Zhutian’s Strongest Need System

Chapter 517: Karma Star

"What method did you use to get Fan Wenshi to let us out!" Guan Yuanliang asked Wang Yin.

At this time, the two had left the junction, and of course they were unharmed. With Wang Yin's efforts, there was no need for Guan Yuanliang to help. One hand was enough to surrender all enemies.

"Soul Capture!" Wang Yin chuckled, without further explanation.

"Is it really Soul Contemplation Dafa?" Guan Yuanliang believed that it was true. In such an environment, Fan Wenshi made completely unreasonable actions. Maybe only Soul Contemplation Dafa could explain it.

In fact, Wang Yin only used the charm of his mind. The reason why he wanted to provoke Fan Wenshi to let him come out was to draw out the principal and use the charm of his mind.

However, in fact, with Wang Yin's strength, these people can be easily dealt with even without charm. As for the fine iron cage, in Wang Yin's opinion, it is almost "reliable" with bamboo weaving.

Even with Chengying Flying Knife, it can be shredded at once, but Wang Yin didn't want to do that.

After experiencing this, Guan Yuanliang was completely disappointed with Lei Yushu, and now he just wanted to pick up Ning Youling as soon as possible and leave this place of right and wrong.

Ning Youling has always lived in the elegant garden of Canglong Mansion, which originally belonged to Lei Yushu, and Guan Yuanliang took Wang Yin to this elegant garden to find Lei Yushu.

Guan Yuanliang led Wang Yin over the wall into the elegant garden, and went straight to the small building where Ning Youling lived.

He wanted to take Ning Youling away and leave the Nightmare Cave of Ningkong Mountain from now on, to a wider world, and ignore the grievances here. But he didn't want to see Lei Yushu. Lei Yushu crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and arranged for him to be encircled and suppressed. If he sees that he is invincible, he will definitely share a position with him, but Ning Youling is his lover. Ning Youling, who is between the sweetheart and the master, would be uncomfortable and embarrassed if they faced each other, so it would be the best choice to quietly take Ning Youling away.

It's a pity that things backfired. Just as Guan Yuanliang took Wang Yin over the wall, Lei Yushu appeared in front of the two of them, as if he had been waiting there early in the morning.

"Guan Shaoxia, when did you come to my Yayuan and need to go over the wall?" Lei Yushu looked at Guan Yuanliang with a smile but at the same time glanced at Wang Yin, but then turned his head and didn't care about it. It is only a young man in the martial arts stage.

"Take it!" Guan Yuanliang didn't look good at Lei Yushu, and directly threw the letter from the ship king's family to Lei Yushu.

Lei Yushu didn't care about Guan Yuanliang's face. He unfolded the scroll and read it carefully, then put it away. It seemed that there was no doubt about the authenticity of Xinshu.

"Now I can see You Ling!" Guan Yuanliang asked with a sneer when he saw Lei Yushu put the Xinshu away without hesitation.

"Of course, you can see You Ling anytime!" Lei Yushu stepped away and blocked the way.

Guan Yuanliang didn't say much, and walked directly by Lei Yushu, towards Ning Youling's residence.

Wang Yin did not leave with Guan Yuanliang, but looked at Lei Yushu like a strange animal, and finally attracted the attention of Lei Yushu who wanted to leave.

"Who are you?" Lei Yushu asked arrogantly, with a condescending attitude, like a master scolding a servant.

"Hey!" The young man in front of him suddenly laughed, "It doesn't matter who I am. What is important is that you have other heart books besides this heart book?"

"What?" Lei Yushu didn't expect that this young man not only had no sense of fear, but even dared to ask himself, feeling a little strange at the moment.

"If there is any, please give me your copy and the one that Guan Yuanliang gave you just now!" the boy said seriously.

"Do you dare to entertain me?!" Lei Yushu's two flaming eyebrows fluttered, like two burning fire lights. He didn't expect this young man to look quite clever and clever. He didn't expect to be a fool, but he was wary of martial arts. , Even dared to speak rudely to a Lingwu Xiu peak, this is simply looking for death!

"I'm not entertaining you. Who has any skill? I mean, please hurry up, so that everyone can save trouble!" The boy in front of him seemed to have not seen Lei Yushu's angry face at all, and still had a hippy smile. Look like.

"You and Guan Yuanliang are not in the same group!?" Lei Yushu originally thought Wang Yin was just Guan Yuanliang's attendant, but now it seems that the two are not the same.

"Of course not, who is in the same group as the betrayer!" Wang Yin said disdainfully.

"You didn't come together?" Lei Yushu is not in a hurry to do it. In his opinion, once he does it, the boy in front of him must be caught by his hand. What he is more interested in is the origin and confidence of this boy. Dare to talk to him like this.

"We came together, but although the road is the same, the way is different!" Wang Yin seemed to have seen Lei Yushu's concern and continued: "In fact, it is like this. I just fancy Guan Yuanliang's heart book. He wanted to grab it, and then he couldn’t beat me and I was robbed by me, and then he cried and shouted that he would not be able to marry a wife without this heart book. As a noble martial artist, Born with his own chivalrous attributes, I promised him to borrow him for use first, and when he gave it to you and completed the task, he could take away his wife. Then I would trouble a little bit more and **** it from you. In the end everyone was happy. This is how it happened!" 2k

"So you are pretty sure to **** this heart book from my hand!" Lei Yushu smiled instead of anger, but his expression was as if he was about to choose someone to eat, obviously he was very angry in his heart.

"Of course!" Wang Yin patted his chest, "This is the key and essence of the whole plan. I'm sure I can get my heart back from you!"

"Okay, okay, since you are so confident, then you come and try!" Lei Yushu was stimulated to the extreme by Wang Yin, and finally couldn't help but shoot.

The word "Try" hasn't landed yet. In his cold eyes, two groups of fire suddenly burst out, like a pill furnace that suddenly exploded, a blue light flashed from his hands, instantly turning into hundreds of circles. Set to Wang Yin.

──What surprised him was that there was none of them.

how is this possible? Unbelief flashed in Lei Yushu's eyes. This Luohong Colorful Sword is a high-grade swordsmanship. After years of practice, he has reached the point of proficiency. It was originally his trick. Once it was used, the opponent was instantly hit by thousands of swords. , Blood is flying in the sky, so it is called Luohongfen.

He would not take this move easily. Today, because he was angered by Wang Yin, he shot it in anger and vowed to play Luohong Colorful again, but he didn't expect this to look like a mere martial arts warrior, so he would easily escape it. It's like Deng's apprentice walking a show in front of beautiful women.

"Impossible, how can you avoid my swordsmanship as a Zhan Wuxiu?" Lei Yushu shouted, but involuntarily panic appeared in his heart.

"No, you are not Zhan Wuxiu, you are Ling Wuxiu!" Lei Yushu was not an idiot, and he understood in an instant.

"Congratulations, it's a pity that you got a wrong answer!" Wang Yin gave Lei Yushu a thumbs up.

This act of praise was the greatest irony in Lei Yushu's eyes. His face turned red, like a soldering iron that had been burnt for a long time.

"Dare to entertain me and die!" Lei Yushu suddenly tore off the cloth strip on his right forearm, and with a strong wind, like a dark cloud, he threw it towards Wang Yin... While throwing the cloth strip, he hid it on his forearm Nine-point cold star was shot out of a thin tube.

This hand is Lei Yushu's "Star in the Cloud" stunt that used to traverse the world in the past years. I don't know how many masters have lost their lives in this one.

This is a Lingwuxiu Duan Tianxin weapon, even Lingwuxiu can't dodge it.

When I heard the wind, it was too late to hide from myself.

This move eliminated countless powerful enemies for Lei Yushu. Lei Yushu was relieved by this move, because he consciously didn't have any martial arts to evade this trick, let alone a little one. .

However, what he didn't expect was that the boy in front of him did not panic or sigh in despair at all. Instead, he showed an expression that should never appear at this time-it is a kind of look like an adult. The expression of disdain and ridicule that saw through the trick of the kid.

In the surprised eyes of Lei Yushu, Wang Yin's body actually dashed back like a crossbow, and the speed was a bit faster than the cold star shot from the machine bracket.

Lei Yushu watched as Wang Yin suddenly stretched out his hand, and then gently caught the cold stars in his hand like a butterfly in a flower bush.

In Lei Yushu’s eyes, there was a glimmer of imperceptible sorrow and conspiracy success. The star in the cloud was originally called the star of the fire. Tricky, extremely fast, and the most important thing is that it will explode!

Why countless Lingwuxiu masters were injured or even killed by it, the key is here, maybe someone can take it, maybe someone can block it, but it is not easy for anyone to think that it will explode.

And the explosive contained in it is blood flame~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is a substance that is a hundred times stronger than kerosene, not to mention Wuxiu, even steel will be melted.

This is the same insidious hidden weapon, and it will explode. There is a conspiracy on one hidden weapon. The Flame King is indeed a genius of conspiracy and trickery!

It is a pity that he met Wang Yin!

What was even more sad was that he realized the terribleness of this young man was too late.

The fire star that was held by Wang Yin did not explode. Lei Yushu finally realized that it was wrong, but it was too late. Wang Yin reflected the fire star back!

Lei Yushu's astonishment instantly turned into panic. He was merciless when he calculated others, and when it was his turn, he was also afraid of death, because even he himself could not resolve the attack of the Karma Fire Star.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The huge explosion made the entire house tremble violently, the gunpowder dissipated, and several large holes with a depth of more than ten meters appeared on the ground paved with big bluestone.

Swish, swish, swish, piercing the air, several people flew in and appeared in front of Wang Yin.

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