Huh? ?!

Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Ren Fa and Uncle Jiu looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

"Taoist Jiang Chen, come?"

Ren Fa asked uncertainly.

Jiang Chen said righteously:"Yes, just now Senior Brother said that this dragonfly-like hole is covered with snowflakes. It is obvious that the Feng Shui master is harming your Ren family. Waiting for another month will increase the danger. Of course, we can't delay any longer!"

"But the ropes are broken.……"

Before Ren Fa could finish his words,

Jiang Chen had already walked to the side of the coffin.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, he grabbed the coffin of Old Master Ren with both hands.

""Lift it up!"

He suddenly lifted it up.


The coffin buried in the grave was actually lifted out by Jiang Chen.

While holding the coffin, he said,"It's such a simple thing, why do you need a rope? It's just lifting the coffin!"

Ren Fa:"……"

Uncle Nine:"……"

The two were speechless.

The servants holding the ropes were so shocked that they kept swallowing their saliva.

"Shit, this... is this even possible?"

"What kind of power does Taoist Jiang Chen have? He can lift such a big coffin by himself?!"

"At first I didn’t believe the rumors in the town yesterday, wondering how it was possible for someone to mention a thousand-pound stone ball, but now I completely believe it!"

"I believe it too, he is worthy of being Taoist Master Jiang Chen!"

"Damn the rope! Taoist Jiang Chen is right. Why would you need a rope to open the coffin?! Isn't this an insult?"


The servants threw away the ropes in their hands in anger.

Looking at these ropes, they just felt ashamed.

And yesterday, these people naturally heard the rumors in the town, because the rumors became more and more outrageous, and some people even said that Jiang Chen even attracted the thunder, so they had some doubts in their hearts. They didn't believe that Jiang Chen could lift the thousand-jin stone ball.

But now!!

After seeing the horrific scene in front of them, they all believed it immediately.

And Captain Awei next to him also opened his mouth in fear.

Originally, he felt a little uncomfortable when he saw Jiang Chen and Ren Tingting walking very close, but at this moment he was extremely fortunate that he didn't take the initiative to provoke Jiang Chen, otherwise he might die if Jiang Chen punched him!

As for Ren Tingting on the other side.

Because she had seen Jiang Chen's strength yesterday, she was not too shocked by the scene in front of her.

But seeing Jiang Chen so anxious to help the Ren family to open the coffin, and saying that delaying for another month would increase the danger, it was obvious that he was concerned about their Ren family!

And caring about the Ren family... isn't it equivalent to caring about her?

"Hehe, Taoist Jiang Chen is so nice, I didn't expect that he cares about me so much! Hehe!"

Ren Tingting giggled in her heart, with a happy smile on her face.


At the same time,

Jiang Chen took the coffin out of the grave and then slowly placed it on the ground.

""Brother, Master Ren, can we put the coffin here?"

Uncle Jiu wiped the cold sweat from his head and nodded,"Sure, leave it here first!"

Ren Fa also hurried over and bowed to Jiang Chen, saying,"Thank you, Taoist Jiang Chen. If it weren't for you today, we would have to wait until next month to open the coffin!"

Ren Fa thanked him sincerely.

He suddenly felt that the five hundred dollars he gave yesterday was really worth it!! After a while , Uncle Jiu came back to his senses from his surprise. He began to focus on the coffin. When he looked at the coffin, his brows suddenly frowned.

"This breath……"

Uncle Jiu found something wrong.

Because the coffin was already rotten, and black gas was coming out of the coffin. Although the black gas was not thick, it made him feel palpitating.

He quickly said to Jiang Chen:"Junior brother, help open the coffin!"


Jiang Chen was not angry.

Even if Uncle Jiu didn't say it, he would open the coffin. Otherwise, how could Uncle Jiu find out that Old Master Ren inside had turned into a zombie?

And since Uncle Jiu found out, it saved a lot of effort.


Jiang Chen grabbed the coffin lid with both hands.

He lifted it lightly.

The coffin lid fell to the ground next to it, making a huge dull sound.


Uncle Jiu hurriedly looked into the coffin.

He saw a thicker black gas filled inside, and Old Master Ren was lying inside with a dark face.

"He is going to turn into a zombie!"

Uncle Jiu murmured, and immediately recognized that Old Master Ren was about to turn into a zombie.

So, he turned to look at Ren Fa and said,"Master Ren, this dragonfly water hole has become ineffective and cannot be used anymore. Moreover, I think the old man is showing signs of turning into a zombie!"



Hearing the word zombie, Ren Fa and Ren Tingting, who were kneeling on the ground, were suddenly startled.

Ren Tingting had seen zombies before, and thinking of the terrifying fangs and blue eyes, she hugged Ren Fa and

"Daddy, zombies are so scary!"

Ren Fa hugged Ren Tingting and he was shaking with fear.

"Uncle Jiu, what should we do? Ren Fa asked Uncle Jiu.

"I suggest cremation. As long as we burn Old Master Ren's body, we can prevent him from turning into a zombie!"

As soon as cremation was mentioned,

Ren Fa stood up and shook his head:"No, my father was most afraid of fire when he was alive. Uncle Jiu, do you think there is any other way?"

As a wealthy businessman in Renjia Town, he wanted to cremate the old master's body just after digging it out. If this matter gets to everyone's ears, they will definitely think that he is an unfilial son.

The Ren family's business is already difficult.

If his reputation gets worse... it will be even more difficult for the Ren family to gain a foothold in Renjia Town in the future, so Ren Fa firmly disagrees with cremation.

At this time, Jiang Chen came over and said,"Senior Brother, since Master Ren does not agree to cremation, why not transport the old master's body back to the charity cemetery, affix a talisman to suppress evil, and then choose a place with sufficient yang energy to rebury it!"

Hearing Jiang Chen's suggestion, Uncle Jiu nodded and said,"This is the only way for now. What do you think, Master Ren?"

"Good, this is a good idea!"

When Ren Fa heard that cremation was not necessary, he immediately agreed.


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