“If you want to live, I will also give you a chance, in the same realm, one-on-one, kill one of them, I will not kill you.”

Lin Feng grinned, looking at these bits that were looking at him with fearful eyes, so that their hearts, which were shrouded in dark fear, shone in such a ray of light.

The dog’s eyes burned with fire again, it was a desire for life.

The skill was inferior, and he crashed into Lin Feng’s hand, and he could only admit that he was unlucky.

Just now, he really wanted to do his best to see if he could hurt Lin Feng.

This is knowing that you will die, and you have the idea that I can’t beat you and bite you.

And now, Lin Feng’s words once again gave him hope in life.

In the same realm, choose any person.

Isn’t his opponent a witch?

If it was a witch at the time of total victory, he was naturally not sure.

However, the current witch, hehe, the original life was taken away, and her cultivation went directly to half of it, and now, he has just entered the level of the archmage, but he is not afraid.

“Come on.”

The dog bear looked at Wang Po, his eyes full of madness.

It’s a life-and-death struggle.

The stronger the person, the more he speaks.

He believed in Lin Feng, and if he won, he would definitely not do it himself.

Then his own life, even if saved.


Wang Po glanced at the mountain boar, eagle head and others behind her.

Since he decided to serve under Lin Feng’s hands, he naturally had to follow Lin Feng’s lead.

Therefore, don’t say that Lin Feng let them one on one, even if Lin Feng let them moths to fight the fire, they have to go.


Immediately, everyone jumped down from their horses and rushed forward with their swordsmen in hand.

Wang Po, naturally, is on the dog bear.

The mountain boar and the eagle head each chose a mage.

The rest, naturally, is warlock to warlock.

The two sides are both the same race and mortal enemies.

Bear them, knowing that if they can’t do it, they have to die, so they all have red eyes.

And Wang Po’s group also harbors hatred, and if they don’t kill each other, they will be killed by the other party, and there is also no way back.

Both sides hold the will to kill each other.

However, in general, the people on Wang Po’s side still have an advantage.

Because the people on the dog’s side have more or less injuries on their bodies.

Therefore, on the whole, it is still the people on Wang Po’s side who have the upper hand, but Wang Po is an exception.

There are almost no injuries on the dog bear, and the dog bear’s current cultivation is also stronger than Wang Po.

The late stage of the Archmage basically has an overwhelming advantage over the early stage of the Archmage.

If it weren’t for the fact that Wang Po was also a strong person in the late stage of the Archmage, the experience and means were still there, and I was afraid that I would suffer a big loss if I was a pair.

And now, it is no better, it is suppressed in all directions, it can be said that it is a defeat.

However, in the end, her background is still there, and for a while, she can still insist.

“These guys have good combat power.”

Lin Feng stood aside, and in the battlefield, almost everyone’s every move could not be concealed from his eyes.

The Miao people’s fighting style is very savage, with a wild beauty, like wild beasts hunting, of course, the power is also extremely strong.

Fist to flesh, touch it will hurt.

Soon, someone divided the winner and the loser.

The eagle head bit off the throat of the opponent.

Immediately, the mountain boar also twisted the throat of his opponent at the cost of breaking off an arm.

The screams made the warlocks under Dog Bear more and more flustered.

As a result, within a few strokes, the dog bear’s subordinates were wiped out at once.

Wang Po’s subordinates, on the other hand, were only seriously injured.

“Damn it—”

The dog bear naturally noticed the tragic situation of his subordinates.

However, at this moment, where can he take care of others.

“People killed by your people, I will use your head to accumulate them.”

The axe in the dog’s hand fell like a storm, and the queen who hit the enemy with the insect whip kept dodging.

The two of you chased me, and soon, they were getting farther and farther away from Lin Feng.

After a long time of attack, the dog bear’s heart became more and more irritable.

Wang Po is too flexible, but what he is good at is opening and closing.

Therefore, if Wang Po is bent on hiding, for a while, he really can’t take the other party.

And his ferocious attack, whether it is physical strength or mana, is particularly large.

When his strength declines, I am afraid that it will be dangerous.

Immediately, his heart moved, and his eyes glanced at Lin Feng.

Here, far from the location of Lin Feng, is already very far.

If he had just gone into the dense forest…

Not far ahead, there is a river, when the time comes, jump into it, follow the current, and your own little life, even if you save it.

I have an idea in my mind.

He immediately slashed out with an axe, and Wang Po just avoided it, and another cold light roared, but it was the dog bear who directly threw another axe out.

Wang Po had no choice but to retreat.

At this time, the dog bear suddenly turned around, jumped into the dense forest on the side, and disappeared in an instant.


Wang Po was stunned for a moment, but she didn’t expect that the dog bear, who has always been grinning, would also play tricks.

“Alas, you could have lived a little longer.”

A hint of color flashed in Wang Po’s eyes.

But he knew that if he didn’t dare to kill himself or not, he would definitely die.

“If you want to escape, then die.”

Lin Feng sneered.

Roar –

Ho —

In the dense forest, there was a low roar of Old Lady Ren and the royal zombies.

“Ahhh… How can it be…… No…”

Immediately, the screams of the bears came from the dense forest.

But he was so dead that he just crashed into Old Lady Ren in the dark.

Just when he noticed that something was wrong, the royal zombies came up again.

In front of the two bigwigs who were proficient in hand-to-hand combat, he was directly torn in half before he could use his means.


The enemies were all destroyed, Wang Po’s heart relaxed, returned to Lin Feng, and knelt down on one knee.


The other Hmong also knelt down on one knee.

Because of Lin Feng, they destroyed their enemies.

This is well.

And all they can do is offer their faithfulness.

“Let’s all get up, as long as you are obedient in the future, I will not treat you badly.”

Lin Feng spoke, waved his hand, and a worm whip flew out and rolled back into a stone jar.

In the stone jar, there is a thump.

But something kept crashing.

“This thing, yours?”

Lin Feng looked at Wang Po.

He could detect that the contents had almost the same aura as Wang Po’s body.

“Master, this is my true destiny, in the past, in order to cover me down the mountain, I stayed in the mountain and was caught by them.”

Wang Po nodded, a hint of longing on her face.

“Then return things to their original owners.”

Lin Feng gave down the stone jar.

“Thank you, master.”

Wang Po took the stone jar with trembling hands, and her fingers pressed the mechanism outside the jar.


The stone jar slammed open.

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