【Ding, Li Mochou enters Mu Nianci's live broadcast room】


【Ding, Ye Yan enters Mu Nianci's live broadcast room. 】

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! The fairy in crimson skirt?"

"Is this Sister Nianci?"

"I love it, but it’s a pity that I’m not there."

The world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

In a bustling bazaar, on the ring.

Mu Nianci was wearing a red shirt and a crimson skirt. She was eighteen years old, graceful and elegant, with a rosy face and delicate features.

Her eyes were as white as lacquer, and her eyes were flowing, like pearls, shining brightly.

Although her red shirt and crimson skirt were slightly whitened by washing, it could not hide Mu Nianci's natural beauty.

In addition, the Mu Nianci in this world has absorbed several spirit stones, showing her fairy-like appearance and looking more and more worldly.

Not to mention Zhiqiu Yiye, a boring Taoist priest who has never seen any beauties.

Even Ye Yan and the other people in the group were dazzled when they saw it.

Especially Ye Yan, who was ready to spend 10,000 points directly to talk to Mu Nianci about the philosophy of life.

After all, if a beauty like Mu Nianci could get pregnant with Ye Yan's child, it would definitely bring Ye Yan a lot of rewards.

It would be even better if he could obtain a heavenly-level secret technique like"Shuangquanshou".


Li Xunhuan:"Red skirt fairy +1, half the beauty of my cousin Shiyin."

Green Man King:"Red skirt fairy +1, one-third of my Yan Ying's beauty.""

Li Mochou:"Sister Nianci is so beautiful, one-fifth of my beauty.""

Xianxian:"Sister Nianci is so beautiful, one-tenth of my beauty +1.""Nangong Ping'er:

"Sister Nianci is not bad, she has the appearance of a female cultivator from my Bi Yue Sect.""

Ye Yan was speechless for a moment.

Are these people praising Mu Nianci?

They are clearly praising their wives, or praising themselves.

Li Xunhuan actually said that Mu Nianci, a beautiful woman with such an extraordinary temperament and pure and unworldly beauty, is only half as beautiful as Lin Shiyin?

Doesn't that mean that Lin Shiyin is more beautiful? The same is true for others, and each one is more exaggerated than the other.

One third, one fifth...

When it comes to Nangong Ping'er, she actually said that Mu Nianci only has the appearance of a female cultivator from the Bi Yue Sect?

Doesn't this mean that Mu Nianci can only be considered ordinary in their Bi Yue Sect.

And she can't be compared with her, the fairy elder.

Each one is very shameless.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"@All members, what? A beauty like Mu Nianci is actually not as good as you?"

"I don’t believe it, unless you send me a private photo, then I will believe it."

Li Mochou:"Look at my lip shape, gun…get out"

"Only handsome guys can see it."

婠婠:"Look at my lip shape, gun...get out"

"Only handsome guys can see +1."

Green Man King:"Look at my lip shape, gun...get out"

"Only handsome guys can see +1"

"Bah! No, withdraw it... No one can see my Yan Ying."


While everyone was in the water group.

Mu Nianci once again started a battle with many challengers.

Although she was still dressed in red at this time, her temperament changed immediately when she held the spear.

The spear came out like a dragon, sometimes with great force and sometimes as agile as a snake, just like a heroic female general, invincible.

Many challengers who showed evil eyes to her were directly knocked away.

This ignited the emotions of the already extremely restless crowd.

However, at this time, everyone only dared to appreciate from the audience and did not dare to go on stage at all.

Are you kidding!

This Mu Nianci looks slender, slim, and weak, but when she starts to fight, even two or three strong men will be knocked away.

Who dares to tease her?

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Is this the"Yang Family Spear Technique" that Boss Ye helped to upgrade?"


"Seeing this makes me want to learn it."

Li Xun Huan:"Indeed, I feel that my Little Li Flying Dagger is not cool enough."

"A real man should wield a red tassel spear."

The Green Man King:"I agree."

Ye Yan also felt that the Yang Family Spear Technique was really exciting to use.


At this moment, a young man in fancy clothes with a playful look on his face jumped onto the stage.

"I am Wanyan Kang, and I have come to ask for your advice."

As soon as Wanyan Kang came on stage, he looked at Mu Nianci with greed in his eyes.

He wished he could swallow Mu Nianci in one gulp. Mu Nianci frowned, feeling insulted, and her beautiful eyes were filled with disgust.

She had seen no less than ten pairs of eyes like this just now.

She had beaten them all away with a ruthless move.

"Wanyan Kang, you are finally here."

If she had only wanted to embarrass Wanyan Kang before, then based on Wanyan Kang's look, Mu Nianci was ready to destroy him.

But before Mu Nianci could speak

, Yang Tiexin on the side refused to do so.

"Wanyan? Are you a Jin noble?"

"That's right."

Wanyan Kang immediately looked arrogant, with a proud sneer on his face.

This was his pride in being a Jin noble.

However, what Wanyan Kang didn't expect was that Yang Tiexin didn't flatter him, but said:

"This noble lady, my daughter is too high to marry you, please go back!"

Ye Yan had told Mu Nianci before that the people who harmed Yang Tiexin's family were the nobles of the Jin Kingdom.

Yang Tiexin must have heard this news from Mu Nianci, and he could tell at a glance that Wanyan Kang was not a good person.

Without saying anything, he drove him away immediately.

However, the Jin people were powerful now, and Yang Tiexin was worried that Mu Nianci would not comfort him, so he suppressed his anger and said a polite word in front of him.

However, it would have been better if he hadn't said this. As soon as he said this, Wanyan Kang's face suddenly turned cold.

"Oh! Too high to reach?"

"I think you are hostile to my Jin people."

"Well, you don’t want me to compete in martial arts to win your hand in marriage, right?"

"If the young master kidnaps this young lady and throws her out after playing with her, it won't be considered a marriage proposal."

After saying that, Wanyan Kang immediately stretched out his hand and used the Dragon Claw Hand to grab Mu Nianci fiercely.

Seeing this, Yang Tiexin was shocked and immediately rushed over to stop him.

Although Mu Nianci said that she had a chance and her strength increased dramatically.

But Yang Tiexin was still worried that Mu Nianci would suffer.

However, neither Mu Nianci nor the group friends who were watching the live broadcast at this time were worried.

Are you kidding!

Mu Nianci has taken so much of Ye Yan's"One Turn Yellow Dragon Pill", and the martial arts she practiced, such as the"Yang Family Spear Technique", have been strengthened.

In addition to the"Heavenly Sword" given by Qianqian, Demonic Sound" and the"Ice Soul Silver Needle" given by Li Mochou.

It can be said that even a first-class master can't take down Mu Nianci now.

If that doesn't work, use the"Maple Leaf Flying Boat" to scare these people to death.

Otherwise,"close the city and release Ye Yan".

All the Jin people and Jin's lackeys in the entire capital will be killed.

However, at this moment.

Ye Yan suddenly saw in the video, in the corner under the ring, a little beggar appeared. Although her face was covered with black coal, it couldn't hide her delicate features and a pair of bright eyes.

"Huang Rong?"




A 2,200-word chapter. Please give me flowers, monthly votes, and evaluation votes. I will try to update 10,000 words today, up to 110,000 words...

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