Zhutian’s Strongest Need System

Chapter 677: The agency

"You are making good calculations!" Wang Yin saw the Taoist's purpose in an instant. He just wanted to give up the rescue of the little girl and pursue him before he could react.

It's a pity that he has exhausted his organs, but when he meets Wang Yin, it is still nothing.

Wang Yin's sword light flashed, and the sword light was fierce under the combined strength, covering all the black creatures that attacked him. Those black creatures could not resist at all, and they turned into slags.

The sword light did not stop, rushing into the sky like a horse, and slashed accurately on the Taoist and the white cloud on which he was riding. The Taoist screamed, blood spattered on his body, and a right arm was instantly separated from the body, and the white cloud was also cut into pieces. In the two halves, he lost his balance, fell from a height of thirty feet, and fell straight into a dog to eat shit, and his previous chic demeanor was gone.

"Even if you stop me, it's useless, there is still a way of Stone Heart Wood Hornets and Stone Heart Pythons that will make you regret for a lifetime..." The Taoist's resentment writhed in his heart, and he looked at the Stone Heart Wood Hornets who pounced on the Suwen trio And the stone heart python who entangled the little girl about to escape.

But the reality surprised him again. The stone-hearted wood wasps that attacked the Suwen three people danglingly hit a hemispherical stone bag and couldn't get in at all, and the stone-hearted python was covered by a layer of white. The thin stone was covered and immovable.

"What's the matter?" The Taoist palpitated, he already felt that the young man in front of him was definitely not an ordinary martial artist, and there were too many secrets hidden in him.

Wang Yin ignored him, his sword light flashed, killing all the stone-heart wood wasps outside the hemispherical stone bag.

"Puff!" The Taoist spit out blood directly. These stone-hearted wood wasps were all controlled by a queen bee. Now the queen bee connected with the Taoist blood was also killed by Wang Yin's sword, and the Taoist was also hit hard.

Seeing Wang Yin walked towards the snake again, the Taoist hurriedly shouted: "Stop! Stop!"

Where would Wang Yin pay attention to him, and cut directly into the seven-inch area of ​​the petrified python. With Wang Yin’s palm, even a piece of pig iron can be easily broken, not to mention just a stone heart giant that has been petrified. The python was just past the edge of his palm. The python's body was directly broken into two sections, and the cut was smooth and flat, as neat and smooth as the section of a fruit cut by a knife.

"You!" The Taoist was angry and anxious, and a mouthful of blood spurted out again, and the whole person was stuck on the ground, as if he was dehydrated.

"Thank you for your help, son!" The stone snake broke, and the woman who was as bright as a peach blossom escaped and gave a deep bow to Wang Yin.

"You're welcome!" Wang Yin nodded slightly to the girl, then walked to the Weiton Taoist and kicked him: "Don't pretend to be dead, where are the villagers you captured?"

"Who are you?" Taoist asked weakly, "How can you break my Taoism?"

"Daoshu! Haha!" Wang Yin applied a healing technique to the Taoist.

The Taoist immediately felt cool, and his injuries healed at a speed visible to human eyes.

"This is also Taoism?" He was taken aback.


"Oh!" The Taoist was in sharp pain, and turned his head, a snow-white skeleton was swinging an axe and cutting on his back.

"You actually can summon Dao Shu!" His eyes were about to stare out of shock.

This young man's Taoism is actually much stronger than him, this time he really kicked the iron.

"No, even if your Taoism is strong, how can your martial arts break my Taoism?"

"Destroy Taoism?" Wang Yin was shocked, why can't martial arts break Taoism? This is not normal in the legendary world!

"Ignorance kid! I really don't understand why such an ignorant person can break my Taoism!" The Taoist sighed secretly, sighing helplessly, and he was really depressed, and he didn't know where this stunned youth came from.

"Something to say!" Wang Yin kicked his waist again.

The Taoist was in pain, and he could only slowly say: "Daoshu cannot be cracked with ordinary power. No matter how many layers of internal strength and external strength, it is impossible to crack, unless you are promoted to Lingwu Xiu, but you are obviously not..."

The Taoist did not lie. Although his Taoism is not strong, it is not something that ordinary Skywalkers can crack, unless it is Lingwu Xiu.

"So that's it!" Wang Yin smiled secretly, "He only knows that there is inner strength and outer strength in the world, but he doesn't know that there is a unity of strength that is far above the inner strength and outer strength. The inner and outer strength cannot be broken. It was also shocked by the strength of Heyijin, and even Taoism can be broken, this is almost omnipotent!

"Although the thing I am driving is only stone heart wood, the Taoism contained in it is not trivial. I didn't expect..." The more I thought about Taoism, the more depressed it became, and I was about to cry.

"Okay, I see, I broke your so-called powerful Daoshu. That's what it is. Now let's talk about business. Where did you shut down those villagers?" Wang Yin interrupted Daoshu. chatter.

"You have to promise to let me go, and I will tell you where the villagers are!" Taoist priests dare not use force against Wang Yin now, but it is okay to play tricks.

"Don't talk about terms with me. A defeated general is not qualified to negotiate terms!" Wang Yin replied with a very disdainful tone, and then said to himself seemingly casually, "Don't tell me, yes, I can just search for the soul directly. !"

"Soul search?!" The Taoist was shocked, "You, you, you are still a Mind Warlock!"

Wang Yin chuckled, neither admitted nor denied, but the Taoist priest saw a dangerous light in Wang Yin's eyes.

"Don't search for souls, I said it's not alright?" The Taoist priest is sure that he is not mistaken, this young man is really good at searching for souls. Once this soul search technique is used, it is likely to turn himself into an idiot. He doesn't want to take such a risk. Death is not terrible, but it is too shameful to become an idiot.

"It's so good!" Wang Yin snorted coldly.

Just as the two talked, the hemispherical stone bag surrounding the Suwen three people spread out automatically~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as if a flower cell was in full bloom, and the half of the snake entwining the peach blossom girl was also broken. , Fell to the ground.

"Sister Yingying!" Li Cha desperately rushed to Peach Girl, and then knelt down, "You are fine, it is great!"

"Boss, it really is you, I knew that there is nothing in this world that can stop you! You really came out of the abyss of trial!" Gao Xin jumped up like a monkey, as if he was crazy with joy.

"Brother Xiaoyin!" Su Wen also grabbed Wang Yin and looked at him closely. "Are you all right!" There were tears in his eyes.

"Trial Abyss!?" The Taoist's face looked ugly as if he had just eaten stool.

"You can come out of the abyss of trial! Fake?"

"You little dwarf, don't you understand? Our boss, there is no place to trap him in this world. What is the small abyss of trials?" Gao Xin boasted, and there is no tax anyway. .

"Okay, I'll admit it!" The Taoist said dejectedly.

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