
The Fire Kirin's eyes were wide open, and its pair of vertical eyes were filled with murderous intent. It didn't care about the Royal Zombie's confusion at all.

Its two-meter-tall body leaped up, carrying scorching flames, and directly pounced on the Royal Zombie who was still in a state of confusion.

"Blood... I want your blood."

The royal zombie was stimulated by the pressure from the Fire Kirin and woke up instantly, with greed in his eyes.

Although the Fire Kirin brought him a huge threat, the royal zombie could also feel that if he drank the blood of the Fire Kirin, his strength would definitely increase.

Immediately, a monstrous corpse aura burst out from his body, and Yin thunder surrounded him.

With sharp claws and fangs, he was like a demon beast from the Nine Nether Demonic Thunder Land, attacking the Fire Kirin..

"Kill~" Bang bang bang


Thunder and fire collided, a corpse and a beast, fighting each other in an instant.

The zombie's claws carried thunder, and it was the first to arrive, stabbing wildly.

The scales of the Fire Kirin were cracked.

The terrifying bombardment destroyed the bluestone floor tiles of Renjia Town.

Roar, roar, roar~ The Fire Kirin screamed in pain.

But this aroused his ferocity instead.

The sharp claws were blazing and hot, and they were extremely strong and masculine.

He aimed at the head of the royal zombie and slapped it fiercely.

Relying on the huge advantage of his body, he was not at all inferior.

The royal zombie's protective corpse armor was broken, and the golden bronze corpse cracked.

The two sides fought fiercely, and it was hard to tell.

Wherever they passed, fire burst and thunder and lightning were violent.

The floor tiles collapsed and the ground was charred.

Houses collapsed and the grass and trees turned to ashes.

From a distance, it looked like two ancient ferocious beasts were fighting hand-to-hand, fighting directly from the market to the residential area, and from the residential area to the town entrance.

The noise shook the heavens and the earth, and the terrifying power radiated in all directions.

The entire Renjia Town within a radius of ten miles was frightened, and all the living creatures, townspeople, monsters and ghosts trembled.

Taoist Qianhe , a foundation-building cultivator, was not immune.

Moreover, at this time, Uncle Jiu, who had just received Taoist Qianhe's distress signal and forced himself out of seclusion, was frightened for a moment when he sensed such a terrifying fighting pressure from afar, and did not dare to step forward.

This is the instinctive reaction of the Jindan realm facing the Yuanying realm.

It's just like a rabbit seeing a tiger at first sight.

"Master, let’s not go over there!"

"It's so scary over there, Qiu Sheng and I won't go over and cause trouble"

"Yes, yes! Master, you do your best, Wencai and I support you spiritually."

Wencai Qiu Sheng couldn't muster the courage to go to the town.

Uncle Jiu resisted the urge to hit someone.

These two apprentices were becoming more and more unreliable.

But Uncle Jiu didn't force them to follow.

As they said, the two of them were a complete burden.

He was going to save Taoist Qianhe now. If Wencai Qiu Sheng followed, maybe he would have to save three people instead of one.

But at this moment.


A shocking beast roar and scorching flames rose into the sky in the distance.

Uncle Jiu looked out kilometers away with his Dan spiritual eyes.

He vaguely saw the scene of Fire Kirin fighting fiercely with the royal zombies, and he was instantly overjoyed.

"Fire Kylin¨` ?"

"Could it be that Ye Yan is back?"

"The power of this Fire Kirin is even stronger than before."

"Great, Qianhe is not destined to die!"

Although Uncle Jiu could sense the terrifying aura of the royal zombies, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he thought that Ye Yan had returned.

Uncle Jiu himself did not realize it.

Even he unconsciously regarded Ye Yan as his backbone.

Where Ye Yan was, no one would be in danger.

However, when Uncle Jiu thought of Ye Yan, who was the person he had ignored before, he felt regretful again.

"Master, why are you suddenly not anxious anymore?"

"Are you scared too?"

"Could it be that you wanted to make us cannon fodder just now, and now that you see we are not going over, you are not going over either!"

Wencai Qiu Sheng looked puzzled and spoke heartlessly.

Uncle Jiu could no longer tolerate the two brainless apprentices, and slapped them on the head.

Why did he accept two such apprentices?

But at this moment, a scene that made Uncle Jiu and Wencai Qiu Sheng extremely terrified happened.

Bang bang bang~

Under Ye Yan's command, the Fire Kirin gradually beat the royal zombies out of Renjia Town.

At the moment of finding the right opportunity, the Fire Kirin slapped the royal zombies away with one claw, and happened to hit behind Uncle Jiu and his three disciples, smashing out a big pit.

Dust was flying, and corpse gas was everywhere.

Wencai Qiu Sheng was directly scared silly, and

Uncle Jiu was also trembling in his heart.

If he had been a step later, he would definitely be smashed to death by the royal zombies now.


The royal zombies roared and broke out of the ground.

As if they smelled the smell of food, they immediately rushed towards Uncle Jiu and Wencai Qiu Sheng.


Wencai Qiu Sheng was so scared that his soul was about to die.

Jiushu also flirted and quickly controlled the peach wood sword and the golden sword to fly towards the royal zombies.


Bang bang~

The two flying swords were only at the level of magic weapons. They were not enough to deal with Jindan zombies, let alone Yuanying zombies. Even though the royal zombies' defenses had been basically broken by the Fire Kirin, the two flying swords were still like eggs hitting stones, and they broke in an instant.

They could not stop the royal zombies at all.

Jiushu was shocked.

It was the first time he encountered such a powerful zombie, and he couldn't help feeling a little powerless in his heart, but at this moment.


The Fire Kirin appeared in time, The royal zombies were knocked away, and the two sides were entangled again.

The battle between the two sides has entered the final stage.

The Fire Kirin's scales were broken, the corpse poison invaded, and lightning arcs were everywhere.

The royal zombies were also beaten so that the golden bronze zombies' bodies were cracked everywhere, the yang energy burned, and the fire invaded.

Seeing this, Uncle Jiu's heart skipped a beat.

The two sides are evenly matched. If this continues, both sides will definitely suffer losses.

Even if the royal zombies are killed, the Fire Kirin will definitely die.

But at this moment.

The Fire Kirin seemed to have received some information.

With a loud shout, it directly pushed the royal zombies back again and kept a distance.

Before the royal zombies could react

"《Shushan Sword Control》——"Sword Control Technique~"

A roar came with a terrifying giant sword energy falling from the sky.

Like a divine sword descending from the sky, the ten-foot sword energy blasted towards the royal zombies.

"¨¨ What…what?"

The hard face of the royal zombie suddenly changed.

He had no time to react.

Clang~ bang bang bang~

The royal zombie’s body qi and physical defense had been broken by the fire unicorn.

Now it was bombarded by the divine sword, and its head immediately broke and exploded.

The whole body was like porcelain that had been hit hard, with large spider web-like cracks. The corpse qi erupted, like a deflated gas tank.


Uncle Jiu's pupils shrank when he saw this.

He had just thrown two flying swords, but they were both directly blasted by the royal zombie's body.

Now, Ye Yan only used a sword energy to make the royal zombie's body begin to break?

They were both in the Jindan stage?

The gap between the two was too big, right?

However, this was not the end yet.

"Immortal Wind and Cloud Body Art~"

""Ride the sword to subdue the devil~"

Before Ye Yan landed on the ground, his body turned into nine.

Six sharp swords appeared beside each figure.

Sixty-nine fifty-four flying swords frantically bombarded the royal zombie's body.

Each attack accurately hit the cracks in its body.

The sound of metal clashing was endless.

The cracks expanded rapidly, and the corpse gas scattered.


The royal zombie couldn't help but let out a (money) cry of pain, and the breath around his body began to weaken.

This made the royal zombie shocked and angry, completely crazy, and he actually burst out with a corpse power that was even more terrifying than the fierce battle with the Fire Kirin just now, and killed Ye Yan.

Obviously, he was irritated by Ye Yan, this"little fly."

He wanted to make a dying counterattack

"Ye Yan, be careful."

Uncle Jiu was very anxious.

The Fire Kirin was also in the same situation.

But Ye Yan was calm and used all his strength to activate the Shushan Sword Controlling Technique.》

""Flying swords merge into one~"

As Ye Yan put his hands together, the fifty-four flying swords merged into one in an instant, and a sharp sword energy that seemed to penetrate the mountains, invincible, passed through the body directly.

Boom boom~

The royal zombie exploded instantly and died instantly.

This scene directly shocked the knowledgeable Uncle Jiu.

"Oh my god, the sword and the dragon merge into one?"

"Direct penetration? ? Garbage?"

"Is this really the swordplay that can appear in the zombie world?"

"This is definitely the legendary swordsmanship of the immortal world!"

Ye Yan ignored Uncle Jiu's shock.

He seemed to have discovered something strange and looked at the place where the royal zombie exploded with a puzzled look on his face.

"This is……?".

I said: Hieu Baocot

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