Zombie Sister Strategy

Chapter 1292: Expedition

"It looks like we went down to score the three-way action." Lin Qiao nodded and clapped after he heard the crowd's thoughts: "Okay, let's go."

The car was taken in by the space powers in each team. Lin Qiao was a space power, and Haicheng also came. One of them that Lin Qiao once saw, called Logiffe, was a woman with a relatively indifferent personality. , Is also a level six space power. Although she is in the space department, her skill is not weak, because her occupation before the last days is a special high-risk job.

She used to be a mercenary and the missions she performed were very risky. The leader of Haicheng this time was Kong Qingming. In order to set up a mission with Long Qingying who was next to Lin Qiao, this product automatically applied to Wu Chengyue for this operation.

"The plants around here are dead, nothing. Animals and plants, not even zombies. The impact of these ghosts on the environment is a disaster!" Kong Qingming crouched on the ground and picked up a branch After observing, he stood up and looked around and sighed.

The surrounding terrain was not only cracks everywhere, but all were bald. A piece of loess brown and grayish black stone, with some rotten trunks of large trunks, a desolate and barren face.

Everyone at level 5 or 6 has a tacit understanding. He took out his gas mask and put it on his nose and mouth. He took out his gun and checked it with a click, and he was ready for the next move.

Lin Qiao did not wear a mask, but Long Qingying, who followed her, was about to wear it. After all, they don't have Lin Qiao's eight-level power, and the self-protection in others' bodies does not need to cover such things.

But at least the power must be at least level seven, not only Lin Qiao doesn't wear it. Lei Cheng, Xie Longyun, and the leader of the Black Dragon Base were not prepared to wear a mask.

"All are ready to act!" Xie Longyun yelled louder than Lin Qiao, and then her figure disappeared from the spot in a flash, and her people flickered towards the cave entrance one by one.

From the mountain where they are located, there is at least two or three kilometers from the center of the crater's crack. But for those who are level 5-6, it is less than ten seconds.

Hundreds of figures all walked towards the stunned body over there, and stopped at the edge of the cave.

It was an irregular elliptical giant hole with a width of at least 50 meters and a length of more than 100 meters. The black paint beneath the opening was invisible, and a gray gas was continuously flowing out of the air.

Xie Longyun stood frowning on the edge of the hole and looked down, waving his disgusted hand in front of his nose: "Well, this smell is really terrible!"

After that, she took a small spray from the dark bag inside her jacket, and then sprayed it twice on her nose. The expression was restored, and after turning off the spray, he turned and glanced at Lin Qiao.

"Since each acted independently, who wants to go down and explore the road first?"

She looked at Lin Qiao and said the same thing again. Everyone clearly heard that she wanted Lin Qiao to take her people to take the lead, so if there were any unpredictable situations, there would be people from the base of beings or Haicheng first.

Why couldn't Lin Qiao see her thoughts? Everyone said so plainly, and the other person looked at herself not only to point her head at herself, but also secretly foretold that she was an eighth-level power here. If she flinched, she would only be laughed at.

The abacus in the woman's mind rang a few times.

However, Lin Qiao did not intend to compare with her. Anyway, she would have to do it in the morning and evening, but she wanted to use her as a detector too much.

Lin Qiao smiled at Xie Longyun: "Since Huaxia doesn't have the guts, then I will barely go and look at the situation. But since they are all going to be their own camps, then who will make the same results first? Unless someone is It is going to go on, which makes people wonder what his purpose is. "

She finished, waved at the people behind her, and then jumped forward. Duan Juan, Long Qingying, Kong Qingming, Luo Gefei and others continued one after the other, seeing that Lin Qiao had taken people down, Lei Cheng glanced at the big dog around him.

"Er Thunder! Next!" Lei Cheng shouted at the big dog, and then jumped down with his own person.


In a blink of an eye, the people at the three bases of beings, Haicheng and Qingshan disappeared from the edge of the cave. After they went down, the people above didn't follow them immediately, but continued to wait while watching their movements.

"Next!" Seeing that Lin Qiao had taken all the people down, the man at the leader of the Black Dragon Base also spoke out a word. After waiting for a while, there was nothing moving, and then he jumped with his own people trained.

In the end, only Huaxia and Mongolian people remained on the side. Xie Longyun's expression still had a faint perfect smile on his mouth, but his eyes flashed coldly.

She didn't speak, just raised one hand and waved down. Then everyone behind her jumped, but she remained on the edge.

After everyone fell down, Xie Longyun turned around and looked around. Then he took out a mask and put it on his face, and then walked down.

Lin Qiao felt the weightlessness of his body falling down, thinking about how deep time and speed could be. This hole is vertical downwards, not like the hole on the ground floor orangutan.

So when it descended vertically for almost three or four seconds, Lin Qiao fell to the footing point, but the terrain of the footing point was not flat. She could see the ground beforehand, so she stopped responsively.

"Woohoo--wow--" The voice of others stopping here came from his ears, Lin Qiao silently counted the number.

After the number was enough, she said, "Go."

This giant cave is actually a huge fissure, but the rock wall is not vertical when it reaches here, but leans towards the middle of the cave and goes down like a slope. It's just that the angle of inclination is still very steep, but it is no problem for them to settle down.

After everyone fell to the inclined place, they continued to jump down the inclined angle.

However, because the earth walls on both sides are inclined downward, they have been jumping down the earth wall, pedaling left and right, and everyone has continued to walk down this crack. Now that there is a landing point, the descending movements of these abilities from the lowest level to the fifth level to the highest level are more controlled.

Then I saw that the soil walls on both sides became narrower and narrower. After narrowing to a width of only a few meters, the bottom suddenly leaked.

Lin Qiao responded swiftly to stop on the edge of the gap, then squatted down and looked down.

The cracked hole in her place had become a seam. The sides didn't know where to go, but there was a large gap underneath. But you also see the bottom, flat ground.

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