Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Boss Ye's lightning attack is so terrifying!"

"He actually killed the black dragon snake at the peak of foundation building with just one strike?"

"Worship, all kinds of worship, offer my knees."

Li Xunhuan:"Boss Ye's lightning attack is naturally amazing, but Boss Ye is even more powerful in the"Yin Yang Lightning Avoidance Secret Technique"》"

"Otherwise, how could you resist the black snake's demonic fire just now?"

The Green Man King:"What you said makes sense, but it's not completely possible."

"The reason why Mr. Ye is so powerful is his brain and courage."

"If it were you, even if you knew the"Secret Art of Avoiding Yin-Yang Lightning", would you dare to be burned by the evil fire?"

"Do you dare to charge into the black snake's mouth, choose its scaleless upper jaw, and pierce its skull?"

"I'm green... Bah, King Nie Ren has never admired anyone in his life except Big Boss Ye."

Mu Nianci:"Hey! Aren't you disgusting?"

"I get goose bumps all over my body when I hear this flattery."

Li Mochou:"That's right, Brother Ye Yan has always been great, does he really need you to admire him?"

Kankan:"There are so many people who admire Brother Ye Yan, who do you think you are ?""

"But I love Brother Ye Yan, and the only ones who can warm Brother Ye Yan's bed are us, the world-class beauties."

Green Man King:"Fuck! You talk more disgustingly than us."

"I have goosebumps all over my body and my scalp is tingling."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Scalp tingling +1."

Li Xunhuan:"……+1"


At this time, the most shocked people were the chatting crowd.

Even the ordinary boy looked at Ye Yan, a boy of the same age, with disbelief on his face.

You know, as the protagonist, he was rarely shocked.

After all, Ye Yan's methods just now were simply too incredible.

Various thunder and fire spells emerged one after another.

Especially Ye Yan's"Yin Yang Thunder and Lightning Avoidance Secret Technique", which can be described as"against the sky".

It made him have an impulse to ask Ye Yan for advice.

But his cautious character did not allow him to do so.

Especially the next scene, which made the ordinary boy instantly become extremely shocked and inexplicably angry.

"Ye Yan, are you okay?"

"Scared me"

""Let me see, are you hurt anywhere?"

Nangong Ping'er saw the lightning around Ye Yan dissipate, and he landed steadily next to the corpse of the black dragon snake.

Although she was secretly relieved, she still couldn't help but step forward to show concern.

The ordinary boy 14 years old saw this and instantly widened his eyes, looking at the cold goddess in front of him with disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost.

Oh my!

Is this the cold goddess of the Bi Yue Sect?

Why does she have such a tender side?

You know, the ordinary boy has seen Nangong Ping'er several times, and each time Nangong Ping'er gave her the impression of being cold and arrogant.

Just like the white clouds on the mountains, pure and unattainable.

She is also like a fairy in the Moon Palace, cold and aloof, not attached to the mortal world.

But now, she actually cares about another man.

This is so fucking far away.

At the same time, the ordinary boy didn't know why, when he saw this scene, he actually felt a kind of heartache.

It was as if his beloved was leaving him.

He immediately developed a monstrous hostility towards Ye Yan.

He wished he could kill Ye Yan directly At the same time, in the void that even Ye Yan, a hacker, could not sense, an even more terrifying rage erupted, like the wrath of the gods, once it descended, it would be enough to change the color of the world and cause the sky to collapse and the earth to split.

However, due to some mysterious power restrictions, this overwhelming rage could not be transmitted to this world.

Although Ye Yan has been in a state of vigilance, he did not sense this anger.

He immediately prepared to dissect the black dragon snake and asked Nangong Ping'er to help him find someone to refine a more powerful flying magic weapon.

Although Ye Yan's"Thunder Cloud Flying Boat" looks awesome in the world of martial arts and the world of demons, it is still not good enough in this world of cultivating immortals.

Just like when dealing with the black dragon snake just now, if there was a more powerful and flexible flying magic weapon that could be used in battle,

Ye Yan would not have to fight the black dragon snake desperately.

He could completely use a more flexible flying magic weapon to keep a distance and kill the black dragon snake with a kite.

"Fairy Nangong, now the matter here has been resolved"

"If I need the black snake's spirit, I'll take it away."

"I will carve up the rest of the body."

That's right, Ye Yan wanted Nangong Ping'er to leave first.

Although Ye Yan also wanted to take Nangong Ping'er down, did he need the Black Dragon Snake Love Bag to take Nangong Ping'er down? He didn't need it at all.

So Ye Yan planned to wait for a long time and slowly cultivate feelings with Nangong Ping'er.

"This... is good."

Nangong Ping'er naturally understood what Ye Yan meant.

Her face flushed instantly, and she quickly took away the black dragon snake's soul and fled away.

But for some reason, Nangong Ping'er felt a little lost deep in her heart.

Chat group.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! No way! Boss Ye didn't know how to seize such a good opportunity, what a mistake!"

"If I were allowed to go, I would……"

Li Xun Huan:"Zhi Qiu Yi Ye, what are you going to do?"

"Do you want to die?"

Mu Nianci:"Zhiqiu Yiye, if you keep talking nonsense, be careful that the fairy sister will fly out and kill you."

Li Mochou:"Zhiqiu Yiye, humph! I look down on you, do you think Brother Ye Yan is the same as you?"

"My brother Ye Yan is a gentleman."……+1."

婠婠:"That's right, Ye Yan, Brother Ye Yan, you performed well, I will love you well!"

【Ding, private photos of Kanan by the lake in the wild]

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my gosh! Kanan, why are you going to the lake in the wild?"

"Taking a shower?"


No, hurry up and send me the private photos so I can help Boss Ye check them."


Mu Nianci:"Hey! Look, could this pink ball be the sac of the black snake?"

"It's so beautiful!"

Li Mochou:"It's indeed beautiful. If Brother Ye Yan gave it to me as a gift, I would definitely like it."

Wan Wan:"???, Li Mochou, I suspect you are thinking of something bad, but I have no evidence."

"Brother Ye Yan, be careful, don't break this love bag, I like it so much!"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Is this the legendary love bag?"

"It would be nice if it was given to me."

When Ye Yan heard the chats of these people in the group, his face was instantly filled with black lines.

What the hell are these group members?

What are they thinking about?

But Ye Yan was indeed going to save this love capsule.

Don't get me wrong, Ye Yan was going to seal this harmful thing up and throw it away somewhere. He definitely didn't want to keep it by his side and do anything weird.

But just when Ye Yan took out a jade box and put it away.

An accident happened.


A gust of wind suddenly erupted in the void, rolling up the sand on the ground and swallowing Ye Yan and a few others.

The next moment, Ye Yan felt that the love capsule in his hand was blown away by the wind.

Suddenly he thought of something and was instantly startled.

"Oh no, could it be that person who took action?"

"Fairy Nangong, be careful.

Ye Yan reminded Nangong Ping'er.


Nangong Ping'er reacted and had a bad feeling.

She was startled when she saw the pink round bead that she had avoided rushing towards her with the wind.

But when she saw that the person standing not far away was Ye Yan, Nangong Ping'er didn't know why, but she actually had a little expectation in her heart. So much so that when she was stunned.

The pink love sac had already flown in front of Nangong Ping'er.


The love sac of a male dragon will burst when it meets a female.

A sound like a bubble bursting sounded leisurely.


The pink gas instantly filled the entire cave.

Whether it was Ye Yan, Nangong Ping'er, or the ordinary boy, their eyes suddenly shrank.

"Not good."

Nangong Ping'er was shocked and knew she had been tricked.

But when she saw that the person not far away was Ye Yan, Nangong Ping'er felt that it was not unacceptable. Under the influence of the love poison, she immediately relaxed her mind.

But at this moment

"Mine, Nangong Ping'er is mine."

The ordinary boy who had been standing calmly in the distance, inhaled the most pink gas and had the least cultivation. He instantly lost his mind and went completely crazy.

He let out a roar like a beast, and rushed towards Nangong Ping'er with red eyes.

Nangong Ping'er's face was instantly filled with despair.

But this love sac is specifically for females, so even if she still had a trace of reason at this time, she couldn't protect herself.

The existence in the void in the distance was obviously very satisfied with this result, and the original anger disappeared instantly. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Instead, it was replaced by a satisfied laugh.

Although Ye Yan couldn't hear the laughter, he knew that he was absolutely right.

Everything was the work of that Taoist.

At this time, he still had a trace of reason, and his heart was instantly furious. He immediately performed"Shadow Changing" and instantly caught up with the ordinary boy and kicked him away[]

Then, without saying anything, he held Nangong Ping'er in his arms. With the soft jade in his arms and the fragrant breeze filling his nose, Ye Yan instantly lost his mind.

Nangong Ping'er burst into tears, crying with joy.


A terrifying rage came, the void seemed to collapse, and the earth trembled.

It was as if an ancient god had broken through the heavens.

The terrifying murderous intent startled Ye Yan. He immediately stopped hesitating and forced the"Starry Sky Covering Array Talisman" in his arms.


The array talisman shone brightly, growing in the wind, and instantly turned into a size that covered the sky and the sun.

It directly blocked the terrifying murderous intent coming from the void.

Chi chi chi~

At the same time, the giant array talisman"Covering the Sky" burst into brilliant starlight.

Countless light spots flew out from it, surrounding Ye Yan and Nangong Ping'er within a radius of three feet.

Suddenly As time went by, the two people's remaining consciousness discovered that the surrounding environment had changed.

From the originally dark and dim cave, it became a pure and flawless wonderful space dotted with billions of stars.

Perhaps because the two were poisoned by love, the world in their eyes was pink and looked very romantic.

Ye Yan and Nangong Ping'er were in it, just like being in the legendary Garden of Eden.

There were no outsiders, no noise, no time..., even the live broadcast of the chat group was directly turned off by Ye Yan.

The two forgot everything, everything was so beautiful.

The following omitted tens of millions of words... tens of millions of words


Some are happy while others are sad.


"What is this?"

"Avenue-level array talisman?"

"This is impossible"

"Why does this thing exist in the human world?"

"Why would an ant who is building the foundation of the human world have such a thing?"

"Who is it? Is it that Daozu who dares to go against me?"

"Ah! Nangong Ping'er, wake up this Taoist"

"You are my Taoist woman."


The roar resounded throughout the world all day long.

It caused the sky and the earth to change color, the mountains to collapse and the earth to crack.

The entire space of the Red Blood Ruins was about to fall apart.


But it seemed that the Great Dao would not allow this future Dao Ancestor to disturb the world.

A terrifying aura of the Great Dao swept over, directly shocking this future Dao Ancestor into the endless void.


"The Taoist master will definitely come back."

"No matter who you are, no matter where you are, I will definitely cut you into pieces."


At the same time, in the chat group, everyone was shocked by what happened just now.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! Did you feel it just now?"

"It seems that there is some terrifying existence that wants to kill Boss Ye."

Li Xunhuan:"I also saw it, that existence definitely has the ability to destroy the world."

"Is Mr. Ye really okay?"

Green Man King:"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"Didn't you see that just now, Boss Ye used a magical talisman to directly summon all the stars in the sky?"

"Moreover... Boss Ye and Fairy Nangong seem to be……"

The Green Man King gave a"you know" smile.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Yes! Not only were they all poisoned, but they also hugged each other. No wonder the live broadcast was turned off."

"Humph! What Boss Ye said just now sounds good."

"Now he still takes Fairy Nangong away.���Cry without tears.

Green Man King:"Can this be the same?"

"Don't you see that Mr. Ye had no choice?"

"Just now it was because of the strong wind that the Black Flood Snake Love Bag flew away."

Zhi Qiu Yi Ye:"What you said does make sense."

"Woohoo! Why is Mr. Ye so lucky?"

"Two female group members are gone just like that"

"I'm still single!"

"The remaining 043 female group members don't care about me"

"When will the chat group be upgraded?"

"Can we have some new group members next time?"

"New female groupmate"


Suddenly, only Zhiqiu Yiye and three other men were talking in the entire group.

The other three women simply chose to remain silent.

Are you kidding!

Kankan and Li Mochou have always wanted to give themselves to Ye Yan.

Kankan, in particular, has prepared many kinds of clothes that Ye Yan might like, but Ye Yan repeatedly goes to other female group members first.

This almost makes Kankan autistic.

After all, she was the first person to flirt with Ye Yan.

But now, Mu Nianci and Nangong Ping'er, the two people who are least likely to be with Ye Yan, are with Ye Yan first.

Li Mochou has almost the same idea.

Even if she is not the first one to confirm the relationship with Ye Yan, she should at least not be the last one.

But now... it feels that the probability of her being the last one is very high.

"No, I have to work hard and I must not be the last one."

Li Mochou's current goal is to surpass Kankan.

If Ye Yan knew what Kankan and Li Mochou were thinking at this moment, he would definitely be in tears and laughter.

These two people are the most beautiful women in their world, and they can even be said to be the existence that can turn people upside down.

But now they are thinking about these messed up things.


Nothing happened that night.

The next morning.

Ye Yan looked at the cold and beautiful fairy in his arms - Fairy Nangong.

It felt like everything that happened yesterday was just a dream.

The same was true for Nangong Ping'er.

However, she was a little afraid to face Ye Yan when she thought about the collapse of her fairy persona last night. She just pretended to sleep.

Knowing that they were discovered by Ye Yan, the two of them made a big fuss this time and prepared to leave.

At the same time, Ye Yan also sensed that the terrifying aura had disappeared, so he directly withdrew the"Starry Sky Covering Array Talisman".》

"Hey! You are still here?"

"You're okay?"

"You last night?"

Ye Yan suddenly found that the ordinary boy was still in the cave.

And there was no sequelae of being poisoned and not being able to detoxify. He immediately understood that he should have a way to detoxify.

He couldn't help but feel a little curious.

Until he saw a stone pit not far away, Ye Yan's expression suddenly became strange.


Ye Yan still had more than an hour before leaving this world.

Although Ye Yan really wanted to continue to take out the"Regenerating Skin and Rejuvenating Pill" to Nangong Ping'er, he felt that there should be better things in life. He immediately took Nangong Ping'er's hand and traveled around the Red Blood Ruins.

Along the way, he collected spiritual medicines and killed monsters, and threw them all to the system mall for points. The actions of the two also directly shocked the disciples of other sects. Especially those disciples who recognized Nangong Ping'er, they shouted that they saw a ghost.

Oh my God! Am I hallucinating?

Nangong is actually traveling around the Red Blood Ruins with a kid?

At the same time

【Ding, Nangong Ping'er is pregnant with her first child. You will get a pregnancy gift pack*1. Do you want to open it? 】.

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