Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1636: Mocking Weng Lan

After Qin An talked with Weng Die and Linghua, he went to Weng Lan to exchange feelings.

Now Weng Lan has completely become the king of children, spending time with the children all day long.

After she knew that she had become a mother and grandma, it took a long time to digest the fact that she became a grandma.

Although this made her very upset and made her complain about Qin An, Yabao and Yabei are really cute, so being their grandmother seems to be a very happy thing.

Before, Mulan and the children brought back Mu Chen, which made everyone in the tree elves a great joy.

Weng Lan's emotions were not so enthusiastic, after all, she was not yet familiar with her daughter-in-law and her people.

As a woman, she was sensitive to discover that several little girls seemed to be worried, so she called them into the room afterwards.

At the beginning, the little girls didn't speak, but Qin Yabao, the youngest, missed her words under repeated questioning by Weng Lan.

"In fact, the little aunt and the eldest sister are shy!"

"Why are you shy?"

"Because we saw a woman fighting with a man without clothes, my sister said it was called .ma.kelove!"

Weng Lan was dumbfounded, looking at the little aunt in Yabao's mouth, that is, her daughter Qin Xiangming, she really didn't know what to say, this little girl knew the love between men and women?

Weng Lan was very angry and felt that he should talk to Qin An carefully, how did his father educate his daughter, and how did he make her daughter so mature?

Weng Lan woke up after getting sulky. She heard Qin An talk about the children, knowing that Qin An could not be blamed, or even anyone.

Because Qin An did not grow up with the children, and the children's sister-in-law, Katerina, was a dancer to make money to support the family, the children's ears and eyes will naturally not be a blank paper.

Besides, Qin Xiangming is not young anymore. The ten-year-old girl is about to grow physically, and she has become a big girl in no time!

Hey, it seems that I have to talk more with the little girls in the future. It is good for boys to stock up. Even if they grow up naughty like ruffians, they don’t have to be unpromising, but girls are different. This temperament must have been cultivated since childhood. Yes, women can be less beautiful. This is determined by nature after all, but they must not be without temperament.

A woman with no temperament is destined not to be held in the palm of the hand by a man. In the end, she can only marry for the sake of marriage, have children for the sake of having children, and then become a yellow-faced woman and become a pitiful existence that her husband should not touch.

This is Weng Lan's thinking concept, so she would rather sacrifice some of her time to spend on the children.

Motherhood is like this. I would rather sacrifice myself to achieve the next generation.

When Weng Lan had mixed feelings, Qin An came.

So Weng Lan quickly drove the children away, told Qin An about it, and let him make up his mind.

"Damn, it's really lucky. I grew up to sixteen but I didn't even look at the website. I wanted to watch it at that time. But I went to the Internet cafe countless times and I couldn't find where to watch it. After getting older, I found that as long as you search for HI movies on Baidu, you can find a large number of links. It’s a pity that you won’t be interested in those things when you get older. People’s needs are very peculiar. Often when you desire something, They just couldn't get them. And when the desires that were once are at your fingertips, they are not precious at all! My daughters and granddaughters are lucky, and they saw the live-action passion drama at a young age, which is really good!"

After hearing Qin An's words, Weng Lan was stunned. Is this my father and grandfather? Are you sure that those lovely girls were not brought or sent for expense?

Qin An laughed out loud when he saw Weng Lan's shocked expression.

Weng Lan finally realized that Qin An was joking with her.

"You bastard! I beat your chest!"

Weng Lan coquettishly stepped forward, but Qin An took the opportunity to pull her small fist out.

"Okay, when things go back to the children, you can slowly communicate with them, but you are a mother and a grandmother. This kind of thing naturally requires you to communicate with them. Let’s talk about being separated from the master for a long time, is there anything special? Miss? And, do you want to know the past between the two of us?"

Weng Lan felt Qin An's strong chest, and felt the breath that was close at hand, her face turned crimson.

The Qin An in front of him seems to be different from before. He is more aggressive. This is not what I expected, but a personal experience. Qin An’s hand has been inserted into the waist of her pants and is touching the skin of her ass. This rascal!

"You...you want to let me go! Haven't we just met before?"

Weng Lan was referring to taking the Longyan Station and picking up Zuowei and others.

Qin An saw that Weng Lan was very uncomfortable, so he stopped attacking, and then asked Weng Lan's words:

"If you don't tell me, I forgot, how did Zuwei and others arrange it?"

"The Roberts and the others were sent back to the imperial capital directly, and they were arranged to take up idle positions in the government department. There was no danger and there was a basic guarantee of wages. Zuwei stayed in the camp and let her play with the children. Your two children Her son likes her very much, but Xiangming doesn’t like her very much. He seems to complain that she has taken away the love from her brothers, but for the little ones, it’s okay to play together. Moreover, Xiangming is the secret of a group of girls. , Yana, Yabei, Yabao is around her."

Qin An nodded, thinking of Zuowei, and also thinking of the worm ghost who killed Zuowei's mother. I don't know where he ran now. It was really troublesome.

Huddling with Weng Lan and talking affectionately, Weng Lan adapted and accepted the feeling of being embraced by Qin An after Qin An gave up the initiative to attack.

The words that lovers say are naturally naive and ridiculous, and they are all things like the following.

"Hey, you are just talking, do you miss me?"


"It's okay just miss me, where do you think?"

"Thinking is going, not thinking is not thinking, what is thinking?"

"It means that you miss me physically or in your heart? If you just think about it in your heart, then you will be satisfied if I appear in front of your eyes and stroll around. If it is because of your body, then I will hug you more. Yes, let your body smell my body more."

"Hate, you hug too tight!"

"Why don't I feel tight? Your chest is really soft and it feels comfortable to press on it. Can I feel how soft they are?"

"Qin An...you are so perverted! Get out!"

Weng Lan's face was blushing and hopeless, and finally she kicked and beat Qin An away.

Qin An left a burst of laughter, and then he didn't want to leave Detroit anymore. He led a troop to leave Detroit, temporarily ignoring the affairs of the Dream Space, and went to Tianji City for a while.


For the Chinese restaurant in Tianji City, Li Bing is very upset these days.

The "Bloodthirsty Tianwa" from the bloodbone tribe has often been drinking in the tavern under the leadership of the foxman Senod and the wolf tribe Gargaru recently. Since the bloodthirsty Tianwa met his wives, he I started asking my wife to accompany me every day. Then he touched his wife with his tongue-grown hand, actually using the tongue in your mouth. Licking their skin is really disgusting.

Then there are bad things and things that make Li Bing happy.

Megan Dahl was already dying ill, but after being brought back by himself, he was miraculously healed. Now he is alive and ill at all.

So Li Bing got Megan Dahl into the house as he wished, and even became a stepfather. Xiao Aike had a very good attitude towards him, because she felt that she had saved her mother's life.

Liangtian Kyoko, Lena, and Valentina have now been exposed to the bloodthirsty Tianwa. Li Bing decided to protect her from Daer and prevent her from being discovered by the nasty bloodbone tribe.

I heard that the guys of the blood bone tribe are huge, and if a human woman is crossed a few times by them, it will be dead.

Hey, I don't know if Kyoko and the others will survive in the end.

Although Li Bing was extremely depressed and hated and hated the bloodthirsty Tian Wa, he was really helpless.

After all, there are still a lot of beautiful women in Tianji City. Li Bing thinks it's easy to get women, so he doesn't care about the three Kyoko so much. If they have to abandon them, then he is willing to abandon them.

Qin An came to Tianji City again.

Xiao Beiyu did a good job. He arranged for about 800 members of the Qingjian tribe to enter the underground inner space of Tianji City. Most of them were women. They would be treated cruelly in the space, and the blood bone tribe would use them as tools for venting. .

Fortunately, even if the female warriors of the Blue Sword Clan have lost their abilities, they will have a stronger system, because they do not rely on sword auras to use their abilities. Therefore, the silent gas of the abilities in the non-power space in Tianji City treats them. It was not fully effective, and the least powerful physique remained.

Qin An entered the Heavenly Mystery City in stealth mode. When passing by the Li Bing's tavern, he thought of this fat man and some of his beautiful ladies, so he drove a desertion and went to have a look.

Qin An also found a reason for himself. He needs to use super hearing to collect information first, and also needs to wait for Linghua Wengdie and others to arrange it outside.

Once the arrangement is completed, Qin An will enter the space below for the first time, and then lead the Hundred-Eight Green Sword Warriors to fight in it. At the same time, open the space entrance and let Linghua lead more Green Sword Warriors in. Then they will Go all the way to the center, find Bing Ji to kill it, and then **** her scientific research results, which is the sword spirit she is studying.

After doing all these things, Qin An can go back to the mansion. The Azure Dragon Imperial Capital is already in action. The forces of supernaturalists gathered in the southern United States to find their way along the coastline to Seven Swords City. The civilians sat on the Seven Swords City. The sword city is wrong, walking from land to sea along the way, the Azure Dragon Imperial Capital, the former city of black blood, was abandoned.

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