"Congratulations, Master"

"Mother and daughter are safe, mother and daughter are safe!……"

A maid excitedly opened the door and announced the good news

"Great! I have a little sister to love."

Ren Tingting was the first to react.

The sadness of losing her father was slightly relieved. It seemed that she had found a new place to rely on and a new hope. She ran to the delivery room.

Ye Yan was naturally happy. As a modern man, he did not favor boys over girls.

Instead, he was happy that his first child was a sweet little girl.

He was ready to go in to care for Ren Susu and hold his daughter.

But he found that Uncle Jiu had no intention of leaving.


Uncle Jiu reacted and felt a little embarrassed.

He found that the corpse qi here had indeed begun to dissipate.

Although he was full of doubts, he still bowed and said:

"Congratulations to Master Ye on the birth of his daughter. I will visit you again some other day."

After saying that, Uncle Jiu pulled Wencai Qiu Sheng away.

But before leaving, he couldn't help but give them both a slap on the head.

Because these two unreliable guys wanted to follow into the delivery room to join in the fun.

Are you stupid?

I, Lin Jiu, was really blind at the beginning, and actually accepted you two scumbags as my apprentices!



Uncle Jiu was about to leave.

He saw the remains of Uncle Zhong's body not far away, which had been corroded into mud by the Yin lightning.

He frowned immediately.

"The breath of thunder?"

""Evil cultivation method?"

Uncle Jiu was horrified.

But since he didn't find anyone abnormal at the scene, he had to leave first.

On the way, he asked Wencai Qiusheng what was going on.


"What? You said Ye Yan knows thunder magic?"

"A sneak attack on Uncle Zhong and an instant kill of Old Master Ren?"


"There is no spiritual energy fluctuation on Ye Yan, how could he possibly use thunder magic?"

After hearing what Wen Chenqiu Sheng said, Uncle Jiu was shocked and unbelieving.

"Master, it is true. Wencai and I saw it with our own eyes."

"We were as shocked as you are now."

"But this is the fact."

Wencai Qiu Sheng answered firmly.

Even though Uncle Jiu couldn't accept it, he had to believe it.

Uncle Jiu suddenly felt that he couldn't see through Ye Yan, this playboy.

At the same time, he suspected that Ye Yan was an evil cultivator like Mr. Feng Shui.

Otherwise, his cultivation speed would not be so fast.

If this was true, then Uncle Jiu would definitely fight Ye Yan to the death.

However, Uncle Jiu didn't have any substantial evidence now, and he couldn't see through Ye Yan.

He could only give up for the time being!

"I can only find an opportunity to find out Ye Yan's background."

Uncle Jiu made a decision and prepared to go back to Yizhuang to make some preparations, and by the way, summon the nearby Maoshan brothers.

If Ye Yan is really an evil cultivator, he will definitely not show mercy.

After all,"Good and evil are in opposition, fighting for life" is not just talk.


On the other side.

Ye Yan naturally didn't know Uncle Jiu's thoughts.

Otherwise, he would definitely reward Uncle Jiu with a"Yin Lei Zhi".

You are the evil cultivator, your whole family is evil cultivators.

But Ye Yan didn't have time to think about these things now, because he was immersed in the joy of holding the child and the system issuing rewards.

【Ding, congratulations on the successful birth of the master's first offspring, who has yellow-level qualifications. You have obtained the"Yellow-level Raising Gift Pack". Do you want to open it?】

"Open it immediately."Ye Yan was looking forward to it.

【Ding, congratulations to the master for obtaining supernatural powers——《The Eye of Delusion》……】

【Ding, congratulations to the owner for getting 1 bottle of"Yi Zhuan Huang Long Dan"……】

【Ding, congratulations to the master for winning 4 bottles of"Sheng Ji Hui Yuan Dan" (Ren Susu loves and fears it)……】

《"The Eye of Delusion-Breaking": It can break certain illusions, see the essence clearly, and make the illusions of demons and evil spirits invisible. It is really a must-have magical power for traveling at home and wandering in the spiritual world.

"Not bad, not bad, I didn't expect that a"Yellow Level Raising Gift Pack" would have so many good things"

"If this can be a Xuan-level, Earth-level, or even Heaven-level, wouldn't it be a great success?"

Ye Yan was delighted.

Needless to say, the second and third rewards are all good things that can increase Ye Yan's strength.

They can directly allow Ye Yan to break through the foundation-building stage.

Although this big gift package did not contain any exercises, it is impossible for the"Taoism Scripture" to deduce subsequent exercises.

But Mr. Feng Shui has it!

When Ye Yan killed the"welfare NPC" Mr. Feng Shui, he received another book on corpse refining and Feng Shui from him. Now, as long as Ye Yan wants, he can directly improve his strength. As for this"Breaking Delusion Treasure Pupil", it is the magical skill that Ye Yan needs now. Not only does it sound similar to Sun Wukong's innate magical powers, but it also sounds like a magical skill that can be used to improve the strength of the body.

——《"The Eyes of Delusion-Breaking God" is very similar.

And the ability is similar.

With it, Ye Yan will be able to act more confidently and boldly in the future.

You know, this is a spiritual world, and many monsters and demons have ways of changing.

For example, Dong Xiaoyu in the original book, on the surface, looks at least an 8.5-point beauty. She fascinated Qiu Sheng.

But in fact, the true face that Uncle Jiu saw when he used the magic weapon to open the Yin-Yang Eyes was so spicy.

Half of his face was rotten. It is definitely a childhood shadow for many people.

This also made Ye Yan dare not take a good girl who was about to freeze to death or starve to death on the roadside home even if he became a rich second generation after traveling through time.

Who knows, one day he will let the female ghost with a rotten face drill into his room.

But now with this"Eyes of Delusion-Breaking God", what monsters and demons can escape Ye Yan's eyes?

It's definitely a benefit for Ye Yan, right?

There is also"One Turn Yellow Dragon Pill". As long as the chat group is successfully upgraded, it can be used to improve Wanwan and their cultivation and feed back to themselves"cultivation points".

When he thought of this, Ye Yan couldn't wait to work harder with Ren Susu and have more children.

By then, he would have more treasures, magical powers, cultivation, children...

"The money and the substance are all there.

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