“Brother, what’s going on? Did the zombies catch up with us? Hey? Why are Mr. Ren and Miss Ren here?”

As soon as I got back to the charity cemetery, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai surrounded me.

“The zombies ran away. Master Ren and Tingting came to live in the charity cemetery for a while. Wencai, go and help Master Ren and Tingting clean up the room. There is a new quilt in the west wing.····”

“I’ll go right away~” Wencai nodded in agreement and turned to run.

Lin Chen shook his head helplessly, then looked at Qiu Sheng;”Qiu Sheng, Master Ren was scratched by a zombie, go prepare some glutinous rice water for Master Ren to take a bath. If there is not enough glutinous rice in the charity cemetery, there is some more in the carriage!”

Lin Chen brought back all the glutinous rice from the Ren family before coming, so there was no need to make a special trip to buy it!

“Okay, then I’ll drive the carriage to the backyard first!”Qiu Sheng looked at Master Ren and nodded in agreement.

“I’ll go and help too~” Ren Tingting was a little embarrassed. Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were both Lin Chen’s junior brothers. If she married into the family in the future, she would be their sister-in-law!

“No need, just let them do their work!” As soon as Uncle Jiu entered the room, he heard Ren Tingting asking for help, and he was very satisfied!

It seems that the eldest daughter of the Ren family is not bad. Although she is a young lady, she does not have so many problems of a young lady, which is very important!

“”Master, you came back so soon?” Lin Chen was a little surprised. He had just arrived home. Didn’t the master go chasing zombies?

Uncle Jiu was a little disappointed.”There is no way. The zombie must have run to the mountains. There is no way to find it in the middle of the night!”

He was not brave enough to run to the mountains at night. Not to mention other dangers, there were many wild beasts in the mountains. He could still deal with monsters, but it would be troublesome if he encountered wild beasts!

Although he could solve it, if he encountered a wolf pack, even he would suffer!

“Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai both went to clean up the room?”

“Wencai was tidying up the room, Qiu Sheng was setting up the carriage, and then he had to prepare glutinous rice water for Uncle Ren to take a bath and remove toxins!”

“Glutinous rice water?” Uncle Jiu nodded;”Yes, that’s a good idea. It will be faster to remove the poison with snake medicine!”

“I also wrote down this method after hearing it from Uncle Simu.”Lin Chen smiled. When it comes to dealing with zombies, it is Simu, who is a corpse-driving person, who has the most say!

The master is actually best at catching ghosts and reading Feng Shui.

However, because the master is talented, he actually knows a little bit of everything and has learned a little bit of various methods!

It’s just that he is not so proficient!

“Wow~, Master, how come one of the little black dogs died?”Wen Cai had just cleaned up the room and went out to see a little black dog shivering in the corner, and there was a dead body of a puppy not far away!

“I almost forgot!” Lin Chen patted his forehead;”Master, will the dog turn into a zombie after being bitten by a zombie?”

“Zombie dogs? I don’t think I’ve heard of them. Will they be fierce?”Lin Chen was really curious. He seemed to have never heard of animals turning into zombies. Was it impossible or was he just ignorant? Would zombies turned from animals be more fierce?

“It won’t turn into a zombie, but if it’s not handled properly, there will be problems!” Uncle Jiu was confused by the question, and thought about it carefully before giving an answer.

“Although it won’t turn into a zombie, the corpse poison will still exist in the body, so it’s better to burn it!”

“Burn?” Qiu Sheng had just returned from the backyard, and when he heard what his master said, he subconsciously laughed.

“No, Xiao Hei was most afraid of fire when he was alive, so we can’t burn him!”

Ren Fa;”·····”

This sentence sounds strangely familiar. Have I heard it somewhere before?

Hey, you got something against me? Are you looking for trouble?

“Poof~” Wencai couldn’t help but laugh out loud

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Uncle Jiu glanced at Ren Fa awkwardly. Although he had some opinions about Ren Fa’s previous behavior, this was his future in-law.

“”Alas~” Ren Fa smiled bitterly;”I was too stubborn before. If I had listened to Uncle Jiu earlier, this wouldn’t have happened!”

He really regretted it. If he had known it would turn out like this, he would never have kept his father’s body!

After all, he has been dead for so many years, and it’s no big deal to burn it!

Now because he cares about his reputation, it has become like this, and both he and his daughter are in danger. It’s really…····

But it’s too late to regret now. Even if Uncle Jiu had told him that his father would transform into a zombie and come back to find him, he would not have believed it. He had never seen it with his own eyes. How could he easily believe such an outrageous thing!

“I…I’ll go prepare the glutinous rice water.” Qiu Sheng also knew that he had said the wrong thing. He just slipped up and subconsciously thought of Master Ren’s big talk before, and his mouth started to babbled.

“Ahem~, Uncle Ren, don’t worry, I’ll go teach him a lesson!” Lin Chen was also a little embarrassed;”Tingting, you go and have a rest first, the quilt and other things are all new, just tell Wencai if you see anything missing!”

“Okay, I understand, Brother Chen, you go ahead and do your work, I’ll accompany Dad for a while!”Ren Tingting is very well-behaved, and she knows that she can’t help much.

Besides, Ren Fa will have to take a bath soon, and it’s not appropriate for her to stay here, so she might as well wait for a while and go to rest!

There is no need to worry about the safety of the charity cemetery, at least Ren Tingting feels safe with Lin Chen by her side!

“Okay, go and help. I’m here to talk to Master Ren!”

Well, it seems that the marriage of my apprentice and Ren Tingting can be put on the agenda, and I have to discuss the specific time with Master Ren.

Lin Chen took the body of the little black dog with him when he left. It would be better to get rid of it as soon as possible.

But what is the principle? Why do people mutate when they are scratched by zombies, but animals don’t?

Otherwise, wait for Uncle Simu to come back in two days, and study it together. Maybe there will be some gains?

Forget it, Master Ren’s affairs have not been dealt with yet, don’t make trouble, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future!

After a busy time, when Ren Fa’s wound was treated, it was almost dawn. Everyone had been tossing all night and didn’t have much energy to chat, so they simply took a nap first.


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