Chat group.

Li Xun Huan:"What? What did I just hear?"

"Boss Ye said he wanted to catch a Fire Qilin as a mount?"

"Am I hallucinating?"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! If Boss Ye really caught the Fire Kirin and used it as a mount..."

"Even if he goes to the world of immortal cultivation, he will be a great existence in the future."

Yue Buqun:"Brother Ye really thinks of things that ordinary people dare not think of."

Li Mochou:"Wow! You are worthy of being Brother Ye Yan. I look forward to the scene of Brother Ye Yan riding a fire unicorn to propose marriage."

"It must be very romantic."

Kanan:"Li Mochou, how dare you steal my line!"

"Brother Ye Yan, I want to ride the Fire Kirin with you and have fun."

Kanan didn't stop for two days and started flirting again.

Li Xunhuan:"The world is going downhill, the world is going downhill!"

""Xianxian, didn't you say that there are children in the group now and we shouldn't talk nonsense?"

Zhao Linger:"Uncle Xunhuan, are you talking about Linger?"

"Humph! Ling'er hates Uncle Xunhuan"

"Uncle Xunhuan actually wants to isolate Ling'er"

"Sister Wan Wan doesn't���Please take care of the bad guy Uncle Xunhuan. If you want to have fun with Brother Ye Yan, you must bring him along!"

Li Xunhuan:"……"

Li Xunhuan felt wronged instantly.

He had good intentions!

How could he become a bad guy?

Qianqian realized that she was really wrong.

Now that Zhao Linger, an innocent little girl, was around, she really couldn't say anything nonsense.

She couldn't really let Zhao Linger see her playing with Ye Yan!

Absolutely not.


On the other side, Ye Yan took a look at the content of the chat group.

He was speechless for a moment.

Why are there so many messy chats that can lead children astray?

However, Ye Yan had no time to pay attention to it at this time. He had to catch up with the Fire Kirin as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the routes in the Lingyun Cave are complicated, just like a maze.

If the Fire Kirin runs in, I don’t know when I can meet it again.

And don’t look at the Fire Kirin’s huge and bulky body, but in fact it is as agile as a deer and very fast. It rushed into the Lingyun Cave in an instant.

Ye Yan immediately used all his strength to activate"Shadow Shift" and rushed into the Lingyun Cave closely behind it.

But soon Ye Yan found that even if he moved dozens of feet in an instant, he was still gradually pulled away by the Fire Kirin.

If it weren’t for the twists and turns inside the Lingyun Cave, the Fire Kirin would not be able to sprint at full speed.

In addition, Ye Yan could sense the direction where the hot flame disappeared, so Ye Yan must have missed the Fire Kirin now.

"This won't work."

"Oh, right, the thing I got from Yotsuya Miko before."

Ye Yan suddenly thought of the Ice Evil Crystal, which contained a rich and frosty aura.

Maybe it could restrain the Fire Kirin.

Ye Yan immediately took out a crystal that exuded a frosty aura from his arms, and after closing the distance with the Fire Kirin with all his strength, he immediately found an opportunity to mobilize his spiritual power and threw the crystal over.

It just hit the Fire Kirin's heel.


Crack, crack , crack~

《The Ice Evil Spirit Crystal was shattered, and the ground was frozen.

It was like an ice bomb, freezing the three-meter radius of the space where the Fire Kirin was.


The Fire Kirin roared, and the flames around it steamed.

Instantly melted the extremely cold frost.

But it also paused for almost a second.

Ye Yan's eyes lit up instantly, and he immediately seized the opportunity to jump up and ride on the back of the Fire Kirin.

"《Fuling Divine Circle》——"Bundle~"


In an instant, the palm-sized"Fuling Divine Circle" shone with golden light and turned into a two-meter-sized diamond circle, encircling Huo Qilin's neck.

Roar, roar, roar~

Huo Qilin had a bad feeling.

But he had no time to react, and felt an irresistible force bursting out from his neck.

It was like an immortal emperor descended, stretched out his hand to pinch his neck, and made him surrender.

After a slight struggle, Huo Qilin instinctively gave up resistance.

The bloodthirsty and violent eyes softened, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Ye Yan was actually a bit intimate.

In an instant, Ye Yan felt that there was a new feeling between him and Huo Qilin. An inseparable, blood-related connection.

It seemed that he didn't need to speak at all, just a thought.

The Fire Kirin could receive his orders and absolutely obey him.

This made Ye Yan very happy, and he immediately moved his mind and asked the Fire Kirin to lie down and turn around on the spot.

The Fire Kirin struggled for a few seconds.

He looked at Ye Yan with some resentment in his eyes.

It seemed to be saying, Brother, I am a Kirin!

Are you training me like a dog? ? ?

But in the end, the Fire Kirin was subdued by some force and did as he was told.

This made Ye Yan's mouth slightly raise, expressing his admiration for this"Fu Ling Shen" Circle.

Are you kidding!

If they can train a beast like the Fire Kirin as a dog, then they might even do it without hesitation if they want the Fire Kirin to die in the future. If everyone in the chat group saw this scene, they would be extremely shocked. Their jaws dropped.

Even Zhao Linger, a descendant of Nuwa, would have her worldview overturned.

Are you kidding!

This is a Kirin!

If it was just said to be subdued by force, there would be nothing wrong with it. But it is a bit incredible that it is so obedient when trained as a dog.

You know, even Zhao Linger's mother, Qing'er, can summon Kirin and Phoenix. But he still had to show them respect.

Treat them as equals.

It was impossible for him to be like Ye Yan now.

Of course, the reason why the Fire Kirin"gave up its dignity" was not only because the"Fuling Divine Circle" was awesome, but also because it was not a purebred Kirin divine beast. It could only be considered a fierce beast at best.

Its current strength was roughly equivalent to the Jindan realm.

Otherwise, in the original work, it would have been impossible for it to be injured by a master who was stronger than Jue Wushen, and finally be killed by the crazy Nie Feng with the Snow Drinking Mad Blade.

However, using it as a mount was absolutely impossible for Ye Yan now.���Enough.

After all, Ye Yan himself has not yet broken through the Jindan realm.

Even though he has killed many Jindan beings, his cultivation is still there.

In addition, the appearance of the Fire Kirin, a mythical beast, and its violent killing intent, even if it is not fought, taking it out can scare many masters.

Even the Yuanying cultivators in Nangong Ping'er's world would be afraid of it.

What's more, this Fire Kirin is, after all, a being with pure Kirin blood. In the future, as long as Ye Yan helps it get the precious medicine to purify the blood power.

In the future, this Fire Kirin will definitely be able to transform into a real purebred Kirin.

At that time, even if it is a true immortal in the fairy world, even if it is the Taoist ancestor, it will not be so easy to kill it.

Thinking of this, Ye Yan couldn't stop his joy.

A satisfied expression appeared on his face.

But the only drawback is that it burns his butt.

Are you kidding!

This Fire Kirin is bathed in fire all over its body, and the temperature of the flame is so high that it can melt gold and forge jade.

Even if Ye Yan's body is strong, if he wants to sit on it for a long time, he still needs to activate the"Yin Yang Thunder and Lightning Avoidance Secret Art".

A ball of lightning"blanket" condensed under his buttocks.

It can only be said that although it is good to show off, you have to pay a corresponding price.

Who made the Fire Kirin unable to control the flames around his body to extinguish.

But at this moment, something happened that surprised Ye Yan very much.

【Ding, you have captured the first-level Kirin bloodline beast - Fire Kirin. The bloodlines of both sides are establishing some kind of connection. Please wait patiently, master. 】

Ye Yan was overjoyed.

He felt that something good would definitely happen today.

Although the blood of the Fire Kirin is known as the source of crazy blood.

In the original book, it directly gave Nie Feng's ancestors a chance to increase their cultivation base and enter a crazy state.

But Ye Yan was not afraid at all.

After all, Nie Feng could control the crazy blood of the Kirin, so why couldn't he, a cultivator?

At that time, maybe he could increase his strength dramatically.

Just thinking about it made Ye Yan look forward to it.

But now the matter of the Green Man King outside is not over yet.

Ye Yan felt it necessary to go out and see if he needed help.

At the same time, Ye Yan was also worried that Xiongba would die before he could search his soul.

If he missed out on powerful martial arts such as the Three-Point Return to Origin Qi, the Wind God Leg, and the Paiyun Palm.

Ye Yan would definitely be heartbroken for a long time.



Soon, under Ye Yan's super control, Huo Qilin immediately took the former and rushed towards the outside of Lingyun Cave along the intricate cave passage.

Just at this moment.

Wow wow wow~

Ye Yan suddenly heard a loud baby cry outside Lingyun Cave.

Ye Yan didn't need to guess, he knew that it must be a woman who was a standard for a strong man - Yan Ying gave birth

"Hahaha! It’s born! It’s born!"

"Feng'er now has a younger sister"

"I didn't expect that I, the Green Man King, could have both a son and a daughter."

"Thank you, ma’am"

"Look, the child looks like you!"

"When she grows up, she will definitely be a beauty."

The Green Man King was holding the little cotton-padded jacket, as excited as a baby of several hundred months old.

Yan Ying was indeed an immortal, and her physical foundation had improved a lot. After giving birth, she was just sweating and a little tired, but it was okay.

Looking at this baby who looked very similar to herself, Yan Ying's pretty face was full of relief and happiness.

This scene of the family of three made everyone in the chat group envious.

Zhiqiu Yiye:"No way! The Green Man King, a rough man, has a peerless beauty like my sister-in-law as his wife."

"Now they have both a son and a daughter." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Envy from singles."

Kanan:"In the future, I and Brother Ye Yan must have both sons and daughters."

Li Mochou:"Then I want Brother Ye Yan and I to have two pairs of sons and daughters."

Kanan:"Humph! Li Mochou, I think you are looking for trouble, then I want five pairs."

Li Mochou:"……

I have ten pairs."……I want a hundred pairs."

Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh my god! This can also be called involution? ? ?"

"Wan Wan wants to give birth to two hundred children???"

"Then aren't you more powerful than a sow?"

Li Mochou:"Puchi! Haha! This time Zhiqiu Yiye finally spoke human words."

Kanan:"What did you say? You are the sows, your whole family is sows"

"Brother Ye Yan likes children so much. If anyone has the ability, what’s wrong with helping him give birth to a hundred pairs?"

"I do."

Mu Nianci:"Sister Wan Wan, Sister Li Mochou, please stop arguing."

"Don't set your goals too high."

"Pregnancy is hard"

"Although it would be sweet to have Brother Ye Yan's child, one hundred couples is really too many."……"

"Li Mochou, I suspect Sister Nianci is provoking us, but I have no evidence."

You know, now in the group, only Mu Nianci and Nangong Ping'er are pregnant.[]

And it was only the first child, but now Qianqian and Li Mochou were quarreling without even being touched by Ye Yan.

This made the two of them feel like clowns, and they stopped quarreling immediately.

However, they both secretly made up their minds to do everything they could to seduce Ye Yan.

They had to get pregnant with their first child as soon as possible.


Yue Buqun:"I'm so jealous. Although I already have a daughter,"

"But I have been wanting to find a wife and have a boy these years."

"But the wife has not made any movement."

婠婠:"Puchi, Master Yue Buqun, do you think the problem is yours or your wife's? ?"

"If it's your problem, take care of your health."

Li Mochou:"Yes, yes, don't think too much, in the end I'll just cut off Little Jiji and practice the Sword of Exorcism."

Yue Buqun:"……"

I was once again numbed by the criticism.

At the same time, I was shocked. No wonder my wife had been stewing herbal soup for me all these years, saying it could increase my power. She also insisted not to let Yue Lingshan drink it. Could it be that those tonics were……???


Li Xun Huan:"Oh my god! The Green Man King's daughter really looks like my sister-in-law."

"Damn, that's not right! Green Man King,"

"I said before that we should each give birth to a daughter who looks like our mother, and then Boss Ye Yan would help us match them up in the future, and everyone could tell I was joking!"

"You really gave birth to it, just to curry favor with boss Ye Yan���You have no moral integrity."

Li Xunhuan was immediately numb, and at the same time he felt a sense of urgency. He had to get married to Lin Shiyin as soon as possible. He wanted to have a daughter as beautiful as Lin Shiyin.


If Ye Yan knew what Li Xunhuan was thinking, he would be speechless.

How could even Li Xunhuan be so frivolous? How could he even think of such a thing? ? ?

Is it true that those who are close to vermilion will be red, and those who are close to ink will be black?


Zhiqiu Yiye:"Oh no, Green Man King, be careful behind you."

"Xiongba is actually trying to run away."

Zhiqiu Yiye saw through the chat group video that behind the Green Man King who was holding his daughter with a smug look on his face, Xiongba, who was originally on the verge of death, was still seriously injured, but he had recovered his mobility and fled towards the distant woods.

Wanwan:"No way! Didn't this old guy's kidneys get stabbed?"

"Can he still run?"

Mu Nianci:"Oh my God!"

"It's actually true? Isn't Xiongba too scary?"

"What on earth is his ability to be so amazing?"

Everyone was extremely shocked and confused.

But if Ye Yan saw this scene, he would definitely not find it strange.

After all, although Xiongba was only a primary BOSS in the original book, he had a very high talent for martial arts and an endless stream of methods.

Even if he was defeated by Fengyun for the first time, and his tendons were cut and his martial arts were crippled, he was able to recover quickly.

It can be seen that he has a very powerful trump card for recovering injuries.

So it is normal for him to leave now.

Seeing this, the Green Man King became anxious.

He wanted to chase Xiongba, but he was worried that Yan Ying would be in danger here alone.

At this time, Xiongba's mouth corners slightly raised.

He saw this point and just did this without concealing it. , forcing himself to escape despite his injuries.

When he was ready to go back, he would practice at all costs, using all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, and he would definitely make the Green Man King pay the price.

As for Ye Yan, Xiongba thought he was a moron.

Maybe he has been bitten to death and eaten by the Fire Kirin.

Are you kidding!

Legend has it that no one can survive if they encounter the Fire Kirin.

And just now Ye Yan had obviously scared the Fire Kirin away, but he still chased it?

Isn't this courting death?

But the slap in the face came so quickly.


A shocking roar resounded through the world.

The Fire Kirin was surrounded by flames, and its ferocious power covered the sky. It ran out directly from the Lingyun Cave again, and in an instant it was a thousand feet away, rushing towards Xiongba.


"Could it be that the boy was bitten to death by the Fire Kirin?"

"The Fire Kirin comes out to hunt again?"

"Damn it."

Xiong Ba obviously didn't see that there was a"little figure" sitting on the giant Fire Kirin.

In his opinion, the Fire Kirin's reappearance must have killed Ye Yan.

Even the Green Man King and all the members of the chat group thought so.

They couldn't help but worry about Ye Yan.

But the next moment.

Zhao Linger suddenly noticed something.

Pointing at the"little figure" behind the Fire Kirin, she said in surprise:

"Look, Brother Ye Yan is not dead, he is riding on the Fire Qilin!"

Zhiqiu Yiye:"What?"

"Oh my god! It's actually true?"

"Did Boss Ye really subdue the Fire Kirin?"

Li Xunhuan:"Boss Ye is awesome, he actually caught the Fire Kirin as a mount?"

"It’s against the will of heaven!"

Mu Nianci:"It’s actually true?"

"Brother Ye Yan is fine, that's great."


Xiong Ba was dumbfounded.

At the same time, he looked at Ye Yan on the Fire Kirin with disbelief.

"What? How come you are riding on a fire unicorn?"

"Did you tame the Fire Kirin?"


How is this possible ?".

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