"This is the Sansha position"

"This church cannot reopen!"

"If the church is reopened, many people will die!"

At the door of the church that has been closed for 20 years, all the men, women, young and old in the town came to join in the fun.

Everyone was excited.

Because these missionaries brought a lot of foreign canned food, women's underwear and other novel items as gifts, attracting the attention of the whole town.

You know, in this era, foreign goods are synonymous with high-end goods.

Many ordinary people in the town usually eat coarse food and linen clothes, and it is not easy to eat meat.

Now seeing these canned meat and lace underwear, it would be strange if they didn't go crazy and rush to grab them.

However, at this moment.

Two young people in the crowd, a man and a woman, saw that the seal of the church door was about to be pried open, and they shouted anxiously

"Ah Xing, Xiao Yue, are you two playing tricks again?"

"Today is a good day when our noble Father Wu leads his children to reopen the church and bestow the Holy Light of God upon the whole town."

"Do you want to go against the people of the whole town?"

Standing on the steps with Father Wu, a young man in a white suit with slicked hair and powdered face immediately put a big hat on someone when he heard someone oppose the reopening of the church.

That's right, it was none other than the mayor's son, David, who had joined the White Lotus Demon Sect and practiced the evil method of taking Yin to replenish Yang.

The reopening of the church was actually his idea, and the purpose was to use the influence of the church to disrupt the power of the Ren family's ancestral town.

In this way, the two of them can better control the Ren family's ancestral town, and more unscrupulously plunder virgin girls to practice evil methods.

You know, they only dared to abuse the maids at home during this period, and there were only a few virgin girls.

But it almost made them suffocated. But as long as the church is successfully opened.

They can put all the blame on Father Wu and others.

After all, as soon as a foreign sect came in, young girls disappeared everywhere in the ancestral town of the Ren family. Who else should they suspect if not them? Even if talented people like Uncle Jiu come to find out the truth later, both of them, father and son, might break through the Jindan realm.

By then, Uncle Jiu will not come here to find out the truth, but to die.

And now that Ah Xing and Xiao Yue have stood up to oppose the reopening of the church, David is not surprised, but a playful sneer appears at the corner of his mouth.

Because he knows that not everyone here wants to reopen the church.

Now that Ah Xing and Xiao Yue have stood up, he can use them to make an example of them.

"Yes, my son David is right."

"Although Ah Xing and Xiao Yue are Uncle Jiu's disciples, they just want to go against the whole town."

"After all, if the church opens, you all come to cheer for the gospel of God, who would be deceived by these two people?"

The fat and big-eared mayor immediately stood up to help.

"Many people present should have heard about the fact that they were going to help the winery owner catch ghosts yesterday."

"But this morning we found out that the owner of the winery died mysteriously."

"We suspect that it was Ah Xing and Xiao Yue who did this."

"The security team is looking for you."

"I didn't expect you guys to come to my door."

"Come on! Catch them first."


The security team that maintained order heard the order and immediately surrounded Ah Xing and Xiao Yue.

Ah Xing and Xiao Yue were instantly numb.

After all, they were often acting like ghosts because Uncle Jiu didn't discipline them.

In addition, the owner of the winery really died last night.

This pot really had reason to be thrown on their heads.

"What? The winery owner died?"

"Yes! I heard about this this morning, but I didn’t expect that it was Ah Xing and Xiao Yue who killed him."

"Uncle Jiu really did something wrong by accepting two such apprentices."

The spectators combined the news they heard and immediately got the"truth".

This made Ah Xing and Xiao Yue even more speechless.

Upon hearing this, Father Wu showed a sad look, showing his compassionate attitude as the son of God.

But people who didn't know thought that his relative had died.

The fat mayor and his son were instantly very proud.

Especially David, he had long been unhappy with Ah Xing. He was always pestering Annie like a dog.

You know, although David had long been prepared to share Annie with his father, he would never allow others to covet Annie.

It's like you can take the initiative to give your toys to others to play with, but you will never allow others to snatch them.

As for Xiao Yue, although she is not as good-looking as Annie, they can already see that Xiao Yue's yin energy is still there.

This made the two fathers and sons have already planned what posture to use to teach Xiao Yue a lesson after they catch the two back to the cell.

Thinking of this, the fat mayor and his son couldn't suppress the smile at the corners of their mouths.

But at this moment

"Stop, let them both go."

"Who told you that the owner of the winery was killed by Axing and Xiaoyue?"

"Also, churches are not allowed to open."

"I am the eldest lady of Renjiazuzhen."

A domineering girl's voice came from the crowd.

Everyone looked closely and saw a girl in a red tight dress, with a charming figure and a beautiful face walking out of the crowd.

That's right, this domineering young lady is none other than Annie.

Don't look at her shy and charming in front of Ye Yan, daring to love and hate. She is unruly in front of Ren Qingqing, like a vindictive little enemy.

But in these public places, she is the strong young lady of Renjiazuzhen.

Completely different from the stupid and silly girls that Ye Yan had seen in his previous life.

And behind her, there is a 1.8-meter-tall, upright, handsome and strong male god - Ye Yan.

And the beautiful Ren Qingqing.

When the three appeared, the powerful aura immediately separated a path among the townspeople who were huddled together.

At the same time, the appearance of Ye Yan also made the young men and women at the scene explode instantly.

"Oh my god! Who is the little brother behind the eldest daughter of the Ren family?"

"So handsome and strong!"

"I want to know, too.���It's so handsome, my legs are starting to go weak"

"If I could be held by this little brother, I would definitely feel safe."

The girls all looked at Ye Yan like crazy.

All the young men at the scene had spitting fire in their eyes, as if they wanted to eat Ye Yan.

"Damn, who is this pretty boy?"

"How could he be so intimate with Ren Qingqing?"

"He looks like a scumbag."

"Miss Ren, don't look at him, look at my ordinary yet handsome face."

"I am the love of your life!"

"Get lost~Where’s your face?"

Ah Xing and Xiao Yue were delighted to see their savior.

"Anne? What are you talking about?"

"Didn’t we already make this clear with Father Wu?"

"You can't open the church now?"

"You are going back on your word."

"Also, who is this pretty boy?"

"What is your relationship with him?"

David looked at Annie in surprise.

As he said, Annie also had a"credit" for inviting Father Wu here.

A few days ago, under the deception of David and Father Wu, Annie promised to fully cooperate in reopening the church as the eldest lady of Renjia Town.

Father Wu was satisfied and brought his child (apprentice) here.

But now Annie actually sabotaged at this time, which made Father Wu feel embarrassed and furious.

"Miss Anne, do you know that if you deceive the Son of God, you will go to hell?"

"You'd better take back what you said."

"As the son of God, I will also forgive you, Amen."

Father Wu stood on the steps, looking down at Annie with a condescending attitude. Although

Father Wu was also used by David, he always showed himself to be condescending, saying things like"You don't trust God, you are ignorant, but God will forgive you."

In the original novel, Uncle Jiu said that people would die if the church reopened, and

Father Wu said that he would be responsible for the salvation of the dead.


Is this human language?

When Ye Yan saw this in his previous life, he had an urge to save him. He also said he wanted to forgive people all the time.

Excuse me, what qualifications do you have to forgive others?

"Ha! If you hadn't fooled me, would I agree to use my identity as the eldest daughter of Ren's ancestral town to help you reopen the church?"

"Father Wu, if you want to go to hell, go by yourself."

"If you are really lonely, take David with you."

Annie was angry at this time, and she was not polite at all.

Ye Yan was a little surprised when he heard it.

He didn't expect that this silly and stupid young lady in the original book could make people angry to death without using any dirty words.


Ye Yan said that he liked it very much.

But Father Wu on the side was instantly furious.

He didn't expect that someone would dare to talk to him like this.

You know, he is the son of the high and mighty God.

Everyone is respectful to him on weekdays.

Now someone dares to curse him to hell, and Anne seemed to be a Christian before.

How could Father Wu accept it?

David, this gentleman, was the same.

He wanted to tear Anne's body apart immediately and take her essence on the spot.

However, Anne's ability to add fuel to the fire was more than that.

He said immediately:

"I just heard from Brother Ye Yan that this church is located in the three evil positions in Feng Shui."

"It is a place where evil spirits gather within a radius of 100 miles."

"Once the church is reopened, the evil spirit that has been accumulated for many years will burst out."

"The whole town is in turmoil."

"David, what is your intention in trying so hard to reopen the church?"

"What? Ye Yan...brother?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You call him Brother Ye Yan?"

David couldn't stand it anymore when he heard Annie, whom he regarded as a forbidden person, actually called Ye Yan in such a close way. He completely ignored Annie's last words.

"Bitch, say it again."

David's eyes instantly turned red, and he raised his hand and slapped Annie's face with great force and strength, using the power of the third level of Qi training.

This moment shocked everyone at the scene.

David actually dared to slap the face of the eldest lady of the Ren family's ancestral town in public. He must be tired of living!

Annie was also instantly frightened and pale.

He didn't expect that David would dare to let him do it.

Moreover, David's fierce appearance, and the strong wind explosion when his palm was waving, directly frightened Annie and she subconsciously closed her eyes.

It was impossible to avoid this slap.

However, the next moment.

Pah~ a crisp slap resounded throughout the venue.

But what surprised Annie, who closed her eyes, was that she didn't feel any pain.

What happened?



At this moment, David's shrill scream rang out.

Anne subconsciously opened her beautiful eyes.[]

David was knocked into the wall by someone. His right face was swollen like a pig's head, blood and teeth were spitting out of his mouth, and he collapsed to the ground.

"Brother Ye Yan?"

"Thank you for saving me again."

Annie saw Ye Yan who appeared beside her without knowing what happened. She burst into tears of joy, not caring about being in public, and threw herself into Ye Yan's arms.

Suddenly, Ye Yan felt a fragrant breeze entering his nose, and his spirit was shocked.

But what made Ye Yan a little worried was that he felt a hard bounce on his chest, obviously hit by something huge.

That feeling……


At the same time, there was an uproar at the scene

"What's going on? What am I seeing?"

"Isn’t this pretty boy Miss Qingqing’s boyfriend?"

"How come Miss Annie is also in the arms now?"

"Could it be that this pretty boy has saved two young ladies from the Ren family at the same time?"

All the young men at the scene were envious and jealous.

"Tsk, what's so strange about this?"

"Didn’t you see that he could slap David away with just one slap?"

"Still spinning 720 degrees in mid-air and landing"

"How much power does this require? If you have such a supernatural power, it would not be surprising if all the young ladies of the Ren family gave you"

"Yes! I thought I was hallucinating just now"

"But well done. How dare David hit Miss Ren?"

"I'm tired of living"

Many people at the scene began to be hostile to David.

After all, beating a woman in the street, especially the goddess in their minds, would be a surprise for them not to be angry. They wanted to rush up and cut David into pieces.

"Damn it, you dare David's son"

"Security team, security team, what do you do for a living?"

"Kill this guy for me."

The fat mayor was shocked and angry, and immediately ordered his men to take action.

However, although these people were holding old-fashioned spears, they were scared when they saw Ye Yan's cold eyes. They were scared out of their wits.

The hands holding the guns were shaking.

Looking at each other, no one dared to really shoot.

It seemed that they were worried about angering an ancient beast and cutting them into pieces.

Ye Yan was too lazy to pay attention to these mortals.

Not to mention that they didn't dare to shoot.

Even if they really shot, Ye Yan would not be afraid.

Are you kidding!

Now Ye Yan has upgraded the"Yin Yang Thunder Body Refining Technique" to the first level of foundation building.

His muscles were tense, and even these broken guns couldn't break his defense

"What are you guys doing and eating?"

"Shoot this mayor immediately, shoot him to death, shoot him to death."

The fat mayor was already furious.

However, when he was also stared at by Ye Yan's cold eyes.

For some reason, the fat mayor suddenly felt as if he fell into an ice cellar, as if he was looking into the eyes of the god of death, and most of the anger in his heart was instantly scared away. He quickly shut up.

There was no longer the majesty of the mayor of a town just now.

Even the fat mayor seemed to have thought of something at this time, and looked at Ye Yan with fear in his eyes.

You know, both of them, father and son, are now at the sixth or seventh level of Qi training.

Even if their foundation in cultivation is weak, they are definitely not something that ordinary martial arts masters can deal with.

But just now, Ye Yan actually slapped the extremely angry David away with a slap.

This shows that Ye Yan is definitely a stronger cultivator than them.

If at this time, Ye Yan was angry, If they are found to be practicing the evil White Lotus method and make it public, then they will definitely die.

At this time, the seriously injured David was also looking at Ye Yan with fear.

He is much smarter than the fat mayor. He had long guessed that Ye Yan was definitely not someone they could mess with.

At the same time, he prayed in his heart that Ye Yan would not discover the secret of their evil practice of White Lotus.

And not to kill them.

But is it possible?

Ye Yan's cultivation is probably higher than that of Taoist Tulong, and killing them is like killing chickens.

However, the next moment, Ye Yan's actions made the fat mayor and his son dumbfounded.

Ye Yan patted the two men's heads lightly.

Without the fat mayor noticing, he used the"Shuangquan Hand" to plant a weak command in their heads, and then stood up.

"Okay, that's all for today."

"Annie, you need to show us the evidence and clear Ah Xing's name."

"Let's go."

Ye Yan said, ignoring the anxiety of the fat mayor and his son.

He turned around and took Annie and A Xing away.

This not only made the fat mayor and his son confused, but also Annie and A Xing were extremely surprised.

Didn't they come here to stop the church from reopening?

Why did they suddenly leave?

Ye Yan did not explain.

But he had his own plans. Ye Yan had just checked and found that the Western zombies here should lack blood to activate and there was no sign of awakening.

So Ye Yan used"Shuangquan Hands" to implant a message in the minds of the fat mayor and his son.

There are treasures inside the church that can greatly increase their cultivation.

Ye Yan believes that soon, the two will go in to feed the zombies.

At that time, Ye Yan can use this Western zombie for research. It can be said that these two fathers and sons are Ye Yan's tools.

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