Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1434: Do not accept

"Yes! Li Shu is willing to follow him for life!"

To be honest, Li Shu wasn't very sincere. He just wanted to live, and of course he was a bit shocked by Qin An's momentum.

But the key question now is how to deal with the Qingjian people who have chased into the camp?

"Well, Li Shu, I will be your boss from today. No matter how you lived before, from now on you must face life with my values. If you can do it, I will protect you for ten years. If you can’t do it, if you can’t do it...or those words, there will be no peace of mind!"

Qin An said something loudly, and Liu Aimo looked at Qin An's heart with curiosity.

This man is obviously a person of good morals, so why does he use Li Shu again?

Li Shu abandoned his tribe, robbed other people's wives, split the power of the team, and planned to eat people when he was in crisis. Obviously he was a villain!

So why should a good person take the initiative to bond with a bad person?

Liu Aimo didn't know, but the question itself was the answer.

Qin An felt that he was a cruel and ruthless person in the cloak of a good person.

After meeting with Li Shu, he thought that although this person looked evil, his inner nature did not seem to be bad enough.

So if a fake good person and a not-so-bad evil person are tied together every day, maybe some wonderful chemical changes will occur, right?

There must be my teacher for the three-person line. Qin An's temperament has been finalized now, and naturally he does not want to change himself.

It's just that he wants to have a person like Li Shu by his side, and then ask him for his opinions when encountering problems, so as not to be too subjective.

Of course, the final decision must be yourself.

Qin An is deliberately building a team, because he has already felt the smoke of the end-time war.


"Haha, Nanhe, come and see, there are still some earthlings here!"

The man named Zhendong looked very leisurely, like a cat playing with mice.

His voice fell, Nan He and others appeared in the sight of everyone, and slowly walked over.

When the seven people were still ten meters away from Qin An, they stopped.

That Xiao Beilan knelt on the ground cleverly again, this knee is too soft, the woman of the Qingjian clan is really amazing.

Nan He seemed to have a very bad impression of the people on earth. After scanning around, his eyes finally fell on Qin An, seeing Li Shu and others kowtow to others, and he understood a little bit in his heart.

"The rice pearl also shines? I didn't expect that there are superhumans of the earth human race here. Zhendong, do it, kill them all, and we will continue to look for the victims of the tribe."

Nan He was very clever to judge that Qin An must be a supernatural person, otherwise the man named Li Shu would not kneel to him for help.

In Nan He's heart, even if he was an earth human supernatural power, he didn't care about it.

This kid is a bit short-sighted, mainly because since he came to the earth, he has basically never walked out of the territory of the Qingjian tribe, and the men in the Qingjian tribe are originally arrogant and ignorant.

In fact, the Black Blood City adjacent to them is already very powerful, at least several times stronger than Qingjian City, but it's a pity that the men of the Qingjian Clan have not realized this.

Qin An's eyes became gloomy after hearing Nan He's words.

He has been a powerful supernaturalist for thirty-three years, still has moral constraints in his heart, and will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. And this Nan He was about to kill everyone like himself before he opened his mouth and shut his mouth. This was really rampant.

Qin An is a person who likes to put himself under the system. This may be a bit old-fashioned, and some people feel that they are not enough.

Before the end of the world, some novels of defying fate and fate are often chased by readers. They like to watch the protagonist who breaks the rules and seeks to survive hard, but Qin An is the kind who will not break the rules, but only based on the rules People who establish their own code of conduct.

Therefore, Qin An disliked this Nanhe very much. Although his current strength has only recovered less than half, Qin An is still confident that he can kill this group of guys. After all, he is now able to use the spell card, which is an ultimate move that even ghost spells cannot defend.

The guy named Zhendong raised his sword, and before Qin An told him, the young and energetic Li Chenxian stepped out and stood in front of him.

This young man was suffocating his breath. Before, he was going to fight with Li Shu, but he didn't accept it at all.

In the past when he was in the ballroom, as a small supernatural power, Li Chenxian's status was really not high. In addition, he had a good heart. He would not bully people below, but was often bullied by above.

Nowadays, he has become a **** super body realm. It would be a waste if he couldn't fight happily.

Another very important reason... Li Chenxian fell in love and fell in love with the woman in the white gown at first sight!

She is so beautiful, and her elegant temperament is like the holy lotus in the legend of Great China!

Shouldn't such a woman be embraced in her arms as a goblin that harms the country and the people? Why kneel down to other people?

accurate! Lee Chenxian is extremely upset!

Qin An hesitated slightly when he saw Li Chenxian step forward.

He has seen Xiao Beiyu’s strength. Although the kid is not as good as the spirit-level magician Dishana, if he fights against the soul-level magician Xianglan Sharjah, he should have a chance of winning. The strength of the sword repairer.

Four soul sword repairmen are sword repairmen who have comprehended the four kinds of sword **** abilities. The combat power of the same level is different because of the different comprehensible abilities. Some may have the power of a demigod, while others may not necessarily fight. Had three soul sword repairs.

In any case, Qin An was worried that Li Chenxian was not his opponent, but he didn't say anything after seeing him already on the stage. Anyway, if he was there, he shouldn't be beaten to death, so let's become a soldier! Now that Caitlin is by her side and will protect Weng Lan and the children in the future, Qin An needs a group of powerful personal guards!

Over there, Li Chenxian had already tilted his neck and clamored with the enemy.

"Hey, aliens, the earth is not your hometown, it's best to keep a low profile! Go ahead! Women stay and men disappear, otherwise don't blame Grandpa for being cruel, let you all go date with God!"

Qin An originally took a sip of the noodle soup. The big boss, he needs to maintain an elegant and calm posture. He is as calm as Zhuge Liang stationed at the gates of Xicheng County. He intends to learn from his old man’s empty city plan, waved to make Li Shu and others stand up. On one side, he picked up the rice bowl in front of him and took a sip of soup.

At this moment, when he heard Li Chenxian's words, a mouthful of noodle soup almost didn't come out in his mouth!

What does it mean that women stay and men disappear?

Lee Chenxian was a Jiangyang thief who wandered about the rivers and lakes in his last life, right? This is too ridiculous!

Sure enough, the man named Zhendong turned into eggplant purple after hearing Li Chenxian's words.

"An earthling like garbage! How dare you... dare to be so arrogant!"

As the saying goes, the words are not speculative.

After Zhendong shouted angrily, he directly stepped forward to fight with Li Chenxian. Li Chenxian was also unambiguous, raising his fists and hitting the opponent.

After a few rounds, Qin An was relieved, because Zhendong's strength was estimated to have just entered the state of strong body.

The members of the Green Sword tribe have no strange abilities, and rely solely on the physical strength and stamina of the refining of blood energy to fight, so the two of them are on a par.

It seemed that Xiao Beiyu should have been wandering for many years, and his ability level had improved a lot. Nan He didn't understand him at all, and was just a frog in the bottom of a well.

The combat of the two supernaturalists is very single, that is, hand-to-hand combat, but their speed power is too strong for ordinary people, making Wang John, Liu Aimo, Li Shu and others dumbfounded.

Among them, Li Shu was most frightened.

When I saw that Qin An was the head of this group, I didn't expect that Li Chenxian, who was responsible for running errands, was so powerful!

Their fight is as if the superheroes Spiderman and Batman in American movies are tearing. It's like a force. In Li Shu's eyes, I only feel dizzy. What kind of ordinary superhero fight is this?

The strongest human power on Earth that Li Shu has ever seen in his life may also be the strength of the seventh or eighth level mutation. Therefore, he was naturally frightened when he saw the confrontation between the super physical realm strong. At the same time, he was even more afraid of Qin An. How strong is this person? Seeing Li Chenxian's appearance, he is a little brother character in front of Qin An, and he speaks very respectfully! A boss with such a powerful little brother...Li Shu narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly felt that his chance was here!

Li Shu has a completely different character from Qin An.

What Qin An said was a bit ugly, and he didn't have a great chance in his life.

If it weren't for his luck and ability, he might have died eight hundred times in the last days.

Li Shu is an ordinary person living at the bottom of society. He actually has the heart of a king, but because of the backbone of reality, he can only be an ant.

It is said that standing on the shoulders of giants will see farther.

If he could hug the big tree Qin An, then... a bright road flashed in Li Shu's eyes and he saw his own future.

He was originally standing at will. At this time, his feet were brought together, his body straightened and then he bent slightly, standing behind Qin An like a heartfelt and low-key old servant.

John Wang and others all stepped aside, and Liu Aimo also woke up the weak Demi and helped him to leave.

The fight between Li Chenxian and Zhendong is still very fierce, so the damage to the surroundings is very strong.

The people on Qin An's side did not move, because Qin An was sitting on the ground without moving, so the people hiding behind him would naturally not run.

"Did you see it? Even if it is a fight with a supernatural power, real hand-to-hand combat is actually no different from your kids fighting. = There are only two main links, the first is not to be hit by the opponent's attack, and the second is to hit the enemy's vitals with all your strength . I don’t want you to fight casually in the future, but you must be able to fight. From now on, you will add a battle class every day, okay?"

Several children nodded one after another.

Qin Yana occasionally leaked her face while hiding in Qin An's arms. She was actually a little afraid of fighting, but she couldn't help but watch.

Qin Xiangming is very calm, but he is not very interested in this kind of scene.

Qin Dafeng, Qin Erhe, and Qin Sanshan all clenched their small fists, their eyes widened as they watched.

Qin An felt a little funny looking at their nervous expressions.

When I was their age, I seemed to be a lot dull. I usually don’t take the initiative to provoke trouble, but no one bullies him because he is a bit stupid. He has always dared to attack when fighting, so the nearby children and school classmates are basically Will not come to provoke him.

It seems that the characters of the children may be more like Weng Lan. Weng Lan said that when she was young, she was very naughty.

Qin An drove a small errand and thought of his favorite woman.

The face of Nan Xi, the leader of the seven, changed at this time. He didn't expect that a small earthling would be able to tie Zhendong.

It seemed that Zhendong was still at a disadvantage between the exchanges. He was hit with seven or eight punches, while Zhendong only hit the opponent three punches.

"Nanxi, this person seems to have reached the realm of sword repair and strong body!"

"Well, Gong Yan, you're right. I didn't expect that some of the earthlings could reach the physical state! Where did they get the Soul Stone?"

"Huh, the people on earth are cunning and treacherous, they sell everything in their black market!"

Xiao Beilan, who was kneeling on the ground, whispered: "My brother has sent back many letters. It says that there are many sword repairmen among the people on earth today. They are weak and can exchange other things and the sword spirit star race for the sword soul stone. Then devour energy to become a sword repairer."

"Shut up! Can you believe what your brother said? That's not a good one!" Nan Xi became very strict with Xiao Beilan because of a bad mood.

Xiao Beilan hurriedly bent down and lowered her head, crawling on the ground.

During the fight, Li Chenxian still had the energy to pay attention to what happened on Xiao Beilan's side. Seeing that she was so humble, his heart became extremely depressed, and his strength became even more violent. He hit Zhendong’s temple with a punch for several rounds. The powerful force made his body fly ten meters and fell to the ground, and he could not stand up for a while.

Li Chenxian jumped ten meters, jumped over and rode on Zhendong, with a sharp dagger in his hand.

"go to hell!"

After angrily, the dagger was inserted from Zhendong's eyes.


Zhendong let out a painful cry, red blood surged in his eyes.

Except for Nan He himself and Xiao Beiyu, the other four people saw that Zhendong was injured and immediately moved forward together after being shocked.

Behind Qin An, Concubine Li, Anne, Benita, and Catalina rushed forward, and then played against the enemy 4v4!

Among these people, only Catalina had no combat experience at all, because she leapt directly from ordinary people into the realm of strong body.

However, Catalina now has a deep understanding that even with Qin An's protection in this dangerous world, she must become stronger by herself, even if she can't help Qin An, she can't hold her back. To be a mother, always set an example for her children.

Therefore, Catalina is also expecting a chance to fight. Now seeing Li Chenxian defeated his opponent, and seeing other women all helping, she also gritted her teeth and planned to break through herself!

Everyone around me was frightened!

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