Li Xunhuan:"This Lu Zhanyuan is really brave."

"With his mediocre martial arts skills, how dare he come here alone to attract the attention of Fairy Mochou?"

"Fairy Mochou, torture him to death."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"I agree to torture Lu Zhanyuan to death."

Li Xunhuan:"Agree +1".


Mu Nianci:"Agree +1."

The whole audience had entered the live broadcast room.

At this time, Lu Zhanyuan, with a proud attitude of thinking he was handsome, came to Li Mochou.

"Girl, why are you looking at me?"

"Could it be that the girl is attracted by my handsome appearance?"


Li Mochou was instantly numb when she heard that.

She looked at Lu Zhanyuan with contempt.


You have no flesh on your face and a skinny body. You have no looks and no body. You are so narcissistic and humble.

Who would like you?

Before she met Lu Zhanyuan, Li Mochou was actually a little curious.

In the original plot that Ye Yan said, what did Lu Zhanyuan, who had fascinated her, look like?

She thought he might be a handsome guy.

Even if he was not as good as Ye Yan, he was still...���It should be about the same.

But I didn't expect that he was such a rubbish.

According to the original plot that Ye Yan said, he would be fascinated by such a person?


Am I mentally retarded? Or am I blind to do such a thing?

However, Lu Zhanyuan felt good about himself and didn't notice Li Mochou's disgusted expression at all.

He said to himself:

"I admit that I am indeed qualified to be called the most handsome man in Jiangnan City. There are many girls who like me."

"But I was also attracted by the girl's appearance."

"If the girl doesn't mind, I can be a guide and accompany her to visit the city."


Li Xun Huan:"No, I can't stand it anymore"

"Is this Lu Zhanyuan crazy?"

"How did he think he was so handsome?"

Green Man King:"He is skinny, dark, dry and thin, and his smile is so vulgar."

"This is the first time that I, Nie, have been so confident. He is the one who looks better than others."

Mu Nianci:"Eh...Brother Ye Yan, why didn't you mention that Lu Zhanyuan is so disgusting! ?"

"I have never seen such a shameless person. Not only is he ugly, but he also has no self-awareness."

"Anyone on the street is better than him, yet he still has the nerve to say that he is the most handsome in Jiangnan City?"

"If it's true, how ugly must the people in Jiangnan City be?"

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"Yes, this guy is not as handsome as me"

"How dare you say that?"

"I really want to rush into the world of Fairy Mochou and yell at her in the face,"Shit!"""

Yue Buqun:"Boss Ye said before that this person seems to always think he is very handsome."

"This time he came to Fairy Mochou, it seems that he still wants to use the so-called beauty trap."

Green Man King:"Fuck! No way! But if that's the case, then Lu Zhanyuan is asking for trouble."

"How could Lu Zhanyuan have the nerve to use his beauty tricks in front of Boss Ye?"

"Isn't that asking for trouble?"

Yue Buqun:"I agree. Whether in front of Boss Ye Yan or in front of everyone in the group, it's no different from shit."


The entire group, without exception, all complained crazily about Lu Zhanyuan.

They were shocked by his remarks.

Even Ye Yan was the same.

At the same time, Ye Yan remembered that when he was reading the original novel in his previous life, Lu Zhanyuan did say such shameless remarks.

Although Li Mochou showed contempt, she was able to accept it in the end.

Ye Yan in his previous life was very confused.

This Lu Zhanyuan looked so ugly. He was not handsome. He was not tall and mighty either.

He was completely no different from a skinny weak chicken.

How could he form a couple with such a beautiful and charming Li Mochou?

It was incredible.


"Miss, don't be surprised or feel honored."

"I see that the lady's appearance is still worthy of me."

"Miss, please follow me."

"Just walk through the small woods ahead and you'll be in the city in another quarter of an hour."

"There are not only many lively performances in the city, but also various special foods."

"I believe the girl will definitely have an unforgettable memory today."

Lu Zhanyuan saw Li Mochou standing there in surprise.

He thought Li Mochou was really impressed by his handsome appearance. He couldn't help but feel secretly happy in his heart.

He didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

The originally arranged scene of a hero saving a beauty has not yet been staged, and Li Mochou has been dealt with by himself?

As long as he can deal with this Li Mochou, trick her into the woods ahead, and let the martial arts people who have been ambushing for a long time surround and kill her.

Then in the future, when he walks in the martial arts world, who dares to say that this young master is useless just because his martial arts are rubbish?

Even if the old man of my Lu Family Manor dies, this young master can support it.

However, this Li Mochou is really good-looking.

Find an opportunity to take advantage of her, and maybe he can further seduce Li Mochou.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhanyuan didn't want to take Li Mochou into the grove ahead where hundreds of martial arts masters were ambushing so quickly. But now the traps have been set.

Besides, his fiancée, He Yuanjun, is inside.

And Master Yideng's apprentice, Wu Santong.

If he doesn't lead Li Mochou over now, he won't be able to explain to those martial artists who have ambushed him. If

Lu Zhanyuan doesn't go over now, he won't be able to explain at all.

But what Lu Zhanyuan doesn't know is that no matter how well these hundreds of martial arts masters hide, they can't hide it from Li Mochou and the people chatting.

Are you kidding!

Li Mochou has now learned the immortal version of martial arts, and she has already sensed that there is an ambush.

But Lu Zhanyuan doesn't feel that he can do anything big to Li Mochou now.

But it should be okay to hold her hand.

Li Mochou's hands are not ordinary delicate.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhanyuan immediately looked forward to it.

Without saying a word, he reached out to hold Li Mochou's slender hand.

"Come on, girl, follow me...……"

Everyone in the group saw this scene.

It felt like the ten-meter-long sword was about to break.

This guy actually dared to reach out and hold Li Mochou's hand?

I can't stand it!!!

Everyone was furious.

But the next moment, clang~ the sword was unsheathed, and a cold light flashed.

"Ah! My hand……"

Lu Zhanyuan suddenly screamed.

He looked closely and found that

Li Mochou had already drawn her sword and cut off the hand that she was about to hold.

A heart-wrenching and piercing pain came over him.

Lu Zhanyuan was in so much pain that he cried on the ground holding his broken arm.

At this moment, he was dumbfounded.

"what happened?"

"This plot is wrong!"

"Isn’t Li Mochou completely obsessed with me?"

"Isn't Li Mochou ignorant of worldly affairs but kind-hearted and doesn't kill innocent people?"

"Why did I just hold her hand?"

"So she chopped off his arm?"

Although Lu Zhanyuan was rolling on the ground at this time, he was still thinking about this question in his mind.

He is obviously very handsome!

Why is Li Mochou so cruel to him?

Chat group.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Good job, Fairy Mochou is awesome"

"It feels so good!"

Li Xun Huan:"My breasts are unblocked. Kill this shameless guy!"".

I said: Hieu Baocot

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