"What then?" Wang Yin wanted to ask more information.

"No, it's up to you!" The white-clothed man stopped saying anything, and slowly disappeared.

"No way, just leave like this. People who speak only half of their appetites are the most annoying!" Wang Yin muttered, but he also knew that if the person in white didn't want to say more, there was no way to ask.

When the scene changed, Wang Yin found himself on a piece of ocean, standing on a boat.

There is nothing else on the sea, only a lonely island, which seems to be the goal.

"If you are ready, turn the button on the ship, and it will take you to your destination." The voice of the man in white came from the air.

"What the **** is going on, just teleport me over and it's over!" Wang Yin muttered. Even though he said that, he knew that this was the last battle and there was absolutely no room for loss, so the necessary preparations were still needed.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare for the rectification of the equipment. The weapons and armor are intact, and the body is almost unharmed. Only the internal strength and physical strength are a bit high. Wang Yin spent some power from the heavens and pretended to run the internal strength and quickly recovered.

"Okay! Let's go!" Wang Yin pressed a round red button in the middle of the boat.

"It seems that there is still time to catch up with the good show!" There was a wave of ripples suddenly where the unicorn dragon and the lion head dragon were, and then two dragons appeared in the ripples. It was before that they went to "receive" the middle-aged scribes and chaotic hair. Weird two-headed dragon.

"You two also come to join in the fun!" Lion head dragon and two dragons said hello.

"It's been two thousand years. This may be the first person who can truly enter the temple in two thousand years! How can you not come here!" replied the stegosaurus with a sharp knife-like spur on his back.

"That's right!" The four-winged flying dragon converged its wings, found a big rock, lay down in a comfortable posture, raised its legs like a human, and said leisurely.

"I don't know who will guard the final pass!" The lion head dragon turned his head and looked at the unicorn dragon.

"Don't look at me, this is not my decision! I have no power at this point!" The unicorn shook his head with a look of frustration, and his eyes were still hazy. For three hundred years, the entire three hundred years of income was gone. , The unicorn feels his dragon heart is dripping blood!

"What's wrong with him? He looks desperate!" Both the stegosaurus and the four-winged flying dragon asked the lion head dragon curiously.

"You lost the collection for three hundred years. Are you sad if you change it?" Lion Head Dragon said softly.

"Three hundred years?!" The chins of the stegosaurus and the four-winged flying dragon were about to fall to the ground, "What did you do that angered people and was punished by the ancestor!"

"It’s not that the old ancestor was punished, but he was self-righteous and bet me that this little guy will definitely not be able to pass the second stage of Jingwu, and he will use his power to cheat. You know that the assessor has the right to increase the difficulty, but His own income was used as collateral, and he mortgaged it all the way, and the result..." The Lion Head Dragon showed an expression that you know.

"Hahahaha, you really are a weird thing!" As expected, the stegosaurus and the four-winged flying dragon laughed wildly when they heard here, smiling and laughing with tears coming out, they almost rolled on the ground.

The stubbornness of the unicorn dragon is almost about to explode. He can't wait to be able to personally beat this young man on his back, and let out the evil in his heart.

But when he saw the picture in the water mirror, he was suddenly startled.

"That, could it be..." The unicorn looked like a ghost~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ge

"What's wrong, this is, do you lose the bet again, haha!" Stegosaurus missed the opportunity to attack the unicorn.

"Look, who is that, am I wrong?"

"Who is it? Such a fuss!" Both the stegosaurus and the lion's head dragon looked strange and turned to look at the water mirror. The four-winged flying dragon who had been staring at the water mirror stood up at this time, motionless. Looking at the picture, he muttered: "It's him, it's him! It's been three thousand years, and he has never come out, but he came out today!"

"Who is that, is it awesome?" Neither the stegosaurus nor the lion's head dragon recognized the man in the black shirt on the isolated island in the water mirror?

"It's normal for you to be born late!" The eyes of the four-winged flying dragon were confused, as if lost in memories of the past.

"Do you know who the ten strongest Jingwu masters are?" the unicorn dragon asked.

"Is it a sword ghost, a sword sage, a spear god, a fighter..." The sword dragon is like a treasure.

"You are only talking about the top ten in the past thousand years, I mean the top ten in the history of Jingwu!" Unicorn did not recognize the answer of Stegosaurus.

"The top ten in Jingwu history!" Both Stegosaurus and Lion-headed dragon were taken aback. "This man is actually one of the top ten in Jingwu history!"

"The top ten in history are all epic heroes among the legendary mankind!" Stegosaurus added.

"Yes, and nine of them respect the other one as the head!" The unicorn dragon said this sentence word by word, as if it had exhausted all his energy.

"Could it be..." The stegosaurus and lion head dragon were also taken aback.

"Yes, it's him, Jingwu is the first-true!"

"How could he be the guardian of the last level!?" Stegosaurus was puzzled, which was completely unreasonable.

Although part of the assessment in the Dragon Gate is completed by the Dragon Clan’s self-administration, some of the content is not controlled by the Dragon Clan. For example, the guardian of the last level here is not determined by the Dragon Clan.

Having said that, it is absolutely impossible for this guardian to arbitrarily appoint, and it is absolutely not random. In fact, the determination of these decisive matters is carried out by Longmen's autonomous will, and the dragon has no right to interfere, but it must be said that this autonomous will All decisions made are reasonable, because throughout the history of the Jade Spirit Blood Dragon clan, there has never been a record of Longmen's will wrong.

The Biling Blood Dragon clan has also conducted many years of research and discussion on this Longmen Will, and the results have led them to draw many conclusions. One of them is that Longmen adheres to the rule that the greater the ability of the tester, the greater the pressure. That is to say, the criteria for judging and testing the weak and the strong are different. For the strong, it will ask more difficult questions, but it will not be so difficult that you absolutely cannot pass it.

For the weaker it thinks, it will give easier questions, but it will not be so easy that you can pass it at will.

Obviously, although Wang Yin's strength and potential are strong, he is definitely not ranked first in history. Since he is not ranked first, why is the person who came out to test him is definitely the first?

However, all of this is no longer important. The trial is about to begin. Once Wang Yin arrives on the island, nothing can be changed. There is only one last chance-for the unicorn.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" The four-winged flying dragon seemed to see the unicorn's mind and persuaded.

"This is the last chance!" The unicorn is very firm.

"What dumb riddles are you playing!" Stegosaurus and Lion's head dragon came up together.

"He wants to make a copy!" Four-winged flying dragon explained to stegosaurus and lion head dragon.

"Turn the book?" The two young dragons were puzzled.

"Although the last guardian of Jingwu is not determined by our dragon clan, after deciding the candidate, this strength can be adjusted by our dragon clan! From the real character to the tenth floor! So..." the four-winged flying dragon explained.

"So the idea of ​​Senior Ziguang is to adjust the real strength to the tenth level of the real person, and then defeat the trialer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the trialer is defeated, the prizes obtained before will naturally not be able to receive, so there is no Loss!" Stegosaurus said rushingly.

"That's it!" The four-winged dragon nodded.

"And because the people who played are real, once the strength is adjusted to ten percent, it is impossible for humans to defeat him, so this bet is almost a stable profit!" Lion Head Dragon continued to explain.

"What you said is correct, but I still want to persuade you, Ziguang, you only saw the most powerful gatekeeper, but this also means that this little human guy does have the strength worthy of real shots. ! These are two sides of a sword!"

"You’re right, Gale, how could I not consider this? My persistence lies in only one point, that is, it is absolutely invincible. I have seen all the history of the Trial of Jingwu and it is truly undefeated. , Has never been defeated, never!" The unicorn has increased his tone, "If one day someone can defeat the truth, then I think it is completely worthwhile to use these assets to see this earth-shaking battle!"

Now that he has made up his mind, the other three dragons will not say more, after all, he is the dragon on duty.


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