"What, looking for death!" The giant was furious. He didn't expect that there would be someone more mad than him in this world.

However, he was soon speechless, because Wu Xiu in front of him had already launched an attack at the moment he was speaking.

A simple punch came straight, but in the view of the giant, it seemed as if he was facing a huge mountain, unpretentious, but unparalleled.

This punch blocked his whole body's retreat, and there was no other retreat except for resisting him.

To retreat is to sell his life to the other party!

"Ah! Die to me!" Knowing that this is not the time to reserve, the giant finally used his most powerful force.

His muscles swelled suddenly, as if instantly turning into a muscular beast. The blood vessels on his arms were like twisted snakes. The huge blood and energy even made his nose and mouth bloody.

"Boom!" The two fists banged against each other, and the giant didn't regress, and even the clothes on his body were not broken.

"Interesting, it's actually born with great power!" Ranfa was surprised at the power of giants. He felt that the power of giants was definitely not something that he could cultivate at this level, but he was born with it.

There was a wailing in the giant's heart, and the random punch was the real peak of softness. Although his body did not appear to be injured, in fact, there was already a retrograde flow of blood inside, violent internal breathing, and broken internal organs.

But fortunately, he had the innate great power and messy hair that no one else had. He hadn't guessed the powerful repair ability, but this punch failed to completely defeat him.

However, the giant wanted to fight back, but found that the fist at the moment of chaos had become very weird, like a gloomy big net, slowly gathering, trying to strangle him in it.

The fist fell from all directions, and it was not ventilated, as if the body was filled with countless small hammers. No matter which direction you hid, there would be hammers knocking over. This knocking directly smashed a person's vigor, and the injury was Expand to the entire body.

Although due to the giant body's physique, the entire body was able to withstand the attack, but it was all right for a while. But the giant knows that if this continues, he has no way to fight back, and it will be a matter of time before he loses.

You can't just wait and die.

"Suck!" Uesugi's brows, who had been watching him, suddenly frowned. Although the giant had been chased and beaten just now, he was not worried about his life, but when he decided to fight back, Uesugi felt that something was wrong.

"What are your worries?" the subordinate next to him asked.

"It's dangerous!" Uesugi seemed to mutter to himself.

As the two spoke, the situation changed in the field.

It turned out that the giant had been avoiding, although he was injured, but because of his own peculiarities, he couldn't do anything about it for a while, at least it could not kill him in a short time.

It's like squeezing an egg hard, because the force is even, it won't break for a while, but the premise is that there is no crack in the egg shell.

Once the eggshell cracks on its own, it is...

"Kacha!" One of the giant's hands was disturbed, followed by a leg. It was the two body parts that he tried to fight back. Without the overall protection, they were instantly broken.

The giant was unsteady, staggering, and saw that an awl-like finger with a messy hair had already poked his heart, unable to defend himself, unable to avoid it.

"Three moves have arrived, we lost!" Uesugi screamed at this moment. k

The fingers stopped in the middle of the hair, as if they had never been pierced.

"It's good to admit defeat, and finally realize that you are rubbish!" Luan said coldly, kicking the giant into the sky and falling into Uesugi's back.

Uesugi and Wu Xiu behind him both glared at him, but before they could do anything, they suddenly heard someone shouting "The token really started."

"It's true!" is a special term in the world of Nightmare in the Hollow Mountain. It refers to the process of redefining the tokens of the top ten city masters.

Previously, everyone who entered the trial tower could get a token, which was issued by the trial tower. As for the tokens owned by the original Ten Major City Lords, everyone would be obsessed with it, leaving no special marks.

When the trial is completed, the trial tower will distinguish the tokens owned by all teams according to the scores of each person. Those approved by the trial tower will become the real Ten Lord Order, while those that are not approved will be ordinary. One of the tokens.

As for the fact that there may be two-sided tokens when a team enters, that is not allowed. The trial tower will only recognize the first person to hold the token, and the latter token will be directly invalidated.

"Wu Ding Feng, Wu Ding Feng is real, sure enough, first or first!" Someone sighed.

"Buddha is merciful! The brothers have worked hard!" The second one who got the token was Duankong Temple.

"How is it possible, why do I only have one?" Lu Zhenxian also got it, but he seemed very unhappy. In his initial thoughts, he should have at least four or five. Later, he saw himself and the first one. The goal was lowered only after the gap, but he had to have at least two, and he was very upset to have only one now.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect our ship king family would still have one!" A burst of joyful laughter made everyone look at it.

"The ship king family is there? Why is there still no movement in front of them?"

"Yeah, it's really weird!"

"How could this be possible for the Wolf King Family and Tianhuang City to lose to the Ship King Family?"

"Does the Trial Tower also engage in admission shady, so that those with lower scores can be admitted first?"

"Yes, their score... Ah, no, look at the score on the tablet!"

"Ah, how is it possible?" Countless people looked at the already solid scores on the stone tablet, and opened their mouths wide.

The stone tablet originally ranked first (Wang Yin), the second was the second (Lü Zhenxian), and the third was the third (Wu Dingfeng), but since then they have changed.

The fourth became the Duankong Temple, the fifth became the family of the ship king, and the latter were arranged from Tianhuangcheng.

"Could it be that there are still people in the ship king family, why would they jump up?"

"Yes, it's weird, everyone in their family is obviously here!"

"Bage, why don't we have a token? Obviously they are all on the rankings!" Unlike Daqin's practice, which is just confusing, for Uesugi and the Sun Island people, they are surprised and angry.

Their rankings are clearly in the top ten, but they didn't get a token.

Wuding Peak Master and the host of Duankong Temple looked at the number that ranked first, thoughtfully.

"Is it possible, the remaining six sides..." The two looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

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