Green Man King:"@知秋一叶, get lost, your wife seduces men, no, you don't have a wife, you haven't even touched a woman's soft hand"

"Your whole family is stealing men"

"Your entire sect is a group of men thieves."

If the Green Man King didn't have so many points to travel through the world, he would definitely be holding the Snow Drinking Mad Blade and chopping the idiot Zhiqiu Yiye to death.

Of course, the Green Man King's words were also lethal, directly exposing the fact that Zhiqiu Yiye was a single dog.

Li Xunhuan:"@Green Man King, Zhiqiu Yiye just speaks without thinking."

"Don't bother with him"

"I'm glad that my sister-in-law is okay. Your misunderstanding should have been resolved now!"

"Take my sister-in-law out to relax when you have time."

"By the way, be careful of the Xiongba people that Big Boss Ye mentioned."

Green Man King:"Don't worry, my sword energy is now greatly increased. If Xiongba dares to come, he will be gone."

"As for taking Yan Ying to relax, that is what I am thinking."

"It would be even better if I could have a Thunder Cloud Flying Boat and take Yan Ying to fly in the night sky and watch the stars."

Mu Nianci:"Wow! I didn't expect that the Green Man King, a rough guy, would be so romantic."

Li Mochou:"Wow! I didn't expect that the Green Man King, a rough guy, would be so romantic +1"

"@Ye Yan, I want to see the stars too."

Kwan Kwan: "Wow! I didn't expect that the Green Man King, a rough guy, could be so romantic +1"

"@Ye Yan, I want to see the stars too."


【Ding, exclusive red envelope from Nangong Ping'er - Green Leaf Flying Boat*5]

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! So many flying instruments? Grab...ah?"

Zhiqiu Yiye was so excited.

But the next moment

【Mu Nianci won"Maple Leaf Flying Boat"*1】

【Wanwan won"Maple Leaf Flying Boat"*1】

【Li Mochou won"Maple Leaf Flying Boat"*1】

【Green Man King won"Maple Leaf Flying Boat"*1】

【[Li Xunhuan obtains"Maple Leaf Flying Boat"*1]

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Ah... why, why don't I get one again?"

Zhiqiu Yiye was overjoyed and then sad again.

Zhiqiu Yiye felt that Nangong Ping'er definitely did it on purpose.

There were obviously six people, but she only took out 5"Maple Leaf Flying Boats".

Zhiqiu Yiye pretended to be pitiful and asked Nangong Ping'er for them.

But Nangong Ping'er wanted to teach Zhiqiu Yiye a lesson, not to mention that she really didn't have it on her now, and needed to go to the sect's treasure pavilion to exchange for points.

Even if she had it, Nangong Ping'er would not give it to Zhiqiu Yiye so easily.

Who made Zhiqiu Yiye talk so mean again and again.

Sure enough, when all the group members saw this situation, instead of feeling sorry for Zhiqiu Yiye, they felt very happy.

Green Man King:"@Zhiqiu Yiye, hahaha! Good! It's retribution"

"I told you not to say that Yan Ying has cheated on me."

Li Mochou:"@Zhiqiuyiye, it's so satisfying. I'm going to try out the flying magic weapon that Sister Nangong gave me."

Li Xunhuan:"@Zhiqiuyiye, I can't do anything to you. I'm going to try out the flying magic weapon."

Wanwan:"@Zhiqiuyiye, don't be so mean in the future, or you'll get your comeuppance!"

"I'm also going to try the gift given by Sister Nangong."

"Still looking forward to it!"

"It’s just that I can’t fly up to the night sky with my handsome brother to look at the stars for the time being, which is a little disappointing."

Mu Nianci:"@Zhiqiuyiye, I want to try the feeling of flying too, I’m looking forward to it!"

Ye Yan saw this scene and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. It feels like this group of friends know how to rub salt into the wound. They all taught Zhiqiuyiye a lesson in the first half of the sentence, but they actually said something in the end, saying that they wanted to try the flying magic weapon.

Zhiqiuyiye can’t get this thing!

Sure enough, Zhiqiuyiye instantly became emo.

I feel so sad and feel that this world is very unfriendly.

But at this moment.

Li Mochou:"What’s going on, I have used up all my internal energy, and I can’t even get three meters off the ground."

"This flying magic weapon absorbs too much internal energy!"

Mu Nianci:"Yes! My internal energy has been drained, I can't even get 1 meter off the ground, no, I'm almost weak."

Li Mochou:"No way! Does this flying magic weapon require real spiritual power to work properly?"

"Although our internal strength now has a trace of spiritual power due to absorbing the spiritual energy of the spirit stone, our strength has increased dramatically?"

"But we still can’t use the flying magic weapon normally!"

Wanwan:"Woo woo! I want to get familiar with flying first, and then take handsome brother to fly!"

Green Man King:"No, I just boasted in front of Yan Ying that I would take her to fly"

"She must be thinking I'm lying to her again."

"My marriage!"

The Green Man King was a little overjoyed.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Hahaha! Retribution, retribution"

"I told you not to play with me, now I can't play with you"

"Do you think flying magic weapons are so easy to control?"

"There is no spiritual power in your world, you can't practice immortal cultivation techniques, and you can't use flying magic tools."

Zhiqiu Yiye couldn't help but say something bad again.

Sure enough, the whole group was furious again, and

Ye Yan was speechless.

It seems that Zhiqiu Yiye in the original book is a little funny, but not so stupid!

As for Wanwan and the others' inability to fly, it is actually very easy to solve.

Just give them some spiritual stones and convert the internal force in their bodies into spiritual power.

Or you can refine the spiritual stones while pouring the spiritual power into the flying magic tools.

Sure enough, the next moment

【Ding, a red envelope from Nangong Ping'er~]

As the group message popped up, everyone was excited again.

"Great! Fairy Nangong has sent me another red envelope!"




Thank you Ye Wusheng for the large number of flowers and monthly tickets and the teachings of everyone. I am flattered. I will work hard and try to update 2 more pictures tonight...

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