"What happened? Su Su is in trouble?"

Ye Yan's heart tightened.

But he soon sensed something, and a hint of joy appeared on his face.

"Is Su Su about to give birth?"

"The second childbirth gift package, I wonder what good treasures can be opened?"

Sure enough, the next moment, Ye Yan rushed to the garden and saw a lot of water coming out of Ren Susu's crotch.

This is obviously the amniotic fluid breaking, and she is about to give birth.

At this time, Ren Susu's little face was full of pain, but because she had the experience of the first child, she was not as panicked as before.

Especially at this time, seeing Ye Yan suddenly appear.

Ren Susu's little face was more of surprise

"Brother Ye Yan, are you back?"


"Susu, don't say anything yet, don't worry, I'm here."

Ye Yan gently comforted Ren Susu, and then said to Ren Tingting, Ren Qingqing and his concubines who were experiencing this for the first time:

""Tingting, Qingqing, go and notify the midwife in the"747" of the mansion. I will take Susu back to the room."

After Ye Yan finished speaking, he didn't care that Ren Susu's amniotic fluid would stain his clothes. He immediately picked up Ren Susu and appeared in the room in an instant.

Soon, Ren Tingting and Ren Qingqing's group of wives and concubines also came with the midwife.

Ye Yan was driven out by Ren Susu and the midwife.

After all, how could a woman let a man watch the whole process of giving birth?

Not even her own man.

The visual impact is absolutely a devastating blow to some men who are a little fragile. They may never recover from this and lose interest in women.

Although Ye Yan is not so fragile, in order to let Ren Susu have no psychological burden, he still went out of the room and waited.

It seems that it was because of the experience of the second child, and Ren Susu is now an 8th-level Qi training cultivator after all. So the situation of giving birth for a whole day and night did not happen last time. It has been less than half an hour.


A loud baby cry echoed throughout the Ye Mansion. Even though Ye Yan had been a father once, he still couldn't hide his excitement.

He couldn't wait to go in and see his child.

"She gave birth. The young lady gave birth."

"Congratulations, Master. Congratulations, Master."

"A little boy"

"Mother and child are safe"

"A girl and a boy make a good couple.

Maid Qiuxiang came out with a baby in her arms, and she couldn't help showing joy on her face.

"Good good good"

"Qiuxiang, you all have worked hard."

"Wait, go to the account office to collect the reward."

Ye Yan looked at the baby in his arms and found that he was looking at him with a pair of bright eyes. He couldn't help but feel a different kind of joy in his heart.

"Wow! So cute!"

"Brother Ye Yan, I want to give you a cute baby like this."

"Zixuan, be good and let your aunt kiss you"

"Second aunt also wants to kiss"


Zixuan was the name Ye Yan and Ren Susu had chosen before he was born.

Ren Qingqing's maternal love overflowed, and she immediately took the child from Ye Yan's arms.

Annie and all the other wives and concubines also joined in asking Ye Yan for the child. When

Ye Yan heard this, his face froze instantly.

He didn't know whether Ren Qingqing and the others were asking for his child or the child in their hands.

Seeing this scene, Ren Tingting, who was already a 15-year-old girl, couldn't sit still.

Regardless of anything, she actually took Ye Yan's hand directly.

"Brother Ye Yan, I want a baby too, I want one too."

Ye Yan quickly shook off Ren Tingting's hand.

Although Ren Tingting has become a graceful young lady with a slim figure, Ye Yan still can't do it.

After all, her status is there.

If Ren Susu saw this scene, she would be furious.

Are you kidding!

She is helping Ye Yan give birth to a child inside, but Ye Yan is holding hands with Ren Tingting outside?

This is unacceptable.

But at this moment.

Ren Qingqing and the others suddenly discovered something, and they all showed shock on their faces.

Ye Yan suddenly discovered something, and they suddenly showed shock on their faces

"Ah! I was actually shocked by Xiao Zixuan?"

"I really got electrocuted."

"Why is there electricity in Xiao Zixuan's hands?"

"Oh my god! Am I seeing things?"

"Brother Ye Yan, look, this kid Zixuan has already reached the first level of Qi training when he was born?"

"What? Qingqing, don't be ridiculous."

"How is it possible to have cultivation ability from birth?"

"Don't believe me, look for yourself"

"Huh? It's actually true?"

"Oh my god! How is this possible?"


Ren Qingqing's group of wives and concubines all looked at Xiao Zixuan's situation at this time, their beautiful eyes widened, their faces full of disbelief.

You know, many people practice for a lifetime, and can only hover at the level of Qi training.

Just like Wencai Qiu Sheng, he is still in the early stage of Qi training.

It can be regarded as the entry into the world of cultivation.

Originally, the two were still proud of this, after all, this meant that they became cultivators.

But if they knew that Ye Yan's child was also in the early stage of Qi training when he was born.

Even if it was only the first level of Qi training, it would definitely make Wencai Qiu Sheng directly shocked..........

Of course, if Uncle Jiu knew, he would be emo.

Just kidding, he has trained two beginners for so many years, and they are still in the"entry stage". Ye Yan's child has already entered the entry stage when he was born.

Then wouldn't it be easy to break through to the Danjie, Yuanying, and even the legendary Huashen in this world? ? ?

Of course, if the cultivators in this spiritual world knew that Ye Yan's child was so amazing, they would go crazy and grab it.

Ye Yan was also a little shocked at this time.

But Ye Yan also roughly guessed what was going on.

In addition to Ye Yan's current practice of the"Tao Jing" against the sky, and the seed of life is also extraordinary.

Another reason is that Ren Susu has been taking the top-grade elixir given by Ye Yan during her pregnancy.

There is no impurity at all.

Such pure power circulates in the mother's body, and the child in Ren Susu's body is completely equivalent to automatically practicing in the mother's womb.

It is a bit unreasonable that he can have cultivation before he is born.

As for why Ren Susu and the others feel electrocuted now.

Naturally, it is because Xiao Zixuan and Ye Yan are both thunder spirits.

Ye Yan opened the"Delusion-Breaking Treasure Pupil" and clearly sensed that there was a trace of lightning spiritual power as thick as noodles lingering in Zixuan's small dantian.

Although it was small in size, it was extremely powerful.

Now that little Zixuan didn't know how to control this power, it would make the person holding him feel like being hit by static electricity.

"As expected of my Ye Yan's offspring, he can discharge electricity since birth"

"But it's not good for you to discharge your energy so casually"

"It must be restrained."

Ye Yan directly used spiritual power 1.4 to seal his cultivation.

After all, Xiao Zixuan didn't know anything now.

If he used this power at will, it would not only hurt others, but also himself.

At least it wouldn't be too late to let him practice after he could understand what others were saying.


Xiao Zixuan seemed to know his cultivation level and was sealed by the"big bad guy" in front of him. He actually pouted and cried. He looked so aggrieved, so cute.

Ye Yan was too lazy to pay attention to him. He left him to Qiuxiang and others to take a bath, and then prepared to meet Ren Susu.

But at this moment, something that Ye Yan had been waiting for for a long time happened.

【Ding, congratulations to the master on the successful birth of his second child, who has Xuan-level qualifications. You have obtained the"Xuan-level Raising Gift Pack". Do you want to open it?】

"Is it really a Xuan-level gift package?"

"What are you waiting for?

"Open it immediately."

Ye Yan was looking forward to it.

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