Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1098: Stand in the same position

"I don't know if you know what kind of experiment you are doing now. If you can tell him his information, I will solve Li Zhengye and his army and that person for you. In the future, this base will be Not under Li Zhengye's control. How about it? "Lin Qiao looked at him and asked.

Anyway, Li Zhengye is dead, and her next goal now is to find out who the secret man is and how strong she is. Since the other party already knew her own affairs, she could not let him go freely.

"You say long hair? I don't know his information, but I know someone knows him. But how do you deal with Li Zhengye and his army? And my family is still in his hands." Middle-aged The man blinked, looking at Lin Qiao and asking.

Lin Qiao shrugged and said, "I don't care about your family, I just help you clean up Li Zhengye. Without Li Zhengye's military order, his army would not respond so quickly. And I have other ways to make the army I have no time to take care of you. "

The middle-aged man looked at her suspiciously: "What is it? Who are you? Why should I believe you?"

Lin Qiao looked at him, and shook his head with a smile: "Smart people will not ask such questions. You will know how to deal with the army when the time comes."

Because middle-aged men have no other choice but to trust her. Otherwise he won't live to this day.

Seeing Lin Qiao say so, the middle-aged man was silent for a few seconds, and nodded directly: "Okay. Now that you say this, I believe you no matter who you are."

"That's right. I've cleaned up the soldiers here, so do what you do now. You'll know tonight, what I'm saying is the way. Then, tell me about the man named Chang Did Mao's man's information? "Lin Qiao told him happily when he saw that the other party was still wise.

The middle-aged man looked at her when he heard the words, and said with a skeptical attitude, "Since this is the case, after I see the situation at night. Then tell the person who knows the hairy thing."

He also needs to keep a hole card.

Lin Qiao looked at him then and smiled slightly: "No, I already know who he is. You just have to wait for the results of the evening."

After that, she turned and walked towards the elevator, then calmly walked in and closed the elevator. Just left here in front of them.

"Secretary, who is she? Do you really believe her words?" After the middle-aged man's assistant saw Lin Qiao gone, he asked the middle-aged man as soon as the crisis was resolved.

The middle-aged man looked at him calmly and said, "Look at the soldiers outside, do you think they are alive?"

After that, he looked at several soldiers lying on the corridors outside the research room.

Others, look at me, I look at you. They walked out cautiously, inspected some of those soldiers alertly, and stood up and breathed a sigh of relief.

"All are dead."

Another suddenly thought: "Wait a minute, what about the next one?"

"I'll go and see!" Another thought, turning around and running down the stairs next to the elevator. Two minutes later, he ran up quickly.

"Secretary, everything below is dead."

The chief nodded and said, "I'm right. I'm afraid everything on the ground has been cleaned up."

"That section chief, do you know who she is? She looks so beautiful and can be found here to show that her strength is not bad. Shouldn't it be the beauties of our base?" A curious asked next.

The middle-aged section chief shook his head: "It's definitely not from our base. She's here to clean up Li Zhengye. If it's not Tibetan Cloud City, it's Dilong."

"Maybe it ’s the base of all beings, maybe it's not Pluto's new base?" The assistant next to him wondered curiously.

"No matter who it is, she is opposed to Li Zhengye anyway, so she has a cooperative stand with us. And she also wants to deal with long hair, but long hair is not so good." The section chief did not have as much as they thought. . Now he just wants to verify whether the strange woman said that the action at night is true. If it is true, then he can completely bring down Li Zhengye.

And he has to save his loved ones.

"Well, now that all the soldiers here have been cleared, go and secretly transfer our people. Control this here in our hands and stop the experiments. Send the corpses back to their families Come on. "The chief immediately set out here.

"Secretly sent back or ...?" The assistant asked him.

"Surely it was sent secretly, do you want us to be exposed? The people we studied directly, even if threatened by Li Zhengye. Those who directly killed them." The section chief gave him a cold glance.

"Oh, I see." So they can't be exposed.

Immediately after the order was given, the middle-aged section chief immediately ran to the last room in the corridor and released the person who was not inside the zombie virus. Then he took out the antidote he had prepared and fed him.

After Lin Qiao got out of the research base on the other side, he quickly found a high-rise building and jumped up. Then he yelled into the sky with his head on the roof.


Suddenly, several zombies roared in the other directions in the base, scaring the people in the entire base to stop moving.

"What's going on? What sound is this?"

"This is ... this is the call of a zombie? How could it be ... how could it be so close ?!"

"Not good, have high-level zombies been mixed in the base?"

"Vigilance! Vigilance !!!"

The humans at home were speculating curiously, and many of the corpse members who often went out to do base tasks were shocked. The army immediately issued a warning order, and the first thing to do was to check the condition of the gates around the wall.

And Lin Qiao and many zombies, more than ten kilometers away from the base, heard the roar from Lin Qiao far away. As if all the switches were turned on, they staggered slowly toward the base of the sky fire.

Lin Ying stood on the top of the high building, and his teeth grinned in the direction of the surrounding area and made another roar like Lin Qiao.


After roaring, he immediately left here, and then roared around the periphery of the base, calling out every few distances, summoning zombies at least 30 kilometers away.

Faintly turned into a tide of zombies, the trend is flowing towards the direction of the sky fire base.

At this time, the external crisis was not known in the Tianhuo base, and the army was searching around nervously because of the roar of Lin Qiao and several other zombies.

While reporting to Li Zhengye, he couldn't find where Li Zhengye's figure was.

"Where's the leader?" The head of the First Army of the Skyfire Base rushed into the leader's office, but there was no one. Can only run out and ask the two soldiers standing at the door.

However, his interrogation did not show any response to the two soldiers, as if he had not seen him or heard his voice and stood still.

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