
Wencai looked up and saw a blood-red sedan chair floating in the air.

The eight strange paper sedan bearers showed creepy smiles on their faces and were instantly frightened.

Ren Tingting and Ren Qingqing were also frightened and turned pale, subconsciously hugged Ye Yan's arms.

The soft jade touch made Ye Yan instantly feel dizzy.

Fortunately, Wencai was frightened by this ghost sedan chair at this time, otherwise, seeing this scene, it would be strange if the single dog's little heart did not feel a thousand points of critical strike.

"You evil creature, you are so bold!"

"We, the disciples of Mount Mao, are here to guard the place, yet you dare to come and make trouble."

Taoist Simu and Mamadi were furious when they saw the ghost sedan suddenly coming to their house.

They felt provoked.

What a joke!

They are the Taoists of Mount Mao, specializing in hunting ghosts and zombies.

Normally, ghosts and zombies would not have time to run away when they saw them, but now they dared to come to their house.

Ye Yan was also a little surprised.

Although Dong Xiaoyu could cause a violent gust of wind at will and control the night watchman, he was no match for Uncle Jiu. But now Dong Xiaoyu clearly saw that Taoist Simu and Mamadi, both in the foundation-building stage, were here, and they had just come to their house.

This courage was really extraordinary.

"Hey! The aura of Dan formation?"

"No wonder he dares to be so blatant"

"With this level of cultivation, he swept the entire Renjia Town."

Ye Yan was a little surprised.

After all, even though Uncle Jiu in this world had obtained his modified cultivation method, he still couldn't break through the Jindan realm after more than three months of seclusion because of the lack of spiritual energy in this world.

"Could it be that the White Lotus Demon Cult is behind this?"

Ye Yan suddenly had this thought.

After all, the White Lotus Demon Cult is everywhere now. It would not be strange if they really found Dong Xiaoyu and used evil methods to help her break through the Jindan realm.

Of course, even if Dong Xiaoyu is already in the Jindan realm, Ye Yan is not afraid at all. Although

Ye Yan's cultivation is still at the 6th level of foundation building, various secret techniques are emerging one after another. There is also a thunder method that specifically counters evil demons, so Dong Xiaoyu is not afraid.

On the contrary, if Dong Xiaoyu really has some ghost cultivation method, Ye Yan would like to try whether he can also integrate it into the"Taoism Sutra" and derive the subsequent exercises of the"Taoism Sutra".

And Dong Xiaoyu's hand in the original book that can call the wind and rain, even in the world of cultivation, not many people can do it.

Ye Yan is ready to take them all away together.

It was decided so happily.

However, at this time, Taoist Simu and others were not happy.

"Qiu Sheng……、Qiu Sheng...I'm here to pick you up."

"I miss you so much!"

Kouchan's magic sound.

A ethereal female ghost voice full of bewitching sounded, covering the minds of everyone in the Ye family.


The magic sound was charming, although it was summoning Qiu Sheng.

But everyone in the Ye Mansion, except Ye Yan, was affected.

First, he felt a buzzing in his head, his eyes instantly lost their spirit, and his face gradually showed an obsessed expression, as if even if Dong Xiaoyu asked them to die, they would be willing.


Taoist Simu was briefly obsessed and subconsciously bit his tongue.

A mouthful of tongue blood spurted out, and immediately condensed a talisman in the void to resist Dong Xiaoyu's magic sound.

After all, he was also a cultivator at the sixth level of foundation building. He also bit his tongue and regained consciousness.

"What? This female ghost is actually at the Jindan stage?"

"It's over. I'm dead."

"Old Simu, you really messed me up today."


I met Nintendo and Master Qian in the morning, but now I have to meet a Dan-forming evil ghost.

I went out today without checking the almanac.

"None of my business"

"Did I ask you to come?"

"Stop talking, if you want to live, you have to fight hard."

The face of Taoist Simu was solemn.

After all, in his opinion, no matter how powerful Ye Yan was, he was only at the sixth level of foundation building. He was a whole realm away from Dong Xiaoyu.

It was impossible for him to beat Dong Xiaoyu.

Taoist Simu was filled with grief and anger, ready to fight hard, looking extremely serious.

However, his tongue was bitten, and the pain made him speak with a lisp, which made Ye Yan beside him feel out of place.

He almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, is it really you?"

"Are you here to pick me up?"

"Okay, I want to go with you, I want to go with you,"

Qiu Sheng, who had been unconscious for a day, walked out of the inner hall with dark circles under his eyes.

When he saw the blood-red sedan chair floating in the air, his eyes immediately lit up, and he wanted to float up and marry the beauty in the sedan chair.

Suddenly , a strong wind blew up.

It swept Qiu Sheng and slowly floated towards the blood-red sedan chair in the air.

If Wencai had not been confused at this time, he would definitely be envious again.

Of course, the premise is that Wencai did not see Dong Xiaoyu's hedgehog-headed rotten face.

Otherwise, he would definitely be scared and wilted directly

"Qiu Sheng, come back"

"Bastard, you evil creature deserves death."

Taoist Simu was very anxious, and he didn't care that his cultivation was only at the 8th level of foundation building. He used both hands to perform spells, and the golden sword on his waist burst into a bright yang light, breaking through the air and rushing directly towards Dong Xiaoyu's sedan chair.

""The Supreme Command,... Zhurong, the God of Fire, has given the law,... Hurry up and obey the command~"

Mama did not dare to be lazy at all.

She immediately sacrificed 9 Fiery Fire Demon-Slaying Talismans.

The raging fire burned the sky, and a fireball the size of a human head condensed in the void and flew away.

However, the next moment.



Metal clashed, sparks flew.

Dong Xiaoyu didn't need to do anything at all.

Two paper sedan bearers on the left and right flashed behind Qiu Sheng.

With a raise of his right hand, he rushed as fast as lightning and directly shook the Golden Money Sword away.

The Demon-Slaying Fireball was also directly blown up.


Taoist Simu and his mother were shocked.

This paper sedan bearer ghost actually had the strength of the peak of foundation building.

And the material used to make them was definitely not ordinary paper. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was as tough as iron, and it also had the Yin Qi that could crush the Money Sword and the Evil-Slaying Fireball. Otherwise, it would be impossible to shake off the Money Sword and the Evil-Slaying Fireball so easily.

"Humph! Originally, I let you lose yourself happily in the illusion because you are Qiu Sheng’s elders, and then I suck your yang energy and blood."

"Since you, a stinking Taoist priest, don’t know what’s good for you, just go to hell!"

"Tear them all into pieces, leaving no one of the Ye family alive"

"Except for the three women, keep your face."

"It's just right for Qiu Sheng to change his style."

Dong Xiaoyu had no intention of leaving the blood-red sedan chair from beginning to end, and she was completely contemptuous of Taoist Simu and his mother.

But Ye Yan's"Piercing Delusion Treasure Pupil" could see her in the sedan chair, looking at Ren Susu and the other two women with extremely greedy eyes.

Although she didn't like women, she liked their faces.


As soon as Dong Xiaoyu finished speaking, the eight paper sedan bearers' mouths instantly formed a strange arc.

They let out a sharp and sinister laugh that resounded throughout the entire Renjia Town.

After teleporting in the void for a few times, they rushed directly towards the Taoist Simu.

"It's over."

Even though Taoist Simu and Mamadi were at the eighth or sixth level of foundation building, they couldn't underestimate the movements of the eight paper sedan bearers.

The result was predictable.

They would definitely be killed by the eight paper sedan bearers.

His heart was filled with despair.

At the same time, Taoist Simu suddenly remembered that Ye Yan had not made any move from beginning to end. He thought Ye Yan was too young and his concentration was not enough to resist Dong Xiaoyu's seductive attack.

He was ready to forcibly burn the spiritual energy in his Dantian and his body to wake up Ye Yan, so that Ye Yan could take Ren Susu and others to escape.

However, when he saw Seeing Ye Yan's expression of watching a show, he was instantly numb.

Damn it!

I'm fighting hard here, and I'm ready to blow up my body.

You're actually watching a show?

I was worried for a while.

But Taoist Simu suddenly thought, Ye Yan looked so relaxed, could it be that he didn't take Dong Xiaoyu, the Jindan evil ghost, seriously?

It's possible.

Taoist Simu was instantly looking forward to it.

Although Taoist Simu felt that this was a bit far-fetched, how could a sixth-level foundation-building cultivator deal with a Jindan evil ghost?

But Taoist Simu was very confident in Ye Yan at this time.

Sure enough, the next moment

"Old Simu, what are you doing?"

"The Paper Man Sedan Bearer Ghost is Coming"

""Hurry up and start defending."

Mommy had already taken out dozens of fire-exorcising talismans from her body, ready to cooperate with Taoist Simu to ignite the moment the paper sedan bearer ghost came.

But she found that Taoist Simu was in a daze, and she got angry instantly.

She felt that she was going to be badly betrayed by her teammates.

She was ready to leave.

However, the next moment

"《Yin and Yang Thunder》~"

Ye Yan shouted, and four Yin-Yang Thunder Dragons soared into the sky. The void exploded, turning into a sea of thunder that covered the entire world.

Bang, bang, bang~

A series of violent explosions sounded in the void. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) The eight arrogant and screaming paper sedan bearers were like eight flies hitting the electric fence. They exploded instantly and turned into ashes and disappeared without a trace.

"What? How is this possible?"

Taoist Simu and Mamadi's eyes widened instantly.

Their faces were full of disbelief.

Such a terrifying paper sedan bearer ghost was actually killed instantly by Ye Yan???

You know, these are all at the peak of the foundation building stage.

Even Jindan cultivators may not be able to do it!

Suddenly, Taoist Simu and Mamadi looked at Ye Yan as if he were a monster.

If Uncle Jiu saw this scene at this time, he would definitely go crazy in his retreat.

He regretted it again.

Damn it!

Such a heaven-defying young man almost became his apprentice.

Now he is gone, gone.


"who are you?"

"Why are you against me?"

Dong Xiaoyu was watching Qiu Sheng slowly floating towards the sedan chair with great pleasure. She was about to embrace him and continue to absorb his essence and yang energy.

Unexpectedly, a fierce star like Ye Yan suddenly appeared and killed eight of her men in an instant.

This made Dong Xiaoyu terrified.[]

After all, even she couldn't do this.

But she couldn't figure it out no matter how hard she tried. Wasn't Uncle Jiu the strongest person in Renjia Town?

Why was there a young cultivator like Ye Yan ?

And if Ye Yan hadn't made a move just now, she wouldn't have been able to sense any spiritual power fluctuations from Ye Yan.

"Oh! How ridiculous!"

"I'm against you?"

"You came to my house and asked such a stupid question."


"The Law of Heaven and Earth,"The Demon-Exorcising Thunder and Fire Order"》~"

Ye Yan shouted loudly, and condensed nine divine symbols in his hands.

Divine light was bright, and divine fire filled the sky.

Nine terrifying flames condensed in the void and turned into a sea of fire and blasted towards Dong Xiaoyu.


"This breath is……?"

"Are you the one who broke through the foundation building a few months ago and caused the spiritual energy storm?"

"You are already at the sixth level of foundation building?"

"How is this possible?"

Dong Xiaoyu's eyes widened instantly, her face full of horror.

She suddenly remembered that Ye Yan's aura was the one that caused the spiritual storm a few months ago.

Dong Xiaoyu originally thought that she had already got the opportunity to break through the Jindan stage, and was ready to find an opportunity to absorb this genius cultivator she had never met.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yan was already at the sixth level of foundation building.

Although his cultivation was not as good as hers, his method was simply too fierce.

The sea of fire that Ye Yan condensed casually was so terrifying that even a small mountain would be blown up. What if this hit me?

How could Dong Xiaoyu care about Qiu Sheng at that moment?

She threw the sedan chair into the sky and fled for her life.


Rumble~ thunder and fire shook the sky, and the blood-red sedan exploded instantly.

The terrifying fire directly exploded into a mushroom cloud, swallowing up Dong Xiaoyu's soul that was soaring into the sky.


Dong Xiaoyu was so scared that her soul was gone and her face skin fell off.

She looked like a female ghost with a rotten face.

The ghost energy around her body condensed and turned into a ferocious ghost head phantom to protect her body.


The mushroom cloud of divine fire swallowed up the ghost head armor of Dong Xiaoyu's body, and she immediately let out a shrill scream.

The ghost body fell from mid-air, and the soul body began to disappear.

The skin all over the body disappeared, and it was charred black, which was very scary.

""Shit! Ghost!"

Dong Xiaoyu was seriously injured and her ghost magic was broken.

Qiu Sheng instantly regained consciousness and fell from mid-air, caught by Taoist Simu.

But he found that the object of his love affair with her again and again last night was actually such a female ghost, and he was instantly numb.

Wen Qi also felt a tingling sensation on his scalp when he saw this. He thought about how he envied Qiu Sheng in the morning.

What a shame to envy him now!

For the first time, he felt that he was ugly, what a happy thing it was.

"Qiu Sheng, you... I will not live any longer."

Dong Xiaoyu was heartbroken when she saw her beloved Qiu Sheng hating her like this.

If she hadn't looked at her rotten face, she would have thought she was a poor woman abandoned by a heartless man.

"Okay, I'll help you."

"Soul search~"

Ye Yan was ready to kill her directly after searching her soul.

He didn't care whether Dong Xiaoyu's feelings for Qiu Sheng were true or false. He would treat it as false.

After all, it was a fact that she absorbed Qiu Sheng's yang energy and essence.

And just now, she even wanted to slaughter the entire Ye family and tear off the skins of Ren Susu and the other three girls.

She must die.

And the next moment, what happened to Yan Xi happened.

【Ding, congratulations to the master for obtaining the Xuan-level lower-grade ghost cultivation technique——《Swallowing Yang to Transform Qi》……】

【Ding, you have integrated the"Swallowing Yang to Transform Qi" into the"Taoism Scripture" and successfully derived the 7th level of foundation building skills.】

【Ding,"Swallow Yang and Transform Qi" is upgraded to"Swallow Spirit and Transform Qi", and its grade is upgraded to the top-grade Xuan-level technique.】

【Ding, you get the"Ghost Painted Skin Technique"》…】


【Ding, you have obtained the"Ghost Calling Wind and Rain"》…】

"Oh my god! It is actually possible to search the soul of evil spirits"

"It's actually a Xuan-level technique, awesome."

Ye Yan was overjoyed.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart that Dong Xiaoyu was just like a Feng Shui master, she was a very nice person.

Not only did she give him techniques, but she also gave him secret techniques.

Although these were techniques and secret techniques of ghost cultivators.

But Ye Yan had the"Taoism Scriptures" and could perform any secret techniques.

Moreover, he now had the techniques for the seventh level of foundation building, and his cultivation could be improved.

The only pity was that the"One Turn Yellow Dragon Pill" had not been opened recently.

It was impossible to throw it into the chat group, turn on the feedback function, and obtain"cultivation points".

Now Ye Yan still had only 30 or so"cultivation points" in his hand, which could not be used to break through the seventh level of foundation building.

But at this moment, something happened that surprised Ye Yan.


At the moment when the seventh-level foundation building technique of the"Taoism Scriptures" was integrated into the golden Taoism Scriptures in Ye Yan's mind.

Under Ye Yan's dantian, a powerful pure yin force poured directly into the dantian, turning into rolling spiritual power to increase the area of the spiritual sea

"Could this be the pure Yin power obtained from Ren Qingqing's body just now?"

Ye Yan suddenly remembered.

Before, he helped Nangong Ping'er to get rid of the love poison, and just now he helped Ren Qingqing to crack the"Creating Animal Technique", but he used the"Small Yin and Yang Harmony Technique".

After all, the Yuan Yin Qi cannot be wasted. It

's just that Ye Yan didn't have a follow-up technique just now, so these two Yuan Yin Qi were stored under Ye Yan's Dantian.

Now the follow-up techniques of the"Tao Jing" have appeared.

It's like a flood that has found a gap and continuously poured into Ye Yan's Dantian Spirit Sea.

Of course, Nangong Ping'er has accumulated Yuan Yin Qi for two hundred years, and her cultivation is at the stage of forming a pill, so this Yuan Yin Qi has not been consumed so quickly.

According to Ye Yan's estimation, plus Ren Qingqing's Yuan Yin Qi this time, at least���

It was enough for Ye Yan to use until the 9th level of foundation building.


But this is not the end.

When Ye Yan finished packing everything and was ready to have a good chat with the Ren sisters, the chat group notification sound suddenly rang.

【Ding, the chat group has successfully upgraded to a level 3 group】

Ding , new group member Zhao Linger joined the chat group.

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