
Originally, he could already taste the delicious and mellow blood, but at this time, he was attacked behind him, which made the royal zombies feel extremely angry and crazy.

At that moment, both claws flung together, and immediately threw Jia Le and Wencai out heavily, and even if he turned around, he instantly grabbed Jingjing's neck.

"Jingjing... "

At this time, Master Yixiu was lying in the courtyard, and the situation in front of him was real!

I saw that the royal zombie had already lifted Jingjing up from mid-air, and she was about to bite it down, and the two sharp fangs had already released bursts of fierce light.

Seeing all this, Master Ikkyu wanted to stop it, but found that it was too late to take any action.

However, at this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed in front of him, and then instantly exploded in front of the royal zombies, and the golden light was shining!

"Master, help me take care of Senior Brother Chizuru!"

I only heard a familiar voice coming, and there was one more person lying on the ground next to Master Yixiu, who would it be if it wasn't a Thousand Crane Dao people!

"Daoist Ye!"

Master Yixiu was overjoyed, the back of the speaker was too familiar to him, it was the junior brother of the four-eyed Taoist!


The cone-like pain made the royal zombie scream, but his right claw was firmly grasping Jingjing's neck and did not let go for a moment.

"Get out of here!"

Only to hear a roar of rage, Ye Tian came to the royal zombie in the blink of an eye, and with a punch, the royal zombie was directly knocked through the wall and landed outside the courtyard in an instant!

"Are you alright?"

Ye Tian waved his hand, and instantly hugged the weak Jingjing in his arms.

"Uh... Leaf... Ye Daochang!"

Jingjing was already injured and weak, but now she was cut through the skin on her neck by the sharp claws of the royal zombies, and the blood did not stop.

Seeing this, Ye Tian quickly connected the dots on Jingjing's erect neck, and the blood stopped flowing in an instant, and then turned around and helped the four-eyed Taoist on the ground up, and asked in a loud voice: "Senior brother, are you okay?"

"It's okay! It's okay! I'm glad you're here!"

Seeing Ye Tian appear, the four-eyed Daoist felt extremely surprised in his heart, and at the moment he shook his body that was about to fall apart, and said in a loud voice: "Don't use the thunder and lightning technique to attack that zombie, it will only make it stronger and stronger!"

"I understand!"

Ye Tian agreed, and then walked quickly to the corner of the room, and saw that Wen Cai was in the same condition as Jia Le and Jingjing, so he hurriedly treated him, and handed it over to the four-eyed Taoist:

"Senior brother, you hurry up with medicine and glutinous rice to expel the corpse poison, and leave the rest to me!"

After that, Ye Tian waved his hand, and a small porcelain bottle appeared in the hands of the four-eyed Taoist, and with it, there was a whole basket of glutinous rice!

Where did this glutinous rice and basket come from, the four-eyed Taoist people don't know, but it's not the time to think about this at the moment, so he immediately agreed, and quickly expelled the corpse poison for a few people!


The attack just now did not cause the royal zombie to suffer fatal damage, and at this time, the other party had crawled out of the ruins again, and the two red eyes in the night were also exuding a terrifying essence!

"Get out of here!"

Seeing the zombie jump into the house again, Ye Tian stomped on the ground with both feet, leaned heavily on the royal zombie, and then blasted it out of the house again and fell into the black dense forest!

"Good girl, the eight poles are close to the mountain!

The four-eyed Taoist couldn't help but praise while administering medicine to several people to drive away poison.

Seeing that the royal zombie fell into the black dense forest, Ye Tian quickly felt the approach of Master Yixiu and the Thousand Crane Daoren, and with a wave of his arms, he sent the two of them into the house.

"Senior brother, they'll be handed over to you!"

"Don't worry, junior brother, you have to be careful!"

The four-eyed Daoist knew that Ye Tian was the only one who had the ability to fight the powerful bronze armored corpse of the royal zombie now, and he didn't continue to delay any more at the moment, picked up the few people who fell to the ground, and quickly moved towards the inner room.




Several explosions came out in unison, only to see a black shadow appear in the dense forest, and then instantly jumped more than ten meters away, and appeared in front of Ye Tian in three or two clicks.


Looking at Ye Tian, the royal zombie roared angrily, and the two sharp claws seemed to be able to tear the air apart, and went straight to the front of the other party.


Ye Tian dodged, but his shirt was still scratched off a layer of cloth, revealing his strong muscles.


At that moment, he jumped up and slapped his palm, setting off a wave of qi.


The royal zombie was hit hard, and rolled to the ground again and again, while Ye Tian took advantage of the momentum to pursue, and two golden needles appeared between his fingers, piercing towards the center of the royal zombie's eyebrows.



Then the golden needle fell straight down, but it did not penetrate into the eyebrows of the royal zombie, but only pierced a little flesh and made a sound.


The corpses of the royal zombie were full of anger, and then he slapped back to Ji Yetian's wrist, and then got up again and again to dodge, flashing in the corner on the side.

"Sure enough, with my current strength of the Golden Needle, I can't subdue you!"

In fact, Ye Tian had already expected that the body of this royal zombie would be extremely hard, but he didn't expect that this tricky golden needle could only pierce its skin slightly, but it failed to penetrate into the drive, which was a bit unexpected!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian instantly put away the tricky golden needle, submerged it into his sleeves, and then mobilized the strength of his whole body, and in an instant, the qi and blood around his body began to continue to skyrocket!

"In that case, then I'll fight with you!"

Now with the power of the overlord and the blessing of the skills of national mastery, Ye Tian is confident that he can compete with it!


The royal zombie roared, and a black corpse qi came out, instantly changing into a rapid corpse whirlwind, and came to Ye Tian's approach.


I saw that Ye Tian burst out, and the strength of his body skyrocketed instantly, and a punch burst out, his blood soared to the sky, and the huge waves soared.

After that corpse whirlwind touched Ye Tian's fist wind and qi and blood, it directly disappeared and ceased to exist!

Seeing this, the royal zombie waved its sharp claws again and jumped straight in front of Ye Tian.


Ye Tian got up and leaped, his feet went straight to the shoulders of the royal zombies, and in an instant, the momentum like Mount Tai was overwhelming.

The royal zombie only felt that his whole body was under monstrous pressure, and then the entire ground was dented, and for a while, his legs exploded again and again, and the corpse was boiling.


The royal zombie waved his hand and grabbed Ye Tian's feet with several bloody wounds!

Seeing this, Ye Tian used his qi and blood all over his body, spun and flew in mid-air for a week, and hit the back of the royal zombie with both palms, and immediately knocked it dozens of meters away.

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