After being crazy enough, Tian Tian was finally willing to let go of An Xiurong. Move carefully, treating a person with strong fighting power as a little girl.

An Xiurong raised his hand and nodded on his head: "A little dizzy."

"Haha, haha." Tian Tian laughed awkwardly and asked her, "Would you like some water."

"No need." An Xiurong rubbed the back of her hand against her cheek.

She and Qiao Dongrong are fine, even all the zombies in this valley do not need to be warmed, but An Xiurong is a living human, Tian Tian always pays attention to the difference between her and himself, so as to avoid ignore her feelings.

Tian Tian blocked An Xiurong with his back, not wanting her to know that he couldn't even do this little thing well.

An Xiurong's brows were warmed by the firelight, and he nodded as if he was smiling.

Tian Tian looked at the pile of ashes embarrassedly, feeling that the tall image he finally built up collapsed.

An Xiurong laughed, this time with a genuine smile, took out a small crystal from his bag and threw it into the pyre.

"Wow." Tian Tian exclaimed sincerely, "It's really incomparable to your high technology."

An Xiurong rubbed her head, pulled her to sit around the fire, and stretched out her palms to bake on the flames.

The straight and slender fingers were warmly reflected, Tian Tian stared at those fingers and swallowed.

Qiao stood up suddenly, but not towards the fire, Tian Tian just wanted to beckon him to come over, when he saw him running out of the hole very fast.

"What...why are you going..." Tian Tian mumbled in tears, "Bring him out to have fun."

"You too." An Xiurong answered.

Tian Tian laughed, and after a long time, he raised his hand and touched An Xiurong's finger.

The fingertips, which are usually cold, are warm, which makes Tian Tian feel comfortable.

Indeed, Tian Tian was much more relaxed after leaving the alliance. You don't have to hide your strength all the time, you don't have to worry about the eyes around you, and you don't have to analyze the conspiracies and forces of each side. On the site of the abandoned land, the only thing to do is to fight. Tian Tian has an innate advantage. Standing at the top of the food chain, she is like returning to a free forest.

What's more, An Xiurong didn't mind her completely transformed posture, she trusted her so much, and accompany her into the hinterland where the zombies gathered like a sheep into a tiger's mouth, Tian Tian didn't know what to do In return for this trust, the only way to smile and smile at her is to give her a heart.

The firewood crackled, Tian Tian rubbed against An Xiurong until he could touch her arm, contentedly enjoying this quiet time with her.

There was a gust of wind at the entrance of the cliff cave, Tian Tian raised his hand to protect the fire, turned his head and saw Qiao rushing in.

"Hey, slow down, the monkey is anxious for you." Tian Tian waved at him fiercely.

Joe came over, holding a bunch of things in his hand, getting close, Tian Tian found that it was a knocked-out chicken.

This chicken looks different from the chickens in the alliance. The chickens in the alliance are fat, and this chicken can be said to be very slender in comparison.

Despite guessing, Tian Tian couldn't help but ask Qiao: "Why?"

"Eat." Joe poked the chicken in front of her, tersely.

An Xiurong paused for a while, and finally replied obediently: "Yes."

Gu Wei is not here, the chicken still needs to be eaten.

If An Xiurong was born in a peaceful age, his fingers must not touch the spring water, but in this age, survival in the wild is the basic training.

The foundation of survival is enough, but there is no cooking.

Tian Tian watched An Xiurong wipe the chicken's neck and take off the hair. His attitude was bold and unrestrained, as if it was a leisurely battle.

After the internal organs were cleaned, An Xiurong carried the **** chicken and threw it in front of Qiao: "Go down and wash it clean."

Joe jumped out without saying a word.

Coming back quickly this time, bringing a white and clean whole chicken.

An Xiurong took it and put it on the prepared long sword, and roasted it on the fire. After roasting for a while, he tilted his head and said to Joe, "Learn more."

Joe nodded, earnestly: "Okay."

Tian Tian endured it for a while, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Xiu Rong, do you have any seasonings?"

"There is salt." An Xiurong replied.

Tian Tian pointed to the chicken that was starting to bake oily: "When are you going to put it?"

"It's good to sprinkle some after baking." An Xiurong took it for granted.

"This way..." Tian Tian looked at her, and finally swallowed the three words that were unpleasant.

Do you expect them to cook delicious food?

No, An Xiurong can’t count on it, and she can’t count on herself…

After the meat was cooked, An Xiurong took out the salt and prepared to sprinkle it as he said earlier.

Tian Tian grabbed the meat from her hand, separated it finely, and sprinkled the salt evenly on it.

"Eat." Tian Tian pushed out the plate, righteously.

The three of them had no image and stretched out their hands to nibble.

Full of food and drink, Joe began to stare blankly for sleep.

The injury on his body has not fully recovered, and his physical energy has been consumed a lot in the past two days.

Tian Tian pulled the sleeping bag for him, took advantage of the firelight to see that his cheeks had begun to plump up, raised his hand and rubbed his soft little face with relief.

When she turned around, she saw An Xiurong sitting by the fire quietly watching her.

"What's the matter?" Tian Tian asked in a low voice, rubbing his hands lightly.

An Xiurong looked into her eyes with a serious expression: "It's not a bad day."

"Really?" Tian Tian grinned happily.

It's really a good day like this, sunrise and sunset.

The air in the valley is very good, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, it really makes Tian Tian feel like he is on a honeymoon.

Zombies need to go out for food every day, Tian Tian's main task is to train Joe to fight.

Then in the evening, the zombies who have evolved to think are gathered together to take political education and high-level management courses.

I don’t know if it’s because Xiaohong has domesticated the zombies before. Most of the zombies in the valley are very obedient, showing a peaceful and orderly scene.

Tian Tian taught them to keep animals in captivity, taught them to use fire to eat cooked food, and taught them how to evolve quickly.

Of course, the premise of everything is that it does not hurt human beings.

Do not harm humans, this is the most important rule set by Tian Tian to teach zombies.

In the previous life, Tian Tian worked hard for this, and finally was outnumbered and defeated. This time, with An Xiurong and Qiao, Tian Tian wondered if he had a better chance of success.

An Xiurong accompanied her the whole time. Even if she didn't understand the zombie language, she stood quietly beside her and looked at the zombies below with a calm expression.

In the dead of night, Tian Tian and An Xiurong would whisper in a quilt.

Most of the time, it is about the education of zombies. Tian Tian provides a lot of basic information, and An Xiurong uses his own theory and practical experience to provide valuable management suggestions.

With An Xiurong, it seems that if he has a little bit, he will be able to empower his little magic power. The problem that Tian Tian had spent a long time solving, and even failed to solve in the end, showed a bright road under the guidance of An Xiurong.

Although An Xiurong no longer stands on the podium, and no longer appears in the laboratory in white, but Tian Tian's reverence for her continues like a surging river, and there is a decision at any time. Embankment trend.

"Why are you so powerful!" Tian Tian squeezed into An Xiurong's arms with star eyes.

"Because I'm your wife." An Xiurong boasted without principle.

The days passed so peacefully for half a month, Tian Tian did not know how long An Xiurong would normally go out for inspections, but she still needed more time now.

So she selfishly didn't ask An Xiurong if she should go back. She occupied An Xiurong and let her live with the zombies, full of expectations, so that the future of the confrontation between humans and the zombie race could be changed.

The rare balance was broken when Tian Tian returned from training.

An Xiurong did not go to training with Tian Tian on this day. A lot of physical exertion was nothing to Tian Tian, ​​but it was indeed a bit tiring for An Xiurong.

So Tian Tian left Qiao with An Xiurong, and walked into the jungle with Xiaohong, Xiaolu and a large wave of zombies.

When they came back in the afternoon, An Xiurong and Jo, who were supposed to be waiting for her roasting game in the cave, were gone.

Xiaohong immediately summoned the guarding zombies. These low-level zombies can only express the simplest meaning, that is, An Xiurong and Qiao went to the northwest of the valley, and they did not see it again. .

Xiaohong told Tian Tian that there was a narrow mouth in the northwest. After passing through, you could exit the valley and reach another zombie gathering place.

No one knows what is going on there, whether there are evolutionary zombies with intelligence like Xiaohong, and whether the number and quality of zombies there are too many for An Xiurong and Qiao to handle.

Tian Tian's heart twitched, thumping against his chest.

—Gather all Tier 3s and exit the valley from the northwest exit.

Tian Tian gave an order, and Little Red and Little Green went to execute it immediately. Tian Tian couldn't wait for the army to arrive, so he took the lead in rushing to the northwest.

At this time, she was so irrational that she didn't even consider whether she, who is not familiar with the terrain, would go the wrong way and miss the rescue time.

The panic and despair that had not struck her in a long time overwhelmed her again.

Tian Tian thought that after being reborn for so long, with An Xiurong and An Xiurong's trust and love, she would never suffer from this feeling again.

But she was still too naive, she soaked in the honey pot and forgot how fragile the glass bottle of honey was.

Some things can't be changed without your hard work.

A huge racial group, you can never control it to every corner.

The author has something to say: no, will, abuse, small, stupid, eggs, people, no, want, fear

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