Night falls!

Lin Feng took Nintendo to the Zhenkou archway, where Lin Jiu and Ma Ma Di were already waiting here.

“Sure enough, it’s Nintendo.”

A hint of color flashed in Ma Machi’s eyes, because in Nintendo, he actually sensed a crisis.

Thinking that he had practiced hard for most of his life, but he might not be the opponent of this guy who had only been cheating corpses for one night, he couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated, he really wasn’t a piece of cultivation material.

“You dead old ghost…” Ah Hao also looked strange, if it weren’t for this guy, he wouldn’t have been cleaned up so badly last night.

“Cuong, Ahao, you two don’t go tonight, I and your two uncles will personally send this Nintendo home.”

Ma Ma Di arranged, but he knew that there was already a problem in this, and a large number of people would add to the chaos.




The house is brightly lit.

The crowd is eagerly awaiting.

“Jingle bells—”

Suddenly, a bell rang outside the house, and at the same time someone shouted loudly: “Old lady Ren is back!” ”

“It’s coming!”

Suddenly, there was a mess in the house, and Old Master Ren led his daughter Ren Zhuzhu and a large group of family slaves to welcome out.

“Three souls return to their hometown, seven spirits go home, hurry up, prepare a cornucopia.”

I have to say that Ma Ma Tei’s business is quite skillful, shaking the copper bell with one hand and shouting slogans while looking presentable.

Lin Feng followed behind him, controlling this Nintendo so as not to suddenly go crazy, after all, zombies kill relatives, this is not a joke.

Although in the plot, Nintendo does not seem to be so eager for the blood of blood relatives because of mutation.

However, this kind of thing, naturally, can not be overstated.

Suddenly, a servant brought a brazier burning valuable and placed it in front of Nintendo.

“The old lady jumped over the cornucopia, and the family was reunited.”

Numbly shaking the brass bell, Nintendo jumped over.




Suddenly, a large family of children plopped down on the ground, crying loudly.

“Master Ren, the auspicious time is coming, the old lady is working hard, it is better to let him enter the coffin as soon as possible, and then enter the soil for safety.”

Ma Ma urged in.

“Good, good, good, everything is arranged by the mage.”

This kind of thing, Mr. Ren naturally does not understand much, how to say professionally, then how to do it.

Immediately, Ma Madi pretended to manipulate Nintendo to jump into the coffin.

Manipulating corpses and jumping things, such a strange method, made everyone frightened, and at the same time they were convinced by the Maoshan Taoist.

“Mage, we want to see my dad again.”

Just as Ma Ma Di was about to arrange for someone to cover the coffin lid, Old Master Ren came up and said.


Ma Madi was stunned, and stood up to look at Lin Feng behind him.

After all, this Nintendo is now a zombie.

I don’t know if something will happen if I remove the rune paper on my forehead.

Old Master Ren and Ren Zhuzhu also followed Ma Madi’s gaze.

At this time, Ren Zhuzhu saw Lin Feng who had been standing behind Ma Madi.

“It’s you!”

“Zhuzhu, we meet again.” Lin Feng grinned, strode forward, and casually ripped off the rune paper used to pretend on Nintendo’s forehead, “Come on, after seeing the last meeting, it’s time to seal the coffin.” ”



Looking at the face lifelike, as if it was just Nintendo who slept over, the father and daughter cried again.

“Master Ren, Zhuzhu, birth, old age, illness and death are the common feelings of people, and everyone will go through such a situation sooner or later, so there is no need to be too sad.”

Lin Feng said a word of encouragement, and waved his hand to the family on the side, “Okay, seal the coffin!” ”

Suddenly, Jiading carried the coffin and covered the front cover.

Immediately, a group of people carried the coffin towards the Yin Mansion that had been prepared for Nintendo.

“Zhuzhu, I didn’t expect us to meet again.” Lin Feng walked to Ren Zhuzhu’s side.

“It turns out that you are a Taoist priest.” Ren Zhuzhu didn’t look very happy, listening to the tone, but he was a little dissatisfied with Lin Feng’s identity.

“How? Are Taoists bad? Lin Feng was a little confused, what does this girl mean?

“Taoist, can’t you get married and have children?” Ren Zhuzhu asked the question she cared about.

“Who have you heard, Taoist priests also live in two kinds of monks, and monks live in palaces, do not marry, and fast; The Huoju Taoist priest does not pay attention to these things, and can get married and have children. ”

“Then are you a monk or a fire house Taoist?”

“I’m young, naturally I’m a Fire House Taoist.”

“What does monasticism have to do with fire and age?”


The two chatted idly, and soon followed everyone to the outside of the town, in the Yin Mansion that had already been dug up.

“So the Yin Mansion is here!”

Lin Feng’s heart moved, and he immediately urged the cockroach secret technique.

Suddenly, the cockroaches around gathered and entered the tomb under the cover of darkness.

“Three mages, that’s it.”

Knowing that Lin Feng and Lin Jiu were both Ma Madi’s junior brothers and people with real skills, Old Master Ren was very enthusiastic.

“This land was chosen by the feng shui gentleman in our town, saying that it is very consistent with the eight characters of the old lady, and the old lady buried in it will definitely shelter our Ren family.”

Originally, Mr. Feng Shui should also come tonight, but he also had business tonight in other places outside the town, and thinking that there was a mage sitting here, he went over there and did not come over. ”

“Well, let’s take a look.”

Lin Feng nodded, picked up a torch from the side of the family member, and walked forward.

The crowd followed.

“What sound?”

Before they got closer, everyone felt wrong.

When he came to the grave, the forest wind and torches swept away, and suddenly, the scene in the tomb appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

Ahh —

Cockroaches –


Old Master Ren’s feet are soft, if it is not for the family Ding next to him to hold it in time, I am afraid that he will inevitably fall his butt.

And Ren Zhuzhu is no better.

Fortunately, she was next to Lin Feng, and was pulled by Lin Feng casually, so she didn’t fall, but her legs were soft, and she held Lin Feng’s arm hard, not daring to look this way.

The family members on the side also trembled one by one.

In the grave, the dense cockroaches look quite mad.

If they hadn’t known that there were three mages here, they would have turned around and ran.

“Good means.”

Ma Madi couldn’t help but swallow, although he didn’t know how there were so many cockroaches in this pit, he also knew that this must be Lin Feng’s ghost.

“Master Ren, there is a problem with the location of this Yin Mansion, and I am afraid that I can’t be buried here.” Lin Jiu stepped forward, pretended to calculate twice, and made a final statement.

“Master, is this Mr. Feng Shui, trying to harm our Ren family?”

Old Master Ren calmed down, and a trace of anger flashed on his face.

No wonder that Mr. Feng Shui didn’t come tonight, it turned out to be waiting for him here.


Lin Jiu was stunned all of a sudden, but he knew that once he said that it was Mr. Feng Shui’s problem, the rice bowl of Mr. Feng Shui who had not yet met would be smashed.

Even, there may be a danger to their lives, after all, the Ren family, as a local squire, is rich and powerful, but it is not an ordinary feng shui gentleman who can bully.

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