Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1477: Relief or crisis?

In the first few years of Jiulong Liancheng, many Qin An black fan camps commented on the Internet that Qin An is a bitch, a soft-hearted man, and would not have a good life if it weren't for supernatural powers.

But then there was a voice saying that Qin An is a false Virgin. A man with such a character can attract those who are kind to follow, and can suppress the villains who plot badly by his side, so he can adapt to the end times and easily become a small team. leader.

Qin An personally thinks that the latter statement is right. He knows that he is not so kind, he just has the heart of the Virgin, and then he plans to formulate his code of conduct.

When the mood occupies the dominant position, he is the Virgin. Bitch, when the temperament occupies the dominant position, he becomes the hero.

People are actually so complicated, but some young people always judge the character of others by their superficial behavior, which is really ridiculous.

The boy in front of me is estimated to be less than 20 years old, he has not been involved in the world, he may have read a lot of eschatological novels. He thinks that his words and methods are very powerful and advocates what should be done in the eschatology, but Weng Die has already seen him Xu Wenqiang is already very dissatisfied with him, and other classmates are also a little afraid of him.

If he doesn't know how to keep a low profile, then it is usually those who seem to be honest and weak in the end to play him to death.

The weak beast theory also applies here.

Looking at the more honest people tend to have more complicated minds, they may not be suitable for communication and communication in the social environment, so they cannot get a good life from the wind.

But the last days are actually the best world for them. When all the thoughts in their hearts are completely implemented without considering the consequences, then everyone who looks introverted and honest is actually mentally ill, and they do things. All cheerful people can't imagine.

In short, Qin An despised the boy with teeth and claws below. The main reason for not going down immediately was thinking about how to get Weng Die out without being disturbed by others.

Because it is a conference room, the ceiling here is a bit far from the ground, which is more than five meters.

Then the best way is to put down the safety bolt and pull Weng Die up, but will other people let them take Weng Die away?

If you go down by yourself, it will be difficult to get up, let alone save people.

Qin An frowned and thought for a while, and finally thought of an idea!

So Qin An removed a piece of the ceiling and exposed his head from above.

"Hey, are you survivors?"

Qin An felt that his opening remarks were a bit idiot, but the words had already been said, so naturally he couldn't change it.

Fortunately, the people below are not paying attention to this sentence.

Chen Sixu was stunned, then the first to jump up and talk.

"Uncle...Uncle, are you a school electrician? Why are you up there?"

Fuck, where's that kid's fierce energy just now? He was so cleverly called Uncle, but he gave himself a good identity.

"Well, I was a worker who went to the roof to repair the external unit of the air conditioner yesterday. I was trapped later. I was thinking about where I could escape. I met you here! Oh my god, the meeting room is full of zombies. Are you trapped too?"

Hell, this sentence is even more idiot!

"Yeah, uncle! Can you think of a way to get us out? I think it should be safer on the top of the building now. The space here is too small and there is no place to go to the toilet. We are so hungry. Do you have food? "

Chen Sixu is still cleverly like a real child, maybe he was like this before the catastrophe broke out.

"The food is gone, but I have a safety **** my body. I can rescue you."

"Ah! That's great. We will help each other to tide over the difficulties. Uncle, put the safety bolt down."


Qin An was really like a simple and honest worker. He put down the safety bolt and held one end by himself.

"I don't know if the roof is not strong, will it collapse?"

"No! It should be very strong, uncle, pull it up!"

Chen Sixu didn't doubt that he was there, and was the first to go forward and tie the safety tether to his waist, and then wait to be pulled up.

Qin An tried to pull a few times, but perhaps because Chen thought was too heavy, he failed several times.

"No way! I can't pull you, or you can climb up by yourself."

"Climb? Uncle, don't make a joke. I'm not a firefighter. I can't climb up?"

"What should I do? Or...you let the girls come up first? I pulled them up and then asked them to help me pull them together? Girls have small skeletons, I think they are much lighter. "

At this point in the dialogue, Qin An finally said his purpose.

Weng Die was actually looking up when Qin An appeared, and she recognized Qin An's identity by just looking at Weng Die.

Although Weng Die has never seen herself, but has seen photos many times, how could it be Qin An? My brother-in-law?

Weng Die's heart was a little excited, could it be that her sister asked him to find herself?

He deliberately pretended not to know, maybe...Yes, he just wanted to save himself! Don't want others to mess up!

Realizing Qin An's intentions, Weng Die looked at the people around him.

The two security guards protected her from beginning to end, if not for them, they would have been eaten by the zombies. The other students were also very kind, and some of them secretly distributed snacks to themselves, although it was just a small piece of chocolate and a lollipop.

That is to say, Chen Sixu's words are a bit too much, but he has not done anything bad from beginning to end.

Hey, if Qin An was asked to save himself, he would probably just walk away and ignore the others, right?

Thinking of Weng Die doing the so-called Virgin Mary here, knowing that this is not a good thing but would rather be a good person, even if she is smart, but after all, she has never experienced the cruelty of the end times, and can't really feel the so-called unrest!

"Master, these three female students are a little petite and have the lightest weight. Get them up first."

Oh shit! Damn Weng Die, she should be able to recognize herself, she must have seen her intentions thoroughly, so she refused her kindness and let him save others first.

Hey, I really don't want to care about her.

Very depressed Qin An had **** with Weng Die for seven or eight rounds in his heart, and then reluctantly put down the safety bolt, and reluctantly pulled everyone up.

This process was a bit long. Qin An was afraid that the ceiling could not bear too much weight, so only three people were left on it. After the others got up, they had to move away from the ceiling to the roof.

Then after rescue everyone to the top of the building, a full hour has passed.

"I hope you don't regret saving these people."

After Qin An whispered in Weng Die's ear, he staggered his body and asked everyone to go downstairs to the entrance of the stairs.

Weng Die was very strange after hearing Qin An's words. Is this man really the best man that Weng Lan often mentions? Why didn't it feel like, his tone and expression didn't have the taste of a housewife at all, instead he looked like a battle-tested general? Forget it, let's leave this place first, maybe we can get together with Weng Lan soon!

Thinking of Weng Die's mood getting better here, she is finally out of danger!

When a group of people got down to the first floor, they were relieved a lot. The Chen Sixu grabbed Qin An's shoulder and said with a grin: "Man, thank you so much. If you didn't show up, we would be trapped to death!"

Qin An smiled and nodded but did not speak.

This kid was called uncle respectfully before, but now he changed his name to buddy. Although he was saying thank you, he lost a lot of respect, and he looked like an erratic white-eyed wolf character.

"Comrade, where shall we go next?"

The male teacher Xu Wenqiang pushed his eyes and asked. He always does the action of pushing glasses. This kind of person looks silly on the surface, but he should be a person with a city government. While pushing his eyes, his heart should be thinking.

"Oh, come with me, let's go to the dormitory. There are some survivors there. The government rescue helicopter may come in a while. If they come, you will be saved!"

"Is there really a plane?"

"Yes, ground transportation in cities is now difficult to pass, and airplanes are currently relatively safe."

The group had left the multimedia teaching building with Qin An as they spoke, and quickly returned to the female dormitory building along the path when Qin An came.

Fortunately, there was no accident, Qin An successfully reunited with Weng Lan with Weng Die.

After entering the room, the place seemed a bit crowded. Before Weng Lan and Weng Die greeted each other, Qin Potian rushed to Weng Die.

"Haha, auntie! Why are you still so beautiful?"


Weng Die was a little dizzy. She didn't know who the handsome boy was. She looked up at her sister Weng Lan, who smiled helplessly.

"Is your kid stupid? This Weng Die doesn't know you."

Qin An felt that his son was short-sighted.

"I know, but I know auntie, so I can't help but say hello? Kids must be polite, you taught me!"

Qin An rolled his eyes and was speechless.

Weng Die became even more dizzy. Watching Qin An's interaction with the child, how could there be a father-son feeling?

Running to Weng Lan, Weng Die whispered: "What's the situation? Bastard?"

"It's a bit complicated, I'll talk to you later!"

Qin An walked aside and opened the door. There was no one in the corridor. It seemed that at least this floor was safe.

There were four dormitory doors open nearby, and Qin An scattered the people and couldn't squeeze them all together.

"Okay, then we are here waiting for rescue. At least we will not leave this side today. Newcomers can get a little food, but not too much. Remember, close the curtains and don't speak loudly. The zombies will Attracted by external factors such as sound, light and vibration, I will not stop you if you want to die."

Qin An doesn't need to pretend at this time, because his goal has been achieved. At this time, if anyone wants to trouble him, he will not hesitate to kill him, no matter who it is.

Killing, Qin An is definitely professional!

After giving an explanation, Qin An ignored the others and called Qin Potian, Tang Yu, Weng Lan, and Weng Die into a room. Originally, Qin An wanted to call Qin Xiaoyan, but now Qin Xiaoyan can’t break through her heart. , Even if she believed Qin An's words, she still hoped to keep a distance from Qin An.

Qin An was a little helpless but couldn't help it. Originally wanted to use it strong, but seeing her tangled look felt a little distressed, so he let her go and let her follow Liu Tianyu first.

After the door was closed, Qin An began to talk about his experience with Weng Lan in detail. Weng Die ate the bread that Weng Lan gave her while listening. After an hour, Qin An’s story was finally about to be told, and finally raised the question. Where is the flaw in the virtual space? How does Qin An find and use this flaw to leave?

Weng Die was a little shocked at this time, because Qin An's story was so bizarre that it was unbelievable.

But when Weng Die heard Weng Lan talk about what Qin An had done in the past two days, there was less doubt. Qin An's own wife thought that Qin An didn't tell lies, so how could he doubt it?

flaw? Weng Die frowned slightly, thought for a while, and then whispered softly: "If everything you said is true, I think I have found this flaw!"


Qin An was shocked, couldn't believe that his sister-in-law was so awesome?

He talked about things for an hour, but Weng Die thought of the answer to the question in only a minute? How is this possible?

"What is it?"

Qin An eagerly asked. Just as Weng Die wanted to speak, the outside began to become chaotic, and then a knock on the door sounded.

Qin Potian walked over and opened the door, only Xia Ke was standing outside the door.

"Helicopter is here, come out quickly!"

Damn, is it really here?

So where is the helicopter parked? Unless it is the top of a building, zombies will be attracted no matter where you stop.

"Well, everyone goes upstairs first, and then signal them, Weng Die, let's talk while walking."

Qin An pulled Weng Die, and the two sisters Weng Lan left, and everyone in the other rooms also came out, and then ran upstairs together, planning to signal the helicopter to land.

Qin An asked Weng Die again when he went upstairs.

"You mean, what exactly is the flaw?"

"I...I was thinking about it."

I don't know why, Weng Die hesitated.

Qin An has been with Weng Die in the real world for many years, and naturally knows her little sister-in-law very well. Therefore, through her flickering words, she can judge that she is not thinking but hesitating.

What kind of reason made her hesitate to speak again?

There were only eight floors in the female dormitory building, and a group of people took a posture of escape and rushed all the way up for a while to the top.

Dong Zhian and Chen Sixu were both very active. They moved the table from the nearby empty room and raised it up to the wall ladder, then climbed up flexibly and finally reached the top of the building.

The people behind also started to move upwards one by one. When Qin An went up to the top of the building for the last time, he saw the somewhat large military helicopter land.

The hatch opened, and four soldiers jumped down from it, three men and one woman, armed with weapons in their hands and neatly dressed. At first glance, they were not from ordinary troops. I guess they belonged to special forces, right?

"Who called? Where are the pathogenic antibodies?"

One of the strong men with the appearance of the captain opened his mouth and shouted, and Xia Ke immediately ran over to talk with him, and at the same time turned and pointed to Qin An.

A sharp roar came from downstairs, causing Qin An and Qin Potian's bodies to shake at the same time.

This voice...somewhat wrong!

(Hey, the day passed right away, am I hopeless on the list? Did no miracle happen?)

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