""Lunch is ready, Master, Uncle Master, come and eat!"

Wencai trotted all the way to the tea pavilion.

Everyone put down their teacups and walked towards the dining room, talking and laughing.

""Brother, this house is really nice, and Mr. Ren is very generous."

Taoist Qianhe said enviously.

Everyone is suffering, struggling for half a lifetime, and still have no place to live, but brother already has a big house.

Uncle Jiu put his hands behind his back, with a smile on his face,"Brother's home is your home, you can live here as long as you want in the future." Taoist

Simu didn't care, he was a man with savings, a box of small yellow croakers.

That box of gold was enough to buy such a big yard in the city.

Taoist Qianhe smiled and shook his head.

"It's okay to come visit often!"

He came to Renjia Town to take over from Uncle Jiu.

From now on, he will be the one to look after the charity cemetery outside Renjia Town.

Since Uncle Jiu has moved and has a new house, he can do other things in the future, such as taking in more disciples.

Although the Maoshan precepts prohibit the indiscriminate taking of disciples and the spread of Maoshan skills, if you meet someone with excellent talent and moral character, you can still pass on the skills.

A large group of people made two tables.

One table for the masters, and a large table for Lin Yi and his disciples.

After eating and drinking, two hours passed in a flash.

Uncle Jiu, Taoist Simu and Taoist Qianhe took Lin Yi to the tea pavilion to drink tea and chat.

Lin Yi listened very seriously, because Uncle Jiu and the others were talking about stories in the martial arts world.

Uncle Jiu, Simu and Qianhe 377 have all traveled far and wide. , who has experienced a lot of big things in the world.

Ghosts, zombies, demons, evil sorcerers, bandits!

Although they were talking about their experiences in the past, Lin Yi could tell that the master and the two uncles wanted to tell him how to deal with these things.

Although Lin Yi is very skilled and has enough magic power, sometimes, it is not the case that you will win just by being great!

There are so many people in the world who are treacherous and have dirty hearts. They do all kinds of evil and use all means possible, including illusions, drugs, magic, sorcery, and even poisons.

Lin Yi is the most outstanding successor of Maoshan in recent years.

No matter whether it is skill, character, or appearance, he is the face of the school when he is taken out. Uncle Jiu and others don't want such an outstanding disciple to get into trouble.


The next morning, Lin Yi woke up from his sleep. He had chatted with Uncle Jiu and the others for too long last night and didn't fall asleep until late at night.

""Husband, you are awake, drink some water."

Qin Wanru saw that Lin Yi was fine, so she flew up and poured a cup of tea for Lin Yi.

Lin Yi first rinsed his mouth with the tea, and then drank it.

It was still early outside, and it was a good time to practice.

"Wanru, get ready, we can set off after breakfast."

Qin Wanru had been looking forward to it, and she was very happy to hear that she could go on a long journey with Lin Yi to see the scenery far away.

""Okay, husband."

Although she didn't know what to prepare, Qin Wanru still responded.

Lin Yi went out of the house and breathed in the essence of the rising sun on the roof. A wisp of purple air came from the east and slowly entered Lin Yi's body.

Then Uncle Jiu also came out and saw Lin Yi breathing and practicing on the roof, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Ah Yi, come and practice boxing, let the master see how good your boxing skills are."

It's been a long time since I practiced boxing with Uncle Jiu.

Lin Yi responded and jumped down.

After landing lightly, Lin Yi's body was extremely fast and he rushed towards Uncle Jiu.

His punches were powerful and full of strength.

"Good boy!"

Uncle Jiu's eyes lit up, and he raised his arms to knock Lin Yi's fist away.

Tiger-Crane Double Form Fist vs. I-shaped Tiger Subduing Fist!

There is no fixed routine for each move, and they both break each other's moves.

Suddenly, bursts of dragon roars were heard from Lin Yi, and then a golden dragon phantom wrapped around Lin Yi.

Roar -

After a dragon roar, the golden dragon phantom rushed towards Uncle Jiu with a powerful force.

"See the dragon in the field!"

Thump, thump, thump!

Uncle Jiu stomped his feet on the ground dozens of times, and finally stopped by the wall. The ground was full of his footprints.

The footprints sank deep into the ground and turned into pits.

Uncle Jiu's face was full of shock, and he looked at his palms in disbelief.

His sleeves burst, but his arms and body were not damaged at all.

But his cloth shoes had exposed his toes.

Uncle Jiu looked at Lin Yi in shock,"Ayi, what kind of kung fu is this!"

Lin Yi smiled awkwardly. He didn't expect that he would subconsciously perform the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""Master, this is the Kung Fu I just figured out. How is it? Isn't it amazing?"

Lin Yi said shamelessly.

What! How old are you? You figured it out!

Uncle Jiu was a little unconvinced

(cice)"It's quite impressive, what kind of kung fu is this?"[]

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, how about it, isn't it cool? The golden dragon phantom just now!"

Lin Yi's eyes lit up, and then he made a move, mobilizing all his spiritual power.

"Dragons fight in the wild!"

Yinyinyin-- several golden dragons appeared instantly, roaring around Lin Yi, and were finally pushed into the sky by Lin Yi.

The phantom of the golden dragon floated into the sky, circling for a while, and then as Lin Yi retracted his hands, the phantom of the golden dragon returned to Lin Yi.

Uncle Jiu's eyes were straight.

Lin Yi could see that Uncle Jiu's eyes were full of the three words"I want it too"

""Master, how about I take off my moves and you give me some advice?"

Lin Yi asked politely.

"Ahem, let's put it this way, this palm technique looks quite good, to prevent you from making mistakes, you write it down and let the master have a look."

Uncle Jiu's face turned red.

Last time, he accepted three talismans from Lin Yi, and now he wants his apprentice's palm technique.

As a master, am I a little shameless!

""Okay, I'll write it now."

Lin Yi said, and walked quickly towards his room.

Uncle Jiu also hurried back to the room, washed up, and changed his clothes.

After returning to the room, Lin Yi found a stack of paper, then grabbed a pen and wrote quickly.

Because of drawing talismans, he condensed his calligraphy skills, and now he is very proficient in writing with a brush, and each tiny regular script falls neatly on the paper.

Not long after, Lin Yi finished writing the moves and methods of using the Eight Palms of the Dragon Subduing.

After binding it, Lin Yi found Uncle Jiu.

""Master, it's all written, please take a look."

Uncle Jiu took the booklet and flipped through it.

The more he read, the more wonderful it seemed, with surprise flashing in his eyes.

Such a wonderful palm technique was thought up by his own apprentice?

It's a bit amazing!

Fortunately, there are no Qiao Feng and Hong Qigong in this world, otherwise Uncle Jiu would definitely spit on Lin Yi for being shameless.

After reading it, Uncle Jiu couldn't help but sigh, the waves behind push the waves in front, and there is always one wave stronger than the other!

He was arrogant in the mountains back then, and no one was better than him in talent. Even his senior brother Shi Jian was not taken seriously by him.

Now he knows what a true genius is.

At such a young age, after learning martial arts for half a year, he can create such a wonderful palm technique!

If Lin Yi knew what Uncle Jiu was thinking, he would probably blush a little.

"Master, I'm ready to go.

Lin Yi said to Uncle Jiu.

"Well, with your current strength, it's a waste of talent to stay here. It's time to go out and explore the world."

After Uncle Jiu finished speaking, he turned around and went into the house to get a small box.

"Yi, take this."

"Master, what is this?"

Lin Yi took it, opened the box and found a jade pendant inside.

On one side was the Eight Diagrams Yin-Yang diagram, and on the other side were the words"Cut Yin and Eliminate Evil".

"This is what your master left me. It is the secret treasure of our Maoshan sect. This jade pendant has the ability to slay demons and exorcise evil spirits. You should carry it with you in the future."


Lin Yi's heart trembled.

He knew that Uncle Jiu was worried about him going on a long journey alone, so he gave him a treasure for self-defense!


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