"Senior Brother, I know that the secret book cannot be passed on to others, but if Young Master Ye can... Hmm? Senior Brother, what are you going to do?"When

Taoist Simu heard Uncle Jiu's blaming tone, he thought that Uncle Jiu didn't want the secret book to be passed on to others.

But the next moment, he saw Uncle Jiu's actions as fierce as a tiger. He first ran into the room and rummaged through the cabinets, and took out a long-forgotten secret book.

Then he went behind the statue of the ancestor and took out several secret books that he often read.

《Feng Shui Secrets》、《Shangqing Talisman》、《Huangting Qigong》……


My god~

Uncle Jiu, you old fool, are you trying to get Ye Yan to improve his skills first?

Sure enough, Uncle Jiu directly stuffed several secret books in his hand into Ye Yan's hands before Taoist Simu.

He didn't care whether Ye Yan could really improve the grades of these secret books.

It was just a gift to Ye Yan.

As for the so-called sect rules, it was just to restrict ordinary people.

For a person like Ye Yan who was suspected to be the reincarnation of a true immortal, giving him the skills was not a sequel, but a bond.

Of course, if Ye Yan could really complete and perfect these secret books, it would definitely be the best result.

In the future, whether it is Uncle Jiu or other Maoshan disciples who practiced the"Huangting Qi Training Sutra", their cultivation and strength will definitely be improved instantly.

The whole Maoshan can benefit greatly.

Ye Yan looked at the several secret books in his hand and was delighted. He didn't expect that the two major Maoshan skills,"Huangting Qi Training Sutra" and"Shangqing Qi Training Sutra", would be obtained so smoothly.

Although they are both incomplete versions, they are not a problem for the"Tao Jing".

However, when Ye Yan thought of Uncle Jiu's behavior, he was a little amused.

Uncle Jiu usually looked serious and dignified, but everyone who knew him well knew that he was very mean, caring about his reputation, and even holding grudges.

But Uncle Jiu was very principled in dealing with major issues, so not only did no one dislike Uncle Jiu, but they felt that he was more approachable.

"Damn it! Brother, you have no moral principles!"

"I will give the secret book to Master Ye first."

Taoist Simu was furious.

"Junior brother, don't look at me like that. Your skills are still a little weak."

"If Master Ye can perfect his skills, he will naturally take the secret book that I have collected first."

"After all, there are many disciples in my Maoshan who practice the"Huangting Qigong Sutra". If I bring it back to Maoshan as soon as possible, more people will benefit from it."

"By the way, let's see if Wencai and Qiusheng can improve their cultivation."

"The two of them have been with me for almost ten years. Now one is at the third level of Qi training, and the other is at the first level. Unlike your Jiale, he is now at the fifth level of Qi training."What Uncle

Jiu said was not without reason, but Taoist Simu was unhappy.

However, Ye Yan was not interested in watching the two brothers playing tricks here, and immediately took all the secret books from Taoist Simu.

"There is no need for the two to fight"

"I should be able to perfect these two techniques."

"However, the skills are always more complicated than the skills, and they take more time."

"I'll take it home and have a good look. I'm sure there will be results in three days."

"You two can't even wait for three days, right?"

Ye Yan pretended to flip through the two martial arts books and took a look, then spoke with confidence.

Of course, now Ye Yan only needs a thought to upgrade the grades of all these martial arts.

But doing so is too unthinkable. It will definitely scare Uncle Jiu and the others to death.

After all, even now, Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu were already shocked to hear that Ye Yan could really perfect the martial arts.


Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu's eyes lit up instantly, with a hint of anticipation in their eyes.

"Then I'll trouble Master Ye."

"By the way, Master Ye, I'll give you this money."

"Now you have returned the technique to me and helped me improve my level. I don't know how to thank you."

Master Simu looked painful and took out the 2,100 dollars that Ye Yan had just given him.

Although the"Dragon-Tiger Thunder Sound Art" was useless to him, he could take it back to Maoshan and increase its foundation.

However, Ye Yan waved his hand and said,"Master Simu, you look down on me, Ye Yan."

"I don't care about the mere 2100 dollars"

"There is no reason to take back the money I took out."

"Furthermore, although I have perfected your technique, I have also gained a lot of insights."

"If you really feel bad, you can help me get some spiritual stones, magic tools, spiritual tools... these things for cultivation."

"I think your big sword is pretty good, if you can get me a big sword with lightning attribute, it would be even better."

Ye Yan suddenly remembered the"random" bronze big sword held by Taoist Simu in"Uncle Zombie".

Master Yixiu was stunned at the sight.

With one sword, even the bronze skin and iron bones of the royal zombies were numbed.

If you can get a big sword with lightning, it will be absolutely cool and awesome.

You don't need to fight, you can scare the monsters to death.

""Okay, I will definitely satisfy Young Master Ye."

When Taoist Simu heard what Ye Yan said, he actually felt a little pain.

After all, the materials to refine a big sword are more than 1,000 oceans, and if it also has lightning properties, the cost will definitely be two or three thousand oceans.

However, Taoist Simu is also very good at dealing with people, and it is absolutely impossible for him to ask Ye Yan for money again.

After all, if Ye Yan can really improve the quality of all the skills they just gave him, even if it is just a little simplified, it will cost more than two or three thousand oceans.

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