"The harem?" An Xiurong looked at Tian Tian.

"Just..." Tian Tian spread his hands and gave her a smile: "Don't care about these details."

"Okay, let's do a taste test today." An Xiurong pushed the door and entered the office.

The cold silver metal fits the temperament of An Xiurong. Tian Tian watched her fingertips fiddling with the equipment, and an indescribable impulse emerged in his heart.

The surroundings were very quiet, An Xiurong's breath brewed into a moving melody in Tian Tian's ears.

She placed her things and waved to Tian Tian, ​​"Come, sit here."

A cold and hard chair, Tian Tian sat down and looked up at An Xiurong.

An Xiurong bent over and said, "Open your mouth and stick out your tongue."

Tian Tian kept his mouth shut.

An Xiurong waited for a while, looking at her suspiciously.

Tian Tian stood up suddenly: "Can I brush my teeth first?"

"I don't mind." An Xiurong said.

"I mind!" Tian Tian protested strongly.

An Xiurong raised his finger and pointed to a closed door: "There are unopened toothbrushes and spare water glasses inside."

Tian Tian hurried over.

I thought it was a bathroom, but I didn't expect it to be a large lounge.

A large bed is placed in the center, although the bedding is cold and dry dark gray, but the soft quilt still makes people feel the urge to lie down.

This is An Xiurong's bed, Tian Tian couldn't help but raised his hand and touched the foot of the bed.

There was indeed a new toothbrush and a water cup in the ensuite bathroom. Tian Tian took the water and touched An Xiurong's quilt with the toothbrush in his mouth.

"Cheers." He muttered with a smile.

After brushing his teeth, Tian Tian opened his mouth to the mirror.

Well, the teeth are very white and neat. The tongue is pink and the shape is round and beautiful.

Thank you for being so good, Tian Tian smiled and patted his face.

When he sat down in the chair again, Tian Tian was calm and confident.

Open your mouth and stick your tongue out. A small glass rod in An Xiurong's hand tapped her tongue lightly.

"Huh?" Tian Tian stretched out his tongue and snorted.

"Tast it." An Xiurong's breath brushed against her cheek.

Tian Tian retracted his tongue and smacked his mouth: "Salt."

"Okay." An Xiurong cleaned the glass rod and got something else.

Tian Tian opened his mouth consciously.

After completing the test with tacit understanding, An Xiurong asked a series of specific but strange questions. Tian Tian replied one by one, and An Xiurong carefully recorded it on the computer.

"Okay, that's it for today." An Xiurong said.

"What are you going to do next?" Tian Tian stood up.

"Go to the laboratory." An Xiurong replied.

"Can I go with you?"

"You can go after you finish the two-week course." An Xiurong is business-like.

"Oh." Tian Tian nodded: "Then I can go back now?"

"Well, I asked Luo Kai to come..." Before An Xiurong finished speaking, Tian Tian suddenly stepped forward and hugged her.

An Xiurong looked down at her, not moving.

Tian Tian put his hands around An Xiurong's neck and looked at her seriously.

Her legs were next to hers, her crotch was on her belly. And the softness of the chest, like a river melting into the sea when they touch each other.

Tian Tian rubbed lightly, letting An Xiurong's heat seep into her body through the clothes.

"Your test is done, and I haven't tasted the flavor I want."

"Me?" An Xiurong asked in a low voice.

Tian Tian saw her throat slide gently and replied: "Yes."

There is a cold wall behind, An Xiurong leaned against the wall, his body slid down, and his legs that had been standing straight were bent into beautiful corners.

She lowered her height so that Tian Tian could easily look straight at her, and then a light smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Tian Tian was dazed by her laugh and asked her, "What are you laughing at?"

"Curious." An Xiurong said, "I'm curious about where you want to taste the most?"

Tian Tian's heart was beating like a drum, and all the places where An Xiurong was next to her could arouse a thin electric current. She could feel every cell in her start burning, and her pulse shuddered in her limbs along with the meridians.

Tian Tian approached An Xiurong and felt her shallow and warm breath, the tip of her nose was her breath, like poison.

Tian Tian stretched out his tongue, and the tip of the tongue lightly touched the corner of An Xiurong's lips.

The body was about to explode, Tian Tian retreated abruptly, but failed to evacuate An Xiurong's body.

An Xiurong's hand on her waist was like a spark that ignited explosives, Tian Tian was about to lose control of his body ready to go.

"When you're done, let me go." With a pleading tone.

An Xiurong didn't let go, and his voice was deep in Tian Tian's heart: "What does it taste like?"

"Sweet." Tian Tian pulled An Xiurong's arm around her waist.

"Yes." An Xiurong smiled lightly again: "The tip of the tongue is the sweet spot."

Tian Tian finally broke free, did not dare to look at An Xiurong again, turned and walked out the door.

"I'm going back." The glass door opened, but An Xiurong did not follow.

Tian Tian closed the door and started running down the corridor.

She doesn't know if there are surveillance cameras elsewhere, but there must be surveillance cameras everywhere in this building.

Her body could not be controlled, she had never felt such a strong desire to transform.

Where to go, where to go, the elevator is going down too slowly.

When he rushed out of the building, Tian Tian had already felt the sudden growth of his nails.

There is a house on the right corner with a sign of a bath center. Tian Tian rushed over and entered the door just as the girl at the front desk bent over to look for something under the counter.

Tian Tian did not hesitate, raised his foot lightly and escaped the ticket.

He could easily tell if there was anyone in the room, Tian Tian flashed into the nearest empty room and locked the door.

The house is very closed, with a large soup pool in the middle.

Tian Tian quickly took off his clothes and soaked himself in the water.

The water is cold, if you look for it, you will be able to turn on the heater, but Tian Tian buried himself in the cold water until only his head was left.

Transformation is a scorching and explosive process, Tian Tian hopes that the cold can suppress this irrepressible impulse.

Ten minutes passed, and it turned out that the cold water just buffered the time. Tian Tian watched his body change little by little in the water, and finally turned into a terrifying appearance with strong muscles and sharp claws.

On the opposite side is a huge mirror, and there is also a clear reflection in the water. Tian Tian looked at himself, a long-lost feeling welling up in his heart.

The first transformation in the previous life was a huge shock, a desperate panic. It's disgust, it's madness, it's the shattering of all newly built hopes.

She showed her ugliest side in front of the people she liked and trusted the most.

Tian Tian closed his eyes, not wanting to see himself or repeating that memory.

Out of the bath center, An Xiurong's car was parked under the experimental building. Luo Kai leaned against the car door, and when he looked over, his eyes were filled with impatience.

If he is in a good mood, Tian Tian is willing to be angry and tease Luo Kai like this. But now she was in a very bad mood, so she got into the car silently and didn't bother to say a word.

Luo Kai's suffocating breath could not be calmed down, he endured it all the way, and finally broke out when he was about to get to school.

"I've been waiting for you for half an hour!"

"Oh, sorry." Tian Tian glanced at the rearview mirror: "I have something to do."

"What's the matter?" Luo Kai raised his finger and pointed out the window: "To that kind of place?!"

Tian Tian looked out the window: "Go to school?"

"Oh~~~" Tian Tian probably understood what Luo Kai meant, smiled and said, "Senior, you think too much."

"Don't call me senior!" Luo Kai stopped the car, threw a watch on her, and said angrily: "Get off!"

Tian Tian got out of the car, stood at the door and stared at the solemn school gate of 217 for a while, and finally straightened his clothes and walked in.

Students who came and went on the road, many of them set their eyes on her uniform, with envious expressions.

Being able to enter An Xiurong's class and become a student of Dr. An is probably the greatest honor in their hearts.

I also have special rights that no one else dares to dream of. Thinking about it like this, Tian Tian is happy again.

Back to the dormitory building, the first door brushed the pupils, very smooth.

To go up to the third floor and swipe the card, Tian Tian was stunned.

No, in this day's itinerary, all unlocks did not rely on external items.

Tian Tian raised his hand to look at his wrist, stretched out his finger and poked it. Not on the left, poke on the right again.


In her wrist, a chip is implanted.

Tian Tian swiped his wrist to the third floor, and swiped his wrist to unlock the lock of his dormitory.

Then sat on the bed for a long time, when someone put something on him, he didn't even know.

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