【Ding, you successfully upgraded the second-rate intermediate——《Jade Girl Skill》、《The Ice Soul Silver Needle is integrated into the Daoist Scriptures, and the progress of the 4th level Qi training technique is 80%】

【Ding,"Jade Girl Kung Fu"》、《Ice Soul Silver Needle》Power increased by 100%, advanced to second-rate top grade】


【Ding, you successfully got the peerless martial arts secret book——《The first part of the Secret Book of Heavenly Demons incorporates the Daoist Scriptures》,……】


【Ding, you successfully obtained the top martial arts secrets——《Knife Flying Skills》,……】


【Ding, you have successfully obtained the ultimate martial arts secret book——《The Six Secrets of Ao Han is incomplete.……】

Successfully derived the sixth-level Qi training method]

As expected, the higher the grade of the method, the different it is.

Although even the top martial arts secrets are not as good as the middle-grade yellow grade.

But Ye Yan integrated them all into the"Tao Jing" and directly derived the sixth-level Qi training method.

Don't look at the martial arts secrets of Wanwan and the other four people, which only derived the methods of two small realms.

In fact, it is already very good.

After all, the higher the level of the method, the more source of the method is required.

The difference between the first and sixth levels of Qi training is at least 6 times the source.

But it can also be seen from this how strong the foundation of this"Tao Jing" is.

If Ye Yan learns it directly, his strength will at least increase several times.

Ye Yan can't help but look forward to it.

"Xiaobai, I want to make continuous breakthroughs"

【Ding, congratulations to the host for using the"Blue Thunder Spirit Body" to consume 2 training points, and successfully breaking through the second level of Qi training in the"Tao Jing"……】


【Ding, congratulations to the host for using the"Blue Thunder Spirit Body" to consume 6 training points, and successfully breaking through the 6th level of Qi training in the"Tao Jing"……】

Buzz buzz buzz~

As expected, 5 heavy spiritual mists as heavy as mountains appeared in Ye Yan's body, which quickly traveled through his body, nourishing and strengthening his eight extraordinary meridians, making Ye Yan feel full of strength.

Together with the previous level of Qi training, a total of 6 spiritual mists were like a real dragon dormant in the Dantian, allowing Ye Yan to gain a strong spiritual power foundation.

As long as Ye Yan refines the spell, he will be able to burst out with the heaven-defying fighting power to kill evil and demons.


"I really reached the sixth level of Qi training in one go."

"This is the rhythm of taking off!"

Ye Yan's heart surged instantly, and he couldn't calm down.

You know, how many people practice diligently 996 until their hair turned white, and they only have a few decades of practice.

Just like Zhiqiu Yiye entered the mountain gate to practice since he was a child, and every day"get up earlier than the chicken and sleep later than the dog".

It took more than ten years of practice to build the first level of foundation.

Of course, if he hadn't got the"One Turn Yellow Dragon Pill" from Ye Yan, he would only be at the 9th level of Qi training now.

And he also practiced the yellow-level technique.

If he practiced the"Taoism Scripture" that surpassed the heaven-level top-grade technique like Ye Yan, he might not even reach the second level of Qi training now.

There is also the uncle Jiu in this zombie world, who also entered Maoshan since he was a child, got up early and went to bed late, practiced until his hair turned white, and only then broke through the foundation and went down the mountain.

The technique he practiced might be worse than Zhiqiu Yiye.

But Ye Yan now only needs a thought to get the results of their hard practice for more than ten years, or even decades.

How can Ye Yan be calm?

"This is the benefit of having a system... so cool."

Ye Yan was very happy.

Now he just needed to learn the skills of"Exorcist Order", and he should be able to protect himself in this zombie world.

That's right, although the three styles of"Exorcist Order" have been integrated into"Exorcist Thunder and Fire Order".

But the three styles of"Exorcist Order" are still there.

In other words, as long as Ye Yan wants to learn, he can learn all these skills.

As for"Exorcist Thunder and Fire Order", Ye Yan is not in a hurry.

After all, Ye Yan was originally the"bully" of Renjia Town, with power and influence.

Now he is a relative of Ren Fa, who would dare to attack him?

Even the security captain A Wei would nod and bow when he sees him.

Ye Yan now only needs to guard against those ghosts that mortals cannot see.

《The"Exorcist Order" is just enough to deal with these ghosts.

But at this moment, Ren Susu, who was sleeping in his arms, woke up.

"Ye Yan...brother……"

Ren Susu found herself in Ye Yan's arms.

Her pretty face flushed, her beautiful eyes shy.

Although she and Ye Yan are already married, today is the first day of such contact.

Especially when she recalled the madness just now, Ren Susu felt embarrassed and dared not look directly into Ye Yan's eyes.

But this shy and uneasy look touched Ye Yan's heartstrings even more. With a beautiful woman next to him, her skin was as smooth as jade.

It was impossible for Ye Yan not to have his blood boiling, and he directly forgot about"Exorcist Order".

It can only be said that women really affect the speed of drawing his sword.

But Ye Yan was happy.

Are you kidding!

It's still the wedding night, and every moment of spring night is worth a thousand gold.

How can I neglect a beauty with fair skin, beautiful face and long legs like Ren Susu? In addition, Ye Yan has just cultivated himself, and he is full of energy and has nowhere to use his strength.

Of course, now that Ren Susu has a child, Ye Yan can't hurt her.


"Susu, I feel like you're almost having a baby"

"Next, we can only find another way to improve our relationship."

Ye Yan said solemnly.

""What method?"

Ren Susu asked subconsciously with a silly look on her face.

But the next moment, she seemed to have heard something she shouldn't have heard, and her little face turned red like a red apple.

She gave Ye Yan a look with resentment in her beautiful eyes.


As the sun rose, Ye Yan was about to leave his room for breakfast.

However, before he could open the door, he suddenly sensed a faint gloomy aura outside the door.

"What's going on? Is there a ghost in the house?"

Ye Yan's heart couldn't help but jump. He hadn't had time to learn his"Exorcism Order" yet!

At this moment, an old, weak, slightly eerie and hoarse voice of an old man came from outside the door.

"Master, I have brought you something good."


It’s the sixth update today. I’m begging for flowers, reviews, monthly tickets and various data.

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