"《Immortal Wind and Cloud Body Art~》"

Ye Yan shouted, waving his sword wildly.

Suddenly, his whole body glowed with spiritual light, and his body turned into nine identical bodies.

The sword energy roared, covering the ten directions~the heaven and earth.

All of a sudden, Ye Yan's aura turned into nine.

"What? Isn't"Xian Fengyun Body Art" about combining one into three?"

"Why can Ye Yan split into nine clones?"

"Is this another enhanced version of swordsmanship?"

"How can this be?"

"What is the origin of Ye Yan? Why are there so many enhanced versions of"Shushan Yujian Jue"?》???"

When the Drunken Swordsman saw this scene, he was instantly numb.

He originally thought that Ye Yan only had an enhanced version of the first move of"Sword Controlling Technique".

Unexpectedly, this"Immortal Wind and Cloud Body Technique" was also an enhanced version.

If this news was passed back to Shushan, even his senior brother, Dugu Jiansheng, would be shocked.

Li Xiaoyao was also directly numb.

Originally, he thought that after his"Shushan Sword Controlling Technique" was perfected, he would be able to completely defeat Ye Yan, but now seeing Ye Yan holding an enhanced version of"Shushan Sword Controlling Technique" in each hand, even if Ye Yan did not practice this"Shushan Sword Controlling Technique" to the level of perfection, he would definitely be able to completely defeat him.

Suddenly, he felt more and more that the distance between him and Zhao Linger was getting farther and farther.

After all, with Ye Yan, a great god, intercepting, how could he possibly snatch Zhao Linger back?

The Moon Worshiping Sect Leader's face also changed drastically at this time.

Because as he expected, the water tornado and the sharp water blade were invincible, and the scene of locking Ye Yan and killing him did not appear.

On the contrary, because Ye Yan's aura was directly divided into nine parts, the water tornado and the sharp water blades were jumping up and down like the CPU was smoking.

They didn't know which figure to lock on.

But at this moment.

One of Ye Yan's figures directly rushed towards the water tornado.


Ye Yan's figure was instantly blown to ashes.

But the water tornado also exploded.

This made Jiu Jianxian, the grandmother, and the people who were chatting in the crowd feel nervous.

Although they had a hunch that Ye Yan's figure must be fake, they still felt nervous when they saw Ye Yan's figure explode.

But the next moment

"《Sword and Demon》~"

Ye Yan's familiar voice sounded again.

The remaining eight figures pinched the sword formula at the same time, and the swords in their hands roared, and turned directly into flying swords and rushed towards the Moon Worshiper who was still in a daze.

The sword light was sharp and invincible, and every sword fell with a monstrous killing power.

The face of the Moon Worshiper changed. The magic formula of both hands was linked, and immediately extracted the spiritual energy of the water from the eight directions of heaven and earth, forming an indestructible round water ball to wrap himself.

At the same time, the Moon Worshiper also kept a careful eye.

At the moment when the eight flying swords pierced the water ball, they immediately cast the magic formula to solidify the water ball directly.

Dangdangdang~ In an instant, the round water ball that seemed fragile and could be broken at any time became indestructible, like fine iron.

At this time, the eight flying swords seemed to be firmly embedded in it, and they could not move forward at all, let alone attack the round water ball and break the defense to attack the Moon Worshiper.

Chat group.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! This Moon Worshiper is not only powerful, but also so despicable?"

Li Xunhuan:"That's right, if we let Boss Ye's flying sword attack from outside, it will break the water ball sooner or later."

"But now it can directly embed the flying sword, and the flying sword will immediately lose all its attacks."

Yue Buqun:"What, there is such a method?"

"I really admire this old man, the Moon Worshiper"

"Even more sinister than me."

Kanan:"How despicable! If you do this, won't it directly invalidate Brother Ye Yan's attack?" Yotsugu Jianzi

:"What should Brother Ye Yan do?"

Nangong Ping'er:"Don't be nervous. Seeing Ye Yan's confident look, he will definitely find a way to break this situation."

Li Mochou:"Really? I look forward to Brother Ye Yan breaking the dilemma."

Green Man King:"Looking forward to it +1."

Zhao Linger:"Looking forward to it +1"


Sure enough, the next moment.

Before the Moon Worshiper could start to get proud,

Ye Yan's mouth slightly raised.

The eight Ye Yans used their swords in unison.

""Flying swords to subdue demons~"

Chi Chi Chi~

In an instant, each time the eight Ye Yans made a sword move, the tip of the flying sword embedded in the water ball immediately emitted a sharp sword energy, blasting towards the Moon Worshiper in the water ball.

However, in just a breath, the Moon Worshiper was locked by dozens of sharp sword energies.


The Moon Worshiper was instantly numb.

He didn't expect Ye Yan to be more sinister than himself.

Although the power of these sword energies was not very strong.

But there were too many of them!

He was now completely defenseless. Even if he was extremely powerful, he couldn't withstand so many sword energies!

Bang bang bang~

Sure enough, the next moment, dozens of sharp sword energies fell on him.

Instantly, white marks appeared on his skin.

Moreover, the eight Ye Yan sword techniques were still being used. If this continued, he would definitely be seriously injured. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The Moon Worshiper shouted, and directly exploded the defensive water ball.

The eight flying swords were directly blown away.

It was considered to have broken Ye Yan's sword moves.

But he didn't expect that

Ye Yan was not surprised but happy when he saw this, with a malicious expression.

The two-handed sword gesture changed

"《Sword and Sword》~"

The eight flying swords immediately burst into brilliant sword light, and then like eight magnets attracting each other, they quickly merged into one.


A giant sword that was one meter wide and three meters long appeared, carrying a terrifying sword energy, and blasted towards the Moon Worshiper who had not yet reacted.


The Moon Worshiper was not shocked.

The Drunken Swordsman and Li Xiaoyao were both shocked by Ye Yan's action.[]

This set of"Shushan Sword Controlling Art" can actually be played like this?

Continuous output, one link after another.

And it's an enhanced version?

Who can withstand this?

Sure enough, before the Moon Worshiper could react, he felt a strong sword energy coming.

The hairs all over his body instantly exploded. After so many years of cultivation, it was the first time he encountered such a sharp sense of crisis.

Immediately, his hands aroused the azure light, turned into a pair of spiritual power hands, and suddenly closed.


Just clamped the giant sword tightly.

Bang bang bang~

The giant sword was powerful and invincible.

Even though the Moon Worshiper clamped the giant sword, he was still shocked by the terrifying impact force of the giant sword and retreated rapidly. He even plowed two deep gullies directly under his feet.


The mountain exploded on his back, and dust flew. The Moon Worshiper was able to withstand the terrifying impact of the giant sword.

"Give me……"

The Moon Worshiper was furious, and was really angry at Ye Yan's series of actions.

He was ready to use force to crush the giant sword with both hands, and then use all his strength to suppress Ye Yan.

But before he could use his arms to exert force,

Ye Yan's more sinister move came.

"《Yin and Yang Thunder》~"

Ye Yan shouted, and eight violent thunder dragons, four black and four white, blasted out in an instant, and directly attacked the giant sword in the hands of the Moon Worshiper.

If this hit, it would be strange if the Moon Worshiper was not directly paralyzed.


No ~two".

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