"Brother Ye Yan, you've been missing for more than a month. I thought...I thought you were also captured by a monster."

"Recently, in Renjia Town, someone goes missing every three nights, both men and women, young and old."

"The strange thing is that their clothes and pants were left where they disappeared."

"It's like a person disappears into thin air, without taking away any cloud."

"Many people think that it must be some kind of monster."

"Uncle Jiu is still in seclusion"

"Taoist Simu came out to check several times, but found no clues."

Ren Susu told what happened in Renjia Town during this period.

At the same time, a pair of jade arms tightly hugged Ye Yan's waist, fearing that Ye Yan would suddenly disappear again.

The little head was also pressed tightly against Ye Yan's chest.

It seemed that only by hearing Ye Yan's heartbeat could he prove that Ye Yan in front of him really appeared in front of him.

"It's all my fault. I was in a hurry to go out and forgot to tell you."

"I made you worry."

Ye Yan looked at the haggard beauty in his arms, and felt a little guilty.

He went out to have fun and got so many wonderful benefits in the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

But his wife at home was worried every day.

Ye Yan felt a little guilty and took out a big bottle of"Shengji Huiyuan Pill" he had just obtained.

He was ready to compensate Ren Susu.

"Brother Ye Yan, this is also the》?"

"How many pills are there in there!"

Ren Susu looked at the oversized medicine bottle that was several times larger than usual, and was instantly numb.

She seemed to have thought of something, and felt a little bit of anticipation, but also a little bit of fear.

"You guess."

Ye Yan just smiled faintly, and then... he began to practice with this pill.

That's right, practice


As for the monster's mischief, Ye Yan would wait until tomorrow to talk about it.

Anyway, according to Ren Susu, strange things only happen once every three days.

It's not too late to check it out tomorrow evening.

At the same time, Ye Yan was also a little looking forward to it.

I wonder what benefits I can get from the monster?

I heard that monsters also have their own set of cultivation systems.

If that's the case, then if I search the soul, wouldn't it be possible to deduce the subsequent exercises of the"Taoism Sutra"?

"Not bad, I didn't expect to encounter such a thing as soon as I returned to the supernatural world"

"Then wait until tomorrow night, I will come and meet you, monster!"


What Ye Yan didn't expect was that something strange would happen ahead of time.

It was late at night and everyone was asleep.

Two drunks were drinking and acting crazy on the street.

As luck would have it, a graceful figure in a red robe appeared in front of them.

The two drunks immediately became interested and staggered in front of the red-robed figure, saying with malicious smiles on their faces:

"Hee! Little...lady, it's so late...it's dangerous to walk at night."

"No... Yes, many people have disappeared recently."

"But you don't have to be afraid, let us brothers...brothers accompany you, let us see if you are beautiful first...

After saying that, the two of them looked expectant and reached out to lift the hood of the red robe.

But the next moment.

The two of them seemed to see something horrible.

"……Ah... ghost!"

The shrill scream echoed throughout the street, attracting several"woof woof woof" dogs barking in the middle of the night.


Half an hour passed.

Captain Awei and his men finally arrived.

They hid in a far corner and saw nothing moving from afar. They were sure they would not encounter the legendary monster, so they came over carefully.

At this time, there were only the clothes and pants of the two drunkards and the broken wine bottles on the ground.

"what happened?"

"Doesn’t it happen once every three days?"

"Why is it early?"

"Does this ghost need more living people?"

"No, I have to go find Uncle Jiu again tomorrow. If he still doesn't come out, I'll rush in with my men and tie him up."

"I don't want to die……"


It was just dawn.


Although Uncle Jiu was still in seclusion and didn't care about worldly affairs.

But Yizhuang had Taoist Simu to help guard it.

When he got up in the morning, Taoist Simu immediately found something unusual and looked at the general Feng Shui situation.

He found that there was a huge evil spirit in the distance, slowly coming towards Renjia Town. Taoist

Simu's heart tightened instantly, and he felt that something was going to happen.

At this moment.

Wencai seemed to be possessed by evil spirits.

He walked in happily, holding a bloody hand.

If someone who knew the two drunkards last night saw this hand, he would definitely recognize it by the tattoo on the tiger's mouth of the dead hand.

This is the dead hand of one of the drunkards.

But Wencai didn't notice this, but smiled at Taoist Simu with great pride:

"Uncle, look, I just bought some pig's feet on the road."

"Half the price of Renjia Town Market, add a meal tonight……"

Taoist Simu's face changed instantly.

"Wencai, are you possessed?"

"This is a human hand, not a pig's hand~"

"Where did you get it from?"

Taoist Simu grabbed the bloody hand.

But what surprised Taoist Simu was that the moment he touched the hand, he suddenly felt his eyes flicker, and the hand turned into a pig's hand.

"Uncle, you are such a joker."

"This is clearly a pig's hand"

"I see. Do you want to eat this pig's trotter for yourself?"

"Uncle Master, you are too greedy!"

"This pig's foot weighs 5 jins. Can you eat it all by yourself?"

Wencai's mature face was full of resentment. Taoist Simu frowned and threw the pig's hand directly to the ground.

A talisman appeared in his hand.


A raging fire burned and threw it to the pig's hand on the ground.

With a snap, it seemed that some evil magic was blasted.

Black fog dispersed.

The next moment, a bloody human hand came into view.

Wencai was so scared that his scalp numbed, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help screaming.

""Human hands!"

Wencai had seen many people in the charity cemetery.

Under normal circumstances, he would not be afraid of bloody human hands, even if he was not unfamiliar with them.

But when he thought about how he had been drooling over this thing just now, he immediately felt scared.

"Animal making technique?"

"White Lotus Demon Sect?"

Taoist Simu's face suddenly changed.

"White Lotus Cult?"

"It sounds a bit scary!"

"Uncle-master, can you defeat him?"

Although Wencai had never heard of the White Lotus Demon Sect, he thought that this cult could actually disguise human hands as pig's hands and sell them. This was not something a normal person could do.

Taoist Simu heard this and was so angry that he almost picked up the broom for Uncle Jiu and taught Wencai a lesson.

Are you kidding!

Although the White Lotus Demon Sect has disappeared for a hundred years, it was very notorious back then, and it is recorded in the common sense books of all sects in the world today.

As long as Wencai reads the relevant books on Maoshan, he would not ask such a question.

Uncle Jiu has such a disciple, and even Taoist Simu feels a headache.

Compared with this, Taoist Simu suddenly feels that his"useless disciple""——Jiale is relatively reliable.

I feel a little relieved.


The White Lotus Demon Sect is a demon sect that has existed for nearly a thousand years.

It was originally founded by a monk with good intentions.

It is rumored that before Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, his immediate superior, Xiao Ming Wang Lao Da, used the name of"White Lotus" to recruit volunteers to fight against the violent Yuan Dynasty.

However, because the"White Lotus" had no discipline and no bottom line, all kinds of people, including hooligans, came in.

As a result, the entire sect began to act recklessly and gradually became an evil sect that bewitched people and abducted women and children.

In addition, this is a spiritual world, and evil cultivators joined in, and all kinds of means such as collecting yin to replenish yang, extracting souls and refining souls, and making animals came out. It completely became a demon sect.

Once it showed up, it would be jointly attacked by the royal families of various dynasties and the Taoist and Buddhist families at all costs.

But the strange thing is that every time they were exterminated, someone would inherit the White Lotus Demon Cultivator and re-establish this demon sect after dozens or hundreds of years.

Use bewitching means or evil magic to deceive a large number of ordinary people to join.

It will soon be revived.

It can be said that this is definitely a big cancer. Once you see one emerging, you must eradicate it as soon as possible. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Otherwise, a large number of people, a town, or even a city will soon become demon cultists.

As for the animal creation technique, it is an extremely vicious and evil method of the White Lotus Demon Cult.

It can turn people into various livestock for others to share.

At first, it was to turn the enemy into military rations to make up for the problem of insufficient food and grass at the time.

But eating this meat is obviously against the law of nature, and the way of heaven does not allow it.[]

Therefore, these people will be confused and start to become zombies.

When the caster found this, he was overjoyed and felt that it was easier to control. He directly trained these meat-eaters to become his loyal servants.

This animal-making technique also directly became an evil technique to control people.

It is conceivable that if the people of Renjia Town ate this meat, what would the entire Renjia Town become?


"The Supreme Lord commands, the soldiers follow the seal, the generals follow the command... The Eight Trigrams destroy evil, the bright lamp guides the way...���…"

Taoist Simu quickly took out a Bagua mirror, bit his middle finger, and spent all his blood and energy on it.

Shake~ a beam of light shone from the mirror, covering the scattered black fog.

Then, Taoist Simu flipped his hands.

The Bagua mirror shot a Kongming lantern on the high platform in the open space.

Wow~ the wick was steaming with flames.

The Kongming lantern expanded, rose into the air, and floated in the opposite direction from where Wen Cai had just returned.

If Ye Yan saw this move, he would definitely feel very familiar.

It was Uncle Jiu's specialty in finding corpses and evil things.

It appeared in the plot of"One Eyebrow Taoist".

Taoist Simu didn't know how to do it originally.

But last time, in addition to handing over the two Maoshan exercises to Taoist Simu, Ye Yan also gave Taoist Simu some improved secret techniques.

So Taoist Simu has nothing to do during this period of time, so he started to learn.

He didn't expect that he would be able to use it at this time.

"Wencai, go find Qiusheng and go to the town first to see who else bought the meat."

"If we can find Mrs. Ye, it would be best if we can ask Captain Awei to help."

"Uncle Master, I must find this White Lotus Demon Cultivator today."

"Otherwise, the surrounding villages and towns will be ruined."

After giving the instructions, Taoist Simu picked up the bag full of talismans and the peach wood sword and chased after the Kongming lantern.


Wencai finally reacted and rushed to Renjia Town.

But halfway through,

Wencai saw a familiar figure on the side of the road, fainted on the way.

"Qiu Sheng?"

"Don't scare me, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh my god! There are so many red marks on the neck? And the face is pale."

���Did you go to Yihongyuan to rescue Xiaohong last night?"

"You bastard, why didn't you call me?"

"You deserve to be sucked dry."

Wencai cursed, not realizing the seriousness of the matter. He found Qiu Sheng's bicycle on the side of the road, tied it to the back like a dead pig, and stumbled all the way to Renjia Town.


In the back garden of the Ye Mansion,

Ye Yan and his family of three were lazily basking in the sun.

Ren Tingting was playing with the child nearby, and she put her ear on Ren Susu's big belly, curiously listening to the movements of the little life inside.


"Brother Ye Yan, Auntie, he is kicking me.

Suddenly, the fetus in Ren Susu's belly punched her belly, and

Ren Tingting couldn't help but screamed in surprise.

Ye Yan and Ren Susu were immediately amused by this scene.

They enjoyed the moment very much.

But at this moment.

The maid Qiuxiang came to report that

Wencai brought the unconscious Qiu Sheng to the door.

Ye Yan immediately had a bad premonition.

After letting Ren Susu and Ren Tingting continue to bask in the sun, he walked to the living room.

"..Hey! Such a strong yin energy"

"Qiu Sheng is possessed by a ghost."

Ye Yan noticed Qiu Sheng's abnormality and guessed that it was probably Dong Xiaoyu's doing.

"What? Qiu Sheng is possessed by a ghost?"

"Yes! I was wondering how Qiu Sheng could be so exhausted?"

"No matter how powerful Xiaohong from Yihongyuan is, she can't make Qiu Sheng suffer like this!"

"So it was sucked by a female ghost?"

Wencai finally realized it, but he was actually a little envious.


I wonder if the female ghost is pretty or not.���Of course, he had some strange ideas.

If Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu knew about this, they would definitely slap him.

Ye Yan rolled his eyes at Wencai.

He really wanted to tell Wencai that this female ghost was probably a pretty one, but half of her face was rotten, very scary.

"By the way, your master hasn’t come out yet?"

"Isn’t your uncle also in the charity cemetery?"

""Why did you bring Qiu Sheng here?"

Ye Yan was puzzled.

Normally, this should be the business of Taoist Simu.

Besides, hadn't he disappeared for more than a month? Why did Wencai bring Qiu Sheng here?

"Yes, uncle, oh no, I actually forgot about you.……"

"Master Ye, something bad has happened."

"It turns out that the strange things that happened in Renjia Town recently were all caused by the legendary White Lotus Demon Cult."

"My uncle just discovered the White Lotus Sect's trail and is now chasing after them alone."

"He asked me to come……"

Wencai then remembered the White Lotus Demon Sect and quickly told him what Taoist Simu had just told him.

"What? The White Lotus Sect?"

"Could it be possible that someone in Renjia Town has already bought human flesh?"

"OK, I got it. I will ask Captain Awei to take people to check who bought the meat."

Ye Yan was shocked.

He had heard of the White Lotus Sect in his previous life.

But in which world, the White Lotus Sect should be just ordinary people, at most just a factor of unrest that is afraid of chaos in the world.

But he didn't expect that in this spiritual world, (good, good) there is not only the White Lotus Sect, but it is obviously more terrifying than his previous life.

But Ye Yan was not surprised.

According to his current means, even if the Taoist took action, he could not kill him.

Instead, Ye Yan suddenly thought that the White Lotus Demon Cultivator must have their skills, which made Ye Yan's eyes light up instantly.

At the same time, now that Wencai has said this matter,

Ye Yan doesn't need to check for any monsters in the middle of the night.

"Come on, Wencai, take me there"

"I'm worried that your uncle can't handle it alone."

Ye Yan was eager to try.

Ye Yan liked demon cultivators the most.

Whether it was killing or searching their souls, he would not have any psychological burden.

Now that he had just returned to the spiritual world and had this opportunity, how could Ye Yan miss it?

He wished he could catch the demon cultivator and kill him immediately.

"This...or else I should just stay here and watch Qiu Sheng!"

"Master Ye, look, Qiu Sheng looks so bad, don't die."

"Or I can go help Captain Awei and find dead bodies."

When Wencai heard that he was going to find the demon cultivator, he immediately became timid.

"Humph! How can I help your uncle if you don't lead the way?"

"Qiu Sheng just needs to bask in the sun here to dispel the negative energy, and he won't die."

"Besides, the female ghost won't come out during the day, so you don't have to pay attention to her."

Ye Yan's expression turned cold, and his face was full of unquestionable

"All right! Then Master Ye, you have to protect me!"

Wencai's mature face was full of grievances and resentment.

At the same time, he wanted to kick Qiu Sheng a few times.

Qiu Sheng got all the benefits.

He could do shameful things with the female ghost.

And now he doesn't have to work?

The gap between people is too big!


Ye Yan explained to the new housekeeper Qiuxiang and took Wencai away.

But what Ye Yan didn't know was that just as they left, a white rabbit with a human-like expression on its face jumped into the backyard of Ye's mansion.

"Wow! Little bunny...Auntie, look!……"

When Ren Tingting saw the white rabbit, her eyes lit up immediately and she went over to hug the white rabbit in the flowerbed. When Ren

Susu saw this, her face changed.

It seemed that she saw something scary.

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