Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1567: Weng Lan's Heart

"Hey, Oulanka, there are three women hiding in the house. It's a good day!"

"Edwin? What are you doing? You broke into my home?"

"Why not! Now the city is in chaos, alien races have occupied the city, and most of the materials are controlled by them. We don't plan to stay here, want to escape! You have accumulated a lot of sword soul fragments over the years? We are here to ask for this thing! How? Are you obediently taking it out or forcing us to do it?"

The three black men raised their guns at the same time and aimed at several people in the room.

Oulanka looked angry, but at this moment he didn't have a gun in his hand, but he dared not speak.

In this world, killing someone with a disagreement is as common as a gust of wind. Oulanka understands this truth deeply.

"Hey! Look at that Japanese girl, so you can keep a good blood, I like it!" Black Carl said with a smile.

"Idiot! She is not Japanese, I saw her at the casino, she seems to be of Chinese descent! Who knows, nowadays there are really rare young oriental girls of this kind of descent! Carl, if you want to play for you In five minutes, a huge monster appeared on the west wall to attack the city, like a dinosaur... I don’t know if it was a mess, the alien army is busy! In five minutes, Andes and I took them After the wealth of the family has swept through, I hope you can launch it!"

"Hey! Ok Edwin, but after I'm done, can I cut off one of her ears as a souvenir? I like ears!"

"Okay Carl, you can figure it out, we don't have the right to stop your preferences... Right, Chinese girl, this is still a place where human rights are still spoken, just as our predecessors told us.

Edwin smiled brightly, and the three black men were actually laughing.

They were originally Oulanka's colleagues in the underground casino, but to put it bluntly, they all watched the scene.

Now that they feel that the city is in chaos, they are ready to rob and flee after a few votes.

Some earthlings are still very conservative. They would rather live under the rule of the dark earthlings than contact aliens, because aliens are spread very evil, ignorance and rumors are often the root of fear, so they Want to run.

Ives immediately became anxious when he heard that the black man wanted to hit Weng Lan's attention.

But she was not stupid enough to make a pointless scolding, but started to move slowly, trying to go to the cabinet and take out the pistol in the drawer.

At this moment, Juliet bypassed Oulanka, took a step forward and then pulled off her long skirt, showing her white thighs.

"Hey, Carl, we are old acquaintances, don't you always do things to me when you see me on weekdays, why don't you..."


A shot was fired and the bullet hit Ives' feet, making her afraid to continue to move. Juliet also shut up and did not dare to speak. After a scream, she hid behind Oulanka.

Carl shook the gun in his hand and smiled at Juliet:

"My dear, as you said, we often see each other, so I know you! You are a selfish woman who is afraid of death. At this moment, she suddenly came to the forefront. She must be trying to attract our attention so that you Don’t you get a weapon from my sister? Haha! Don’t worry, my brother will not let you go. Give that Chinese woman in three minutes. I can fix you in one minute. After that, I will keep one of your ears. This is right. You are not bad. After all, we do not have the heart to kill. In this world, should we be grateful for someone who can kill you but can save your life?"

Carl had already begun to undress when he was speaking, and threw the gun in his hand to Andes, and then started walking towards Weng Lan while undressing.

Weng Lan has been paying attention to the dynamics in the room.

This was seeing Carl approaching herself, not only a little nervous, but she didn't know what to do, so she could only step back, and finally broke into a warm and strong embrace.


Weng Lan was startled, turned her head and saw that the man who was stretching his arms around her waist was...him!

"who are you?"

Weng Lan instantly forgot about Karl, and asked this question that has been lingering in her heart since seeing him from the window.

"Qin An..."

Qin An's eyes were a little red, and his lips were trembling when he said these two words.

"It's really you!"

"Do you recognize me?"

Qin An's heart was beating rapidly, a little surprised, isn't Weng Lan's memory loss? How can you remember yourself? Is it because of true love?

Qin An was naturally happy when he thought of this, but it was a pity that he was happy for nothing.

"Yeah, I remember you were waiting for me downstairs in my community the other night. You have been doing this for half a year! But now you seem to have changed a bit. Is it makeup? I have also crossed into this world? I think I have crossed, but they said that I have lost my memory. I am a little dizzy now. Can you tell me what happened? I think you seem to know many things... ..Can I trust you?"

The conversation between Weng Lan and Qin An has always been in Chinese, in order to prevent Juliet and the others from understanding.

Qin An was dumbfounded after hearing Weng Lan's words, and finally woke up!

It turns out that Weng Lan only lost a part of her memory, and her memory actually stayed when she had only met her for half a year. OMG! What about the seven years of marriage? And after the last days, she doesn't remember it? ......How could this be?

"Well, when I have time, I can answer all your questions, you can trust me!"

Qin An's bright color was a little reddish, because he didn't know what Weng Lan would ask her.

Weng Lan looked at Qin An's eyes, and her uneasy heart was mysteriously quiet.

It was strange that she woke up suddenly and saw only Juliet, Ives, and the nasty man named Poseidon.

Poseidon was so annoyed that people took her to a noisy place.

It was chaotic there. There were naked men and women everywhere. They gambled while drinking, and some men and women were still doing that kind of stuff on the ground.

That place is like a dark neighborhood in the lost civilization zone in Western movies.

Weng Lan was actually a little scared, but she couldn't help herself because she didn't know what kind of things she was going through.

At that time, all the men's eyes were on her, making her feel as if she was a little sheep that might have been skinned at any time.

Fortunately, Oulanka showed up, and he dragged her to the kitchen, and then broke her a large drain of dirty water, making her look embarrassed and sloppy.

Oulanka's attitude was very poor, but Weng Lan later discovered that this somewhat ugly Western man was protecting her.

At that time, she felt very fortunate, but still uneasy in her heart, still a little scared, this emotion has continued to this day. many

The man in front of him seemed to have a kind of magical power. He obviously didn't look too strong... No, he seemed to be a little strong. His chest was so strong and warm!

The three black people were dizzy at this moment.

Karl asked, "Andes, was that person in the room before?"

Andes: "Carl, I didn't pay much attention to it. This room is rather dim, but just now... there seems to be a shadow over there!"

Edwin shook his head, frowned and looked at Qin An for a while, and said, "Returning a friend, you are very face-to-face. You don't seem to live nearby. Are you from Tucheng? Or Noxus? Ten kilometers? The journey, where did you escape from?"

Edwin shook the gun very cautiously. He really didn't see anyone else in the room just now. This person seemed to come out suddenly.

How could Qin An care about these three blacks? For him, only Weng Lan was in his eyes at this time.

"Don't be nervous, I am a superpower, these three people are easy to deal with."

"I'm not nervous."

"Well, your temperament is introverted and calm, and you will not be nervous, but when you are nervous, your eyelashes will tremble slightly, which is not obvious, but you will find it when you look carefully!"

Regarding this little privacy, Qin An discovered it during the first kiss with Weng Lan, and they kissed several times afterwards. Qin An was sure that Weng Lan’s eyelashes would move when he was nervous, and told Weng Lan about this. Weng Lan denied it.

After the two people were married for a year together, Weng Lan finally admitted like Qin An that after many self-observations and researches, she thought that Qin An was right. When she was nervous, her eyelashes would indeed move. She didn't even know about it.

At this moment, Weng Lan immediately shook her head after hearing Qin An's words: "No, I don't have this problem, you must be mistaken!"

Qin An only felt that his heart was really going to jump out.

That's what Weng Lan said back then. She was also in her arms, so she raised her head and looked at herself with her beautiful eyes.

When Qin Anxin felt uncomfortable, Weng Lan suddenly pushed Qin An away and stepped aside.

"Hey... there may be too many emergencies, and I can't turn my head around. Why did this man hold him for so long?"

Weng Lan thought so, and then moved further, standing a little further away from Qin An.

"It feels weird anyway, let's just wait and see the changes!"

Weng Lan is a woman with an idea, so she thinks it is better to remain independent.

In the room, Juliet, Ives, and Orlando didn't know when Qin An entered their room, because the conversation between Weng Lan and Qin An was in Chinese, so the three of them didn't understand what they were talking about.

But they heard Qin An from Qin An.

Could it be that this man is called Qin An? Is it the man Weng Lan missed day and night? What exactly is going on? The three of them thought this matter was a little weird, and they didn't quite understand it.


Suddenly, there was a gunshot, and Karl unexpectedly fired the shot, the direction of the shot was Qin An.

He felt that if he couldn't figure out the cause and effect of the matter in this situation, it would be fine to start doing it directly. After all, time is limited.

There are always people who will be lucky because of temporary actions.

In fact, Oulanka has been paying attention to the movements of the three blacks. Seeing that Carl seems to be aiming at Weng Lan and shooting, his body has moved. This is just a habit he has been taught by Juliet and Ives in recent years. , That is to protect Weng Lan.

Therefore, Oulanka seemed to be helping to block the bullet when the gun fired, because apart from Oulanka yelling to the end, no one was injured in the room, and the bullet did not know where it went. Maybe it was Oulanka. In the body?

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