"Brother Ye Yan, you are not allowed to bully my aunt~"

""Hurry up and open the door~"

Ren Tingting found that the door was locked, and knocked on the door frantically with her pink hands.

The maid behind her couldn't stop her.

In the room, Ye Yan and Ren Susu were overwhelmed.

They could only finish the work quickly, open the door and walk out.

Then they saw a scene that made them laugh and cry.

Ren Tingting was a little devil, and she looked at Ye Yan with caution, as if Ye Yan had really done something unforgivable.

Then she pulled Ren Susu aside and looked up and down anxiously to see if there were any injuries on Ren Susu's body.

She also asked several maids to come and help check.

This made Ren Susu embarrassed.

Even Ye Yan was speechless.

How could the maids next to them not know what was going on?

They blushed and turned their heads away.

It means we can't hear, we don't understand, we are just air, little aunt, don't call us anymore.

"Tingting, you misunderstood. Brother Ye Yan didn't bully me."

"We're just... just……"

Ren Susu wanted to explain, but halfway through, her pretty face suddenly turned red.

She didn't know how to continue.

She looked at Ye Yan for help.

But she found that Ye Yan almost laughed out loud because of her embarrassing look. Her beautiful eyes immediately glared at Ye Yan.

"Humph! You're still laughing, and Tingting misunderstood you."

"You explain it yourself, I don't care anyway."

After saying that, Ren Susu directly hugged the child and pretended to be angry and ran back to the room.

Ye Yan's smile froze, but he had to explain:

"Tingting, you are still young and don't understand"

"Just now your aunt and I were just... just playing games"

"You'll know when you grow up."

"Also, I've told you so many times that you should call me uncle, not brother Ye Yan."

Even if Ye Yan was thick-skinned and could keep his face from getting red, it was impossible for him to explain it too clearly to a little kid. But it would have been better if he didn't say that.

As soon as he said this, Ren Tingting was so stubborn.

"What's still small?"

"This girl is 14 years old this year"

"Many people my age in this town have married and had children. Don't treat me like a child."

"You said you were playing games? Okay, I want to play too."

"Tonight, I will play with you."

"I want to see if you are really bullying your aunt."

After Ren Tingting finished speaking, she went straight into the room to find Ren Susu.

Ye Yan suddenly felt a headache. Is this Ren Tingting doing this on purpose? He was doing serious things. He wanted to have a second child as soon as possible and get the system reward.

Now that this little brat Ren Tingting refused to leave, what should he do?

But at this moment.

It should be that the"army" that was sent out successfully occupied the high ground.

Ye Yan suddenly heard the sweet reminder sound of the system Xiaobai in his mind.

【Ding, congratulations to the master's wife, Ren Susu, for starting to conceive her second child.

You will receive a pregnancy gift pack*1. Do you want to open it?】

"Come early, don't come late"

"It's worth my efforts for more than a month."

"Finally began to conceive a second child"

"Open it immediately."

Ye Yan couldn't help but feel a little excited.

【Ding, congratulations to the owner for obtaining the system prop card——《Skill Entry Card》……】

《Skill Entry Card: After using it, any skill can immediately reach the"entry level""

"What the hell? Entry level?"

Ye Yan was speechless for a moment.

He practiced the Dragon Tiger Thunder Roar to the entry level, which consumed 3"Practice Points".

In other words, this"Skill Entry Card" is equivalent to 3"Practice Points"?

Who are you looking down on?

Am I the one who lacks these 3"Practice Points"?

Ye Yan looked down on him.

But the next moment, he immediately understood what the law of true fragrance was.

【Ding, congratulations to the master for obtaining the lower grade of heavenly magic——《Double hand》……】

《Double Hand: It is divided into Red Hand and Blue Hand.

Red Hand: It consumes a certain amount of physical strength of the user, and can modify the state of any living body, regenerate broken limbs, recover from injuries, and modify appearance.

Blue Hand: It consumes a certain amount of spiritual strength of the user, and can read and copy all memories in the soul.

"Oh my god! Is the"Shuangquan Hands" a lower-grade divine power of the heavenly rank?"

"It must be fake!"

When Ye Yan saw the"Shuangquan Hand", he immediately thought of the Eight Wonders he had seen in his previous life.

But after seeing the words"lower grade of heavenly rank" and the skill description, he felt that it was unlikely to be one of the Eight Wonders.

However, Ye Yan did not dwell on it too much.

After all, with such a heaven-defying skill, of course he had to learn it first.

【Ding,"Practice Points" are insufficient, unable to practice"Shuangquan Hand"》】

Ye Yan was instantly shocked.

He had 42"Practice Points" now, but he still couldn't get started with"Shuangquan Hand"?

You know,"Dragon Tiger Thunder Roar" only needs 3"Practice Points" to get started, but Ye Yan was relieved when he thought that this"Shuangquan Hand" was a low-grade secret technique of the heavenly rank.

But now he couldn't practice this heaven-defying skill, which made Ye Yan very unwilling.

"By the way, Skill Entry Card》?"

"System, you are so considerate."

Ye Yan was delighted and immediately used this"Skill Entry Card"》

【Ding, congratulations to the master for using the"Blue Thunder Spirit Body" to practice"Double Hands" and successfully consuming 1"Skill Entry Card" to advance to the entry level.~】

"It really works."

Ye Yan was instantly delighted.

The next moment.


At this moment, various memory fragments about the heaven-defying method of"Shuangquan Hand" emerged in his mind.

His consciousness immediately immersed in a wonderful space. The left hand was raised, and red light surged, turning into countless red silk threads like capillaries, weaving a human figure in the void.

Blood vessels, flesh, internal organs, bones, eight extraordinary meridians,... and finally a layer of skin covered it to become a real person.

Ye Yan looked closely and found that this person looked exactly like him.

It's just that his eyes were empty and lifeless, just like a lifelike doll, which looked a little weird.

But at this moment.

The right hand in his consciousness emerged with blue light, and a blue light ball like a star condensed in the void, pure and flawless.

But along with countless memories that Ye Yan felt extremely familiar with, he entered the blue light ball.

The blue light ball gradually turned into a blue light little man whose facial features and body proportions were exactly the same as Ye Yan's.

His eyes were like stars, extremely smart, as if he was a living person, and then he rushed directly towards the person that the red light had just condensed.

The moment he sank into his brows.

The person who originally had empty eyes and no spirit actually"came to life".

The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he smiled with the monk Ye Yan.


The next moment.

Ye Yan's consciousness returned to his body. At this time, he recalled the scene in the strange space, and his heart was not surprised but happy.

Because at this moment, he had a feeling that he had become a creator-level figure and could create a person with flesh and blood and soul out of thin air.

"Oh my god! Is this really the"Shuang Quan Shou" in the original book?"

"No wonder the system judged it as a low-grade heavenly secret technique."

"It's simply too outrageous."

"If it is integrated into the Dao Sutra, wouldn't it be possible to obtain a more powerful secret technique?"

Ye Yan raised his eyebrows, and a burst of anticipation suddenly appeared in his heart.

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