Zombie City

Chapter 922 The Last Punch! (It's a new month, brothers! Come on!)

Chen Fei, who was already more than two meters away from the hammering position, only felt that the ground under his feet seemed to be wriggling, which made his body unstable and tilted...

Fade Chen was startled, subconsciously lowered his head and looked down at his feet!

A feeling of heart palpitations as if being hammered!

This is an early warning of death threats!

The giant mutated zombie's other fist, covered in white skeletal armor, slammed down towards Fade Chen with a terrifying explosion.

The heat generated by the squeezed air around the fist made the edge of the white fist slightly reddish, more like a falling meteorite!

Seeing this scene, Fade Chen didn't panic, he kicked the ground hard in the direction of his body shaking, and dodged before being hit by that terrifying fist.

The haste made Fade Chen a little embarrassed when he dodged, but the giant mutated zombie seized this rare opportunity and launched continuous attacks on Fade Chen who couldn't stabilize his figure.

The fist attacks of the giant mutated zombies before were purely powerful.

However, after accumulating power just now, after the power of this giant mutated zombie's fist was accumulated to a certain limit, the power caused a qualitative change!

Fade Chen doesn't think it's a kind of ability. He prefers that it's simply the power caused by squeezing the air or even the space when the power reaches its peak.

And to achieve this level, I am afraid that you must have a strength of at least five thousand catties, or even ten thousand catties!

Even if Chen Fei was not directly hit by these punches, he was really affected by the pressure of the punches and the surrounding force field.

It is not an exaggeration to say that every time he dodges is dangerous.

After stabilizing his figure, Fade Chen quickly backed away from the giant mutated zombie.

The giant mutated zombie that can only kneel on the ground is very inconvenient to move. As long as Fade Chen is out of its attack range, it is absolutely safe.

As soon as Fade Chen retreated, the giant mutated zombies put up a stance ready to fight again. This simple and ordinary movement gave Fade Chen quite a headache.

Fade Chen felt that this should be regarded as the legendary one-strength breaking-through method. When the power reaches the extreme, not to mention the real thing, it will even affect space and even time!

But to reach that level, ordinary people or even ordinary evolutionaries do not have that ability, which is related to the limit of a biological gene sequence.

Only by constantly evolving, constantly breaking through the limit, and surpassing the peak height that the original gene sequence should reach, will every creature gain little by little the power close to the gods.

Chen Fei looked down at the laser pistol in his hand, and he noticed that the glowing bars on it were about a quarter smaller than before.

If Chen Fei guessed correctly, this light bar should represent the energy value of the laser gun.

Once the light bar is cleared, it means that the energy of the laser gun is exhausted, and it can no longer be used for combat.

The scarlet eyes of the giant mutated zombie stared at Fade Chen through the gap between the raised fist and the arm.

This made Fade Chen extremely upset. Although he had gained a lot of valuable combat experience during the battle, he was still wasting time, consuming his physical strength, evolutionary energy, and the laser gun in his hand.

To the extent that it is impossible to give up halfway, to give up is to admit cowardly!

The corners of Fade Chen's mouth raised slightly, and the smile on his face looked more like a sinister villain.

Now that the giant species in front of him has become an immovable target, there is only one thing Fade Chen has to do next.

He wants to use water to grind the patience of tofu, to kill it a little bit.

To understand this, Fade Chen kept a safe enough distance from the giant mutated zombies as much as possible while satisfying the shooting distance, and used the laser gun to consume the skeletal armor on his body.

As the dominant side in the battle, it is necessary to take out the dominant side and be patient.


Fade Chen and the giant mutated zombie were doing their own things repeatedly.

Fade Chen used a laser gun to shoot around the giant mutated zombies, keeping a distance, remaining patient, and consuming the defenses of the giant mutated zombies little by little.

The giant mutated zombies did not show anger and violent emotions because of this passive situation, but were still secretly accumulating strength, waiting for the opportunity to punch.

When the energy value of the laser pistol in Fade Chen's hand was consumed to half, the body of the giant mutated zombie was riddled with holes.

There were blood holes bleeding out dark brown sticky blood one after another on his body. There were many broken cracks in the skeletal armor on his arms and head, and he looked a bit miserable.

In this battle of patience and endurance, with the movement of the giant mutated zombie's body, the winner was determined.

Those scarlet eyes were flickering fiercely. In the constant consumption by Fade Chen, the energy that can condense the skeletal armor of the giant mutated zombies was weakened little by little, and gradually reached the level where it could no longer be maintained.

The skeletal spikes on the arms and fists disappeared, and the giant mutated zombie continued to shrink its defenses, keeping only the head covered by the thickened skeletal armor.

The skeletal armor on the two arms changed back to its previous appearance, and the area covered was only the forearm and fist.

Although Fade Chen was the one with the advantage in the battle, he felt a little depressed because the battle time was delayed again and again. If it continued like this, he had to be prepared to consume all the energy in the laser pistol.

Chen Fei is still not sure what energy the laser gun consumes. Basically, after the energy is exhausted, it is equivalent to scrapping a powerful piece of equipment.

After careful consideration, Fade Chen put away the laser pistol, ready to take the initiative to create a fatal opening for the giant mutated zombies!

Now that the battle has progressed, Fade Chen has accurately grasped the attack speed of the giant mutated zombies. He only needs to maintain the running speed at a level that the giant mutated zombies just can't catch.

In the beginning, Fade Chen just used a heavy knife to attack and test, but after the test, Fade Chen began to take the initiative to reveal his flaws to go fishing, and made attacking movements in the air.

Jump up and use a heavy knife to expand the abdominal wound of the giant mutated zombie.

As Fade Chen guessed, the giant mutated zombie didn't fight back right away. It was still observing, waiting for a better chance to deliver a fatal blow.

Taking advantage of the inconvenience of the giant mutated zombies, Fade walked around behind the giant mutated zombies.

With the current situation of the giant mutated zombie, the back is considered a blind spot for its attack.

call! ! !

With the sound of a ferocious breaking wind, Fade Chen leaped onto the shoulder of the giant mutant zombie after borrowing strength from the giant mutant zombie's back, and slashed off the shoulder of the giant mutant zombie with a heavy knife in his hand!

Without the skeletal armor, Fade Chen easily broke through the skin and flesh defenses of the giant mutated zombies. After the heavy knife was about to touch the shoulder blade, Fade Chen released the restrained energy of the ice element.

Fade Chen quickly dodged, using the speed difference with the giant mutated zombies to ensure that he would not be easily hit.

The giant mutated zombie felt threatened and moved its body as much as possible. However, its speed was much lower than that of Fade Chen, and all the struggles it made were in vain.

Fade Chen left a huge wound along the spine from bottom to top on the back of the giant mutated zombie!

The skin was cut open, the underlying muscles turned outward, and thick blood flowed out continuously.

Fade Chen acted recklessly in the visual blind spot where the giant mutated zombies could not see, in order to provoke the giant mutated zombies to attack.

Fade Chen rushed along the back of the giant mutated zombie to the back of its head. Just as he was about to swing a heavy knife to attack, the giant mutated zombie that was ready to go finally launched an attack at this time!

While turning his head sideways, he punched out!

Amidst the thunderous explosions, fists packed with tyrannical strength came towards Fade Chen.

Chen Fei's original plan was to take the initiative to sell the loophole to let the giant mutated zombie punch a terrifying punch. Through the calculation of the angle, he dodged to achieve the purpose of hitting the giant mutated zombie with his fist.

However, judging from the punches of the giant mutated zombies, there is a certain discrepancy between the actual situation and Fade Chen's plan.

Of course, this does not rule out that the giant mutated zombies realized this in advance and made timely adjustments...

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