"This"Wind-breaking and Flying Technique" is much more effective than Nangong's"Flying Technique"."

Green Man King:"Boss Ye is awesome +1"

"Even without using spirit stones, I can now slightly control the Maple Leaf Flying Boat to 2 meters off the ground."

"If I use the spirit stone, it is not a dream to take my Yan Ying to travel the night sky."

Li Mochou:"Handsome brother is so awesome, I admire him in every way."

Mu Nianci:"Handsome brother is so awesome, I admire him in every way +1."

Wanwan:"Handsome brother is so awesome, I admire him in every way +1."

Nangong Ping'er:"Yes, you really didn't let me down."

Nangong Ping'er was also a little happy at this time.

Although with her current cultivation, she can easily fly dozens or hundreds of miles in the air even without a flying magic weapon.

But using a flying magic weapon is definitely faster and easier.

Now that Ye Yan has improved her"The Art of Flying", it is also a great help to her.

This is why Nangong Ping'er is so generous and considerate to give her a flying magic weapon and the"The Art of Flying".

Ye Yan naturally knew this.

After all, this chat group is originally mutually beneficial and makes progress together.

Everyone was very happy with this result.

Only Zhiqiu was left. He felt that life was really ups and downs... downs...

Before he could show off for a while, he was slapped in the face.

Although he was extremely excited to grab two copies of"The Art of Flying", what's the use without a flying magic weapon? It's just like a eunuch grabbing a large box of family planning products. Not only is it useless, but it is also extremely insulting.

But he didn't lose heart.

He believed that as long as he behaved better in the future and didn't provoke Ye Yan and Nangong Ping'er again, he would definitely be able to get a flying magic weapon.


On the morning of the third day,

Ye Yan was ready to go out and find a deserted place. He set up the Thunder Cloud Flying Boat and pretended to be cool as he went to Uncle Jiu to return the skills.

But when the door opened, two familiar figures almost lost their balance and fell in, almost scaring Ye Yan.

"No, Uncle Jiu, Taoist Simu, what are you two doing sitting on the steps so early in the morning?"

Yes, the people who came were none other than Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu.

"Master Ye, we can't wait any longer! We came here early in the morning to keep the three-day appointment!"

Master Simu looked at Ye Yan expectantly.

"That’s right, I wonder how the repair progress of our"Huangting Qigong" and"Shangqing Qigong" is going?"

"Is there any technique that can be repaired to the foundation-building level?"

Uncle Jiu was also looking forward to it.

He is now at the peak of the foundation-building stage.

If he can get the repaired"Huangting Qi Training Sutra", he will definitely be able to improve his own cultivation and break through the Jindan stage.

Upon hearing this, Ye Yan was a little disappointed, because he originally wanted to set up the"Thunder Cloud Flying Boat" and pretend to be giving away advanced techniques.

But now that Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu are here, it would not be appropriate for him to use the"Thunder Cloud Flying Boat" to show off.

It seems that he can only show off next time.

Ye Yan sighed.

But even so, his next move still shocked Uncle Jiu and the other two.

"Did you say that only the foundation-building level exercises are needed?"

"If you hadn't told me earlier, I would have completed the two books of exercises to the Dan Jin chapter."

Ye Yan pretended to be unhappy and took out all the books of exercises.

"Master Ye, we are indeed too greedy."

"It's only three days, if I can get the complete version of Qi training chapter... it will be... huh???"

"Master Ye, what did you just say?"

"You have already completed the two exercises to the Danjie chapter?"

Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu widened their eyes instantly, looking at each other, and suspected that there was something wrong with their ears.

After all, in their opinion, being able to repair and complete the Qi training stage of two exercises within three days was already a very heaven-defying thing.

Repairing and perfecting the foundation-building exercises was even more of a dream.

But the Danjie stage exercises, this is absolutely impossible.

Are you kidding!

Even if the ancestors of their Maoshan who have become immortals return to the world, they may not be able to do this!

However, Uncle Jiu and the others could not believe it.

They still couldn't wait to open the secret book that had been stuffed into their hands.

The next moment, both of them were shocked by the contents of the secret book, and their pupils trembled violently. They couldn't help but gasp and exclaimed:

"Oh my god! Is this really a perfected technique?"

"A mid-level Xuan-level technique?"

"Am I really not dreaming?"

"Senior Brother, hurry up...quickly slap me, let me know I am not dreaming."

Taoist Simu was a little incoherent, and couldn't believe that the skills in his hands were real. But

Uncle Jiu ignored Taoist Simu.

He knew that this scene was absolutely true.

Because at this time, he had tried to circulate spiritual power into the new meridian path according to the contents of the revised"Huangting Jindan Sutra" in his hand.

The spiritual power flowed more smoothly and faster, and the spiritual power stimulated was strengthened by one or two times.


Uncle Jiu's heart was instantly shocked.

With this perfected skill, he was absolutely sure that he could enter the Dan stage directly in seclusion.

Thinking of this, Uncle Jiu's body was trembling with excitement.

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