Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1877: Seek an easy life

Yana has been a good baby since she was a child and Qin An's favorite granddaughter.

After years of absence, Yana is still young and beautiful, but her temperament has matured a lot.

It's just that she is in a trance now, she has always been like this after Adadilan's death, her heart is broken, and it is difficult to heal.

Qin An's tears are a kind of repentance.

After the Battle of the West Coast, he seemed to be no longer himself. His fate wandered back and forth in the vortex of time and space. He couldn't find the root, but he couldn't land after he found it.

"Yana, do you... still recognize Grandpa?"


Qin Yana was also full of tears at this time, staring at Qin An in a daze, speechless for a long time.

"No! I don't want Grandpa, I want Roland! I want Roland!"

Yana suddenly pushed Qin An away, seeming to be frightened.

At this time, Roland had followed Qin An to this side, and hurriedly stepped forward and took Yana into his arms.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Qin An only felt a little heart-piercing when she saw Yana like this.

Roland seemed to understand Qin An’s mood, and hurriedly said to him: "Yana will be like this sometimes, but when she calms down, she will be completely normal. She will chat with me and talk to me about the past, but she rarely mentions it. You. I think she may have some complaints about you in her heart. After all, you have been away for too long, and the Qin family has encountered a catastrophe. She may think that if you are here, everything will be better. This is a kind of for you. Expectation. Ten years ago, you disappeared. People in the Qin family knew that you entered a copy, but they couldn’t find you. Then year after year passed, some people guessed that you might be killed, the children of the Qin family. They never guess, but they also have such an idea in their hearts. Don't worry about Qin An, take your time."

Roland's tone was very gentle, like a spring breeze, which eased Qin An's heartache a lot.

"Well, let's go."

"Where to go?"

"Find a place to rebuild my homeland! What's the matter with me in this world? Qin An has since ended, just willing to protect his family with all his heart!"

"But it's very dangerous outside. Although none of our survivors have encountered a level 70 boss, there are really many people who can meet it at will and die afterwards!"

"Roland, believe it or not, I think I have the ability to kill the so-called pantheon deduction! I think I can kill anyone, really!"

There was a deep obsession in Qin An's eyes, which made Roland not only worried.

But she still smiled and nodded.

"Okay! Just a short distance away, Roland will go with you wherever you go!"

Qin An cried again and closed his eyes, but the tears still couldn't stop.

After so many years in the last days, how many people has he been ashamed of, and how many things have he done right?


"Roland, how did you meet him?"

"Many years ago, he was my student and I was his teacher. Then the last days broke out and I met him again in Western Tibet. He was very prestigious at that time, and he was the strongest among the many supernaturalists in Western Tibet. When they selected the top ten golden kings, he was selected!"

"Then why didn't you marry him? He married so many women anyway."

"Hey, I can only say that there is no destiny, he has no intention of me, I can only stay away, so as not to get bored with it over time!"

"But you returned to him later?"

"Hey, but at that time he was not Qin An, but Fang Xiaobao. I was not Roland, but the nameless proprietress of Violet Pub. He went to drink, and I let him drink whatever he wanted. I like to watch him get drunk in front of me. Looks like that reminds me of my youth years ago, as if Qin An is still my student and I am his teacher."

"Fang Xiaobao's appearance is different from Qin An, how can you recognize him?"

"I can, Yana, sometimes I don't look at people with my eyes, but with my heart!"

"Then will you marry him in the future?"

"Qin An asked me yesterday, and he said: Do you have to marry me?"

"how do you say?"

"I said not to marry. When I couldn't see it, I thought about him. It was the same when I saw it. But we became siblings and I asked him to find a man for me. He agreed."

"How could this be?"

"Yana, I can get his body at any time, but I will never get his heart. Do you think it's better to marry a man like this, or find a man who I didn't like at the beginning, but the other person liked him very much? Is it better to cultivate feelings slowly?"

Qin Yana thoughtfully, a long time later slowly stretched out her hand, picked up the tea on the table, and took a sip.

It has been a month since I left the valley. This place is called the Doomsday Plain. The scenery nearby is actually beautiful, and it doesn't look like Doomsday at all.

Qin An built a large house here, which is actually a five-story pavilion, all made of wood, and the exterior decoration and decoration within a month is already very luxurious.

Qin An personally carved dragons and phoenixes on the wooden wall with a carving knife, filled them with various colors, and named the pavilion An Ding.

"Ah! Good delivery today. I killed some plant monsters and dropped a lot of seeds. Look at the land over there. It is suitable for farming. I plan to get it out and plant plants. It won’t take long. We can eat fresh vegetables!"

Qin An walked from a distance with a smile on his face, sat on the wooden chair in the yard, picked up the teapot on the tabletop, filled Roland's cup, and drank it all.

The two women looked at Qin An, and finally smiled at each other.

"I'm really wondering, how can you live so easily?"

"Yeah, grandpa, I'm curious too."

Yana screamed sweetly, and Qin An's face was filled with a brighter smile.

Yana has gradually recovered in the past month, her mind is getting clearer, and the appearance like a month ago has rarely happened.

Moreover, in the past two days, she began to call herself grandfather, the name was always so sweet, which broke Qin An's heart.

"Don't I, Qin An, should be so at ease? I was already at the age of walking around with my little grandson every day, so what if I am uneasy?"

"But you are not old at all?"

Yana may be in a good mood today. She moved her little **** to the stool where Qin An was sitting, and hugged Qin An's body.

"Not old at all, as young and handsome as when I first met you."


"Grandpa, it's nice to meet you again, sorry!"

Qin An felt very heartbroken. He knew why Yana would say sorry. Qin An felt that these three words should actually be said to Yana himself!

"Hey, hey! Why do you hold so tight? Grandpa and granddaughter can't hold it so tight!"

Jin Ge, who had been wandering nearby, didn't know where he had jumped out. He was almost fifty meters away from here but he didn't dare to step forward, but his eyes were staring out and he was jealous.

If it hadn't been for him that he really couldn't beat Qin An, he would have rushed over at this time.

Qin An didn't have a good impression of this kid, but Roland told him that Yana always needed a future. Maybe this Jin Ge could not be Yana's future, but he was Yana's at least for the past three years. right now.

Obviously, Adadilan is Yana's past, the past has disappeared, and the future is still invisible. If the present is also obliterated, it would seem cruel to Yana.

In fact, if Yana didn't pay much attention to this present, Qin An wouldn't keep the gold. The problem was that Qin An couldn't figure out Yana's thoughts.

A woman's heart is like a needle in the sea, and her granddaughter's heart is even more like a star in the Milky Way!

Seeing Jin Ge appeared, Yana, who had originally held Qin An, was even more arrogant. She actually sat on Qin An's lap and kissed Qin An **** the face.

"Qin Yana, don't go too far! You are my woman!"

Jin Ge jumped angrily and roared vigorously.

"Huh, just you? You should talk to the women in the valley who can recognize you for picking. I think you are dirty!"

Hmm...For example, Qin An couldn't understand this sentence. Is the so-called dirty you in the second half of the sentence mainly meant to express, or the first half of the sentence is the key?

Looking at Roland, Roland just smirked, shook his head slightly, poured a cup of tea and handed it to Qin An.

Qin An reached out and took it. He wanted to drink but found that Yana was in the way. He was too embarrassed to let her leave, so he could only put it down, blinked helplessly at Roland, and Roland smirked again.

The days went on like this, for a whole year!

Qin An sometimes even felt that he had entered a single-player copy?

Why didn't you encounter the so-called ten thousand gods performance this year, nor did you encounter too many other players?

Although this doomsday plain is quite large, it has a wide field of vision, and you can see the many buildings you have built from a long distance. Why don't many people find it?

In one year, Qin An really did not build a house less.

With Anding Pavilion as the center, Qin’an built a square, planted two large tracts of vegetables, built some entertainment and leisure facilities, and then built a few attic pavilions, and built a five-meter-high small city wall outside, making it a place Small town.

Qin An is very self-defeating, so he named this small city a dangerous city in the last days!

He is always waiting for the arrival of danger, but he has always been at ease, which makes him even bored.

In a year, Qin An went to many nearby maps and brought some survivors back to the city, so there are now more than a hundred people in the city, but there are no children of the Qin family.

Sometimes Qin An wanted to go further afield to look for them, but he was worried about Yana.

He actually didn't want to wander around, he was tired, and he was waiting for his fate to arrange for him!

After most of the skills were unavailable, the Necro Space could not be opened. Qin An didn't know whether the people in the Necro Space were still there. He occasionally remembered that there would be a lot of sadness, but it can only be so. This is fate.

Qin Anzai hadn't met Rhein in a year, and that woman really disappeared, as if she had never appeared before!

Because he had never encountered any danger, Qin An had become a little lazy, and would basically not go to fight monsters to upgrade, only to get ingredients to kill some delicious little monsters.

Although not upgrading, Qin An's ability has not decreased, but has been increasing. In the past six months, Qin An has been a little confused about his game attributes, such as blood volume.

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