Towards evening, Uncle Jiu, Wencai and Qiu Sheng came back from outside.

As soon as they entered the yard, the three of them smelled the aroma of food.

Wencai raised his nose with a surprised expression,"Wow, stewed chicken!"

Qiu Sheng raised his nose with a surprised expression,"It must be roasted rabbit meat!"

Uncle Jiu glanced at the two useless apprentices, then sniffed it with a small gesture.

"There is also the smell of roasted fish!"

Lin Yi leaned out of the kitchen with a bright smile on his face.

"Master, Brother, you are back. You haven't eaten yet, right? Dinner is ready. Come and eat."

"Oh, I didn’t expect that you have such a good skill, Ayi!"

"Yes, yes, Master, let's go in quickly, the food smells so good!"

Qiu Shengwencai swallowed his saliva and urged Uncle Jiu to hurry up with a smile.

Uncle Jiu snorted and walked towards the house.

On the square table in the room, there was stewed chicken, roasted fish, braised rabbit, two plates of vegetables, a pot of rice, and a jar of wine.

"Wow, it looks good, Master, I'll get more rice for you."

Wencai quickly rushed to the table, and under the pretext of adding more rice for Uncle Jiu, he first added a large bowl for himself.

Uncle Jiu sat down at the main seat in style.

Qiu Sheng sat down next to Uncle Jiu, poured wine for Uncle Jiu, and then poured himself a full cup.

Lin Yi walked in with a cold dish

"It smells so good, Master, let me try it first!"

Wencai couldn't help but pick up the chopsticks and wanted to pick up a piece of chicken. Uncle Jiu glared at him.


Uncle Jiu stared

"Hey, haha, Master, why don't you try what Ayi has cooked?"

Wencai retracted his hand and said with a smile.

The master hasn't even started eating yet, and the apprentice dared to eat first. He must be thinking of being beaten with a cane.

Uncle Jiu picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of stewed chicken.

Because he took care of Uncle Jiu and his family who were from the south, Lin Yi used very little seasoning.

Northern dishes are heavy in oil, color, and salt, and have a heavier taste, while southern dishes are light and mainly light. Few northerners can get used to southern dishes.

Uncle Jiu tasted two bites and nodded,"Well, not bad, you two should try it too.""

"Ayi was very diligent at home today. I saw that he swept the yard, filled the water tank, and cooked dinner. Thank you for your hard work, Ayi."

"How can I be tired? Master, you and Brother Wencai are tired because you have been running around in the mountains. How are things going?"

Uncle Jiu felt sweet in his heart. The more he looked at Lin Yi, the more satisfied he felt.

Looking at Qiu Sheng and Wencai who were eating voraciously, he would be very happy if they were as motivated, well-behaved, obedient and sensible as Ah Yi.

"The matter is settled. Tomorrow, we will carry the coffin of Old Master Ren over for burial. This matter will be settled."

After Uncle Jiu finished speaking, he drank a sip of wine happily.

"This wine is good, I don't think we have it at home!"

Uncle Jiu said in surprise, and looked at the wine jar again. It really didn't look like the wine at home.

"I went to the town and found some good wine that was 20 years old."

Lin Yi exchanged a lot of gold and silver, but he had no place to spend it, so he went to the town to buy some today.

Since he wanted to get the wool from Uncle Jiu, how could he not fatten the sheep!

"Ayi, you are so thoughtful!"

Lin Yi smiled, his baby face looked a little cute,"Master, when do we set off tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow at noon, we will depart from Yizhuang"

"That's not a big deal. Master, after dinner, can you give me some pointers on talismans? I was practicing drawing talismans at home today, and I found that some talismans are difficult and I can't draw them well."

Uncle Jiu thought it was something else, but it turned out to be asking for advice on talismans. His disciple was so motivated, and he was very happy.

"Great, it's just right that Wencai and Qiusheng can sit in together." Qiusheng and Wencai, who were wolfing down their food, suddenly felt as if they had lost their parents.

What? The master wants to give a lecture!

It's like a book in heaven, I can't understand it at all, but Ayi is eager to listen!

It's simply incomprehensible!


The dinner was very joyful. Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai ate all the delicious food on the table. They burped because they couldn't hold it in.

This was Lin Yi's first time cooking and eating northern food. He didn't expect that northern food tasted so good.

However, people feel sleepy after eating, and they also drank alcohol. The two of them ran away with the dishes under the pretext of washing dishes and pots, and fell asleep on the recliner outside.

Uncle Jiu didn't bother to care about them, and took Lin Yi to explain the Shangqing Talisman in the house.

"Master, I have prepared a lot of materials. Can you draw a picture of each talisman in this book for me so that I can practice according to it when I go back?"

Lin Yi picked up a bamboo basket from under the table, which was filled with brand new yellow talisman paper.

The Shangqing Talisman records a small number of talismans!

The smile on Uncle Jiu's face froze slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Haha, okay, but Ayi, you should be careful not to bite off more than you can chew."

Lin Yi looked at Uncle Jiu seriously.

"I know the master, but I have your spell so I can copy it and gain insights."

"Okay, let's start from the beginning. A talisman is a letter. With my spirit, I can combine with the spirit of the person being covered. With my energy, I can combine with the energy of the person being covered. The spirit and energy are invisible, but they are embodied in the talisman."

There are four types of talismans: cloud seal, spiritual talisman, treasure talisman and talisman diagram.

Cloud seal is created on the basis of seal script Chinese characters. Because it looks like floating clouds, it is also called"cloud seal".

Because it is often used to write talismans and secret texts, its text is obscure and difficult to understand. It has a great origin in Taoist legends, so it is regarded as a heavenly book.

There is a text comparison table in Maoshan talismans. It takes time to learn, so Uncle Jiu skipped it and started directly from the spiritual talisman.


【The host is receiving the talisman teaching from Uncle Jiu, experience +1! 】

Lin Yi practices by himself, and draws ten talismans to increase one point of experience.

And Uncle Jiu's lecture can increase one point of experience in one minute. If Lin Yi has some insights, he can increase three or four points at a time! It's simply cheating!

No, this is cheating!

Uncle Jiu, I really love you to death(*^▽^*)!

…… ps: Xiaohei is asking for flowers, evaluation votes, and comments. It would be even better if there are rewards. The contract has been confirmed. I am happy.

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