The Horse Thieves Gang was completely wiped out, and the shaman Sahasu who was behind the scenes was also completely killed by Ye Tian, and his bones were gone.

This incident is definitely a great joy for the villagers of Yonghe Village.

Everyone took to the streets, with lights, singing and dancing, and the sound of fireworks and firecrackers was endless, one after another!

And for those members of the security team who died tragically under the horse thief and Sahasu, the villagers also built plaques and erected plaques in the ancestral hall for them, in order to show the gratitude and admiration of the villagers for him and others!

Originally, Ye Tian was going to leave the next day and continue to hurry with Wen Cai.

However, under the repeated retention of Lu Ying and the villagers, it was finally delayed for another two days.

It wasn't until the sun rose on the third day that Ye Tian quietly left a letter, continued on the road with Wencai, and set foot on the formation of going to the house of the four-eyed Taoist to play.

"Wencai, how long will it take for us to get to Senior Brother Four-eyed's dojo!"

Seeing that he had been on a journey for another two days, the night sky was already full of stars at this time, Ye Tian found a big tree and sat down, and asked.

"Ha, Uncle Shi, go over the mountain in front of you, and by tomorrow morning at the latest, we will be able to reach Uncle Four-Eyed's dojo!"

Wen Cai put the heavy burden on his body on the ground, which was full of gifts he bought for Jia Le and the Four Eyes Daoren.

Seeing Ye Tian asking, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the mountain in front of him, and said excitedly.

"Well, then there's no hurry, take a break and then leave!"

Ye Tian was not tired, but he was a little unbearable when he saw Wen Cai sweating profusely and hurrying happily, so he opened his mouth to suggest.

"Hey, hey, good uncle!"

Wen Cai smiled and agreed, then took out the kettle and roast goose leg from the package and handed them to Ye Tian.

As for himself, he sat under another big tree and gnawed on the roast goose legs, full of happiness!

Following Ye Tian's journey, Wen Cai can be regarded as having tasted all kinds of delicacies, even the dry food on the road is all delicious such as roasted goose legs or chicken legs.

"Ringing ringing!"

"Ringing ringing!"

Just as the two of them were tasting the delicious roast goose legs, there was a rattle not far away.

Then a man shouted:

"Heavenly spirits, earth spirits, Xiangxi chases corpses, and the living avoid them!"

"Heavenly spirits, earth spirits, Xiangxi chases corpses, and the living avoid them!"

Listening to this voice, Ye Tian frowned, he always felt that this man's voice was very familiar, but he just couldn't remember where he had heard it.

"Uncle Shi, there are corpse chasers!"

Wen Cai quickly trotted in front of Ye Tian and muttered softly.

The main business of the four-eyed Taoist is to drive away corpses, so Wen Cai still knows some about this kind of corpse driving password.

"It's okay, eat you!"

Taoist priests often choose to travel at night when driving corpses, because it is very unlucky for the living to encounter this kind of thing.

Therefore, corpse chasers often choose to walk on relatively remote roads, in order to avoid the living, so as not to cause unpleasant quarrels between the two parties.

However, as a Maoshan Taoist priest, Ye Tian naturally would not have any scruples about these individuals.

Moreover, Ye Tian also wanted to find out who this corpse chaser was, and why the voice was so familiar!



"Ringing ringing!"

"Ringing ringing!"

"Heavenly spirits, earth spirits, Xiangxi chases corpses, and the living avoid them!"

At this time, the voice of the corpse chaser was getting closer and closer, and the sound of the walking corpse jumping to the ground was also getting louder and louder, Wen Cai looked into the distance very curiously, and the roast goose legs in his hand had been put aside.

In less than half a minute, a middle-aged man with an inch of hair and a serious face appeared in front of the two.

And beside him are the walking corpses that he has driven away.

Looking at this scene, Ye Tian instantly recognized the appearance of the other party, it was the same sect of Maoshan, the apprentice of the fifth master, and the dragon slayer!

As in the movie, the Dragon Slayer Daoist has been arrogant and domineering since he was a child, and he is not good.

On weekdays, except for communicating with senior brother Shi Jian, he never looks at other senior brothers, so like Shi Jian, he has a very poor reputation among the senior brothers.

Ye Tian has always been not on good terms with the Dragon Slayer Daoist, so he can't talk about any friendship, but there is just a relationship between the same disciple and brother.

Moreover, Ye Tian also knew the end of the Dragon Slayer Daoist, smuggled opium under the pretense of driving out corpses, and even died in Jiuquan Town, fell into the mouth of a Western zombie, and became a zombie.

Although this is just the plot played in the movie, no one knows what the future ending of the Dragon Slayer Daoist will be!

However, according to Ye Tian's current observation at this time, these driven walking corpses do not have the slightest corpse qi at all, which means that the current dragon slayer Daoist has embarked on the same path as in the movie!

Under the pretense of driving corpses, smuggling opium!


I thought that few people knew about this forest, let alone someone rushing at night, but now seeing two living people sitting on the side, the Dragon Slayer Daoist's brows furrowed a little.

But soon, after seeing Ye Tian's appearance clearly through the moonlight, the Dragon Slayer Daoist instantly stopped his steps and exclaimed in surprise:

"Ye Tian! Why are you here! "

Seeing that the other party recognized himself, Ye Tian got up slowly, and then walked closer and bowed first, and then said in a flat tone: "What? Senior Brother Dragon Slayer doesn't even want to recognize his own junior brother? "


Hearing this Ye Tian's words, the Dragon Slayer Daoist's face was a little displeased, but he still responded with the courtesy of the same door, and said, "Senior Brother Ye, why are you here?" "

"It's nothing, just go out for a walk with Senior Brother Lin's nephew and take a look at the beautiful landscape!"

"Oh? He is Senior Brother Lin's apprentice? "

The Dragon Slayer Daoist looked at Wen Cai's honest appearance and was a little surprised.

Wen Cai's face was full of excitement, and he quickly came to the Dragon Slayer Daoist, and said with a smile: "Haha, I didn't expect you to be my uncle!" My nephew Wen has only seen Uncle Dragon Slayer! "

"Humph! Don't get close to me, my relationship with your master is not very good! "

Facing the respectful Wencai, the Dragon Slayer Daoist directly turned his back and didn't want to look more, and then observed Ye Tian coldly, silent.


The hot face was attached to the cold buttocks, which made Wen Cai very unhappy, especially when he heard the other party say that he had a bad relationship with his master Ninth Uncle, Wen Cai's face instantly turned respectful into disdain.

Then he stood aside disdainfully, and said coldly: "Cut, what a drag, what's the big deal!" "

"Stinky boy, no respect!"

When the Dragon Slayer Daoist heard that Wen Cai dared to mock himself on the side, his right palm turned into a fist, and he was about to hit Wen Cai.


However, as soon as the Dragon Slayer Daoist's fist was punched, his wrist was instantly clamped by a huge force, and he couldn't move at all.

I saw that Ye Tian was very relaxed and held the wrist of the Dragon Slayer Daoist, and a faint smile appeared on his face: "Senior Brother Dragon Slayer, as an elder, why should you be as knowledgeable as a junior!" "

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