
Wang Youcai was frightened by Ye Tian's words and took a few steps back, with a completely frightened expression on his face, and then reluctantly squeezed out a smile, and hurriedly said: "Doctor Ye, don't joke with me, this fan is clearly a jade bone gold foil fan, where can it be a dead man's bone!" Don't tease me! "

"Tease you?"

Ye Tian smiled disdainfully, and the palm holding the fan waved lightly as he spoke, and a golden point of light fell on the fan.


In an instant, the entire fan instantly emitted a strange green light, and then the fan, which was originally a very delicate fan, turned into an extremely tattered fan in a blink of an eye.

In particular, the jade fan bone that was originally crystal clear turned into a human finger bone at this time, and those so-called gold leaf also turned into gray-white ashes, falling to the ground with the wind.

"Ahh It's really human bones! "

Wang Youcai was shocked, screaming in fear, and his whole body was trembling.

"This fan is the dowry gift given to your family by the ghost-faced Langjun, and you accepted it, which means that you acquiesced in marrying your daughter, now do you understand?"

"I... I... "

Wang Youcai wanted to cry without tears at this time, he never thought that his daughter's incident would be related to his greed, and immediately knelt on the ground, smacked a few mouths in front of Ye Tian, crying and begging:

"Doctor Ye, it's all my fault, it's my greed! It has nothing to do with my daughter! Be kind, and save my poor daughter. "


Ye Tian nodded and continued: "Although this matter was caused by your greed, after all, it was the ghost-faced Langjun who was at fault first, and he actually used ghost magic to seduce the souls of the living, and also tried to harm people's lives to become ghosts, which is simply a great crime!" "

After that, Ye Tian used his toes hard, looked at the little ghost under his feet with resentment, and said loudly: "Say, where is the ghost face Langjun!" "

"Immortal Chief, I said, can you let me go?"

When the little ghost heard this, he hurriedly asked.


Ye Tian replied categorically: "You are surrounded by blood and qi, I don't know how many people have died in your hands, it is absolutely impossible to let you go!" "

"If you tell the truth, I can send you to the underworld, and after bearing the punishment you deserve, you will still have a chance to return to the yang reincarnation! If you don't say anything, I don't mind completely destroying you! "

"I... I say! "

When the little ghost heard Ye Tian finish saying word by word, his face was extremely frightened, and then he pondered for a long time before he spoke: "It's better to have a chance to return to the yang than to be scattered, I'll tell you!" "

Seeing this, Ye Tian let go of the foot that had been stepping on the little ghost, and Zhengse said, "Say it!" "

"Ghost Face Langjun is a very powerful ghost, he lives in Niutou Mountain, five miles west from here, and there is a locust forest at the foot of the mountain, he lives there!"


"It's really gone! Immortal Chief, I am also a little ghost who was captured and enslaved by him, and I don't know a lot of things, you must believe me! "

"Humph! In that case, then you should go to the Yin Si to report! "

Seeing this, Ye Tian knew that this little ghost had been fully revealed, so he didn't ask any more, and a tricky golden needle flew up between his fingers, and it landed straight on the little ghost's eyebrows.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and Qiankun borrows the law. Maoshan degree ghost needle, the underworld leads the soul. Haste as a law! "

In an instant, the figure of the little ghost disappeared in an instant, and a system prompt sounded in Ye Tian's ears.

"Ding! Transform a ghost, gain 10 merit points, 1 ocean! "

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Second Grade Heavenly Master

Merit: 250/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

"Daoist Ye? The ghost is gone, isn't it? "

Although he didn't know who Ye Tian was talking to at first, with his guess, Wang Youcai also knew that he must be talking to a ghost.

Now seeing a golden point of light flashing in mid-air, and Ye Tian stopped talking, Wang Youcai had the courage to ask Ye Tian in a low voice on the side.

"Well, let's go!"

Ye Tian flew out a talisman, and instantly burned the bone fan into powder, and then said with a serious face: "Master Wang, it's better not to take this ill-gotten wealth in the future!" "

"Of course, of course!"

Wang Youcai nodded again and again, without a trace of hesitation: "After this incident, don't talk about dropping the fan in the future, even if you drop the ocean, I won't pick it up!" I just ask Dr. Ye to save my daughter, she is the lifeblood of our old couple! "

"Don't worry, since I have received your payment, I will be responsible for this matter to the end!"

After that, Ye Tian handed Wang Youcai a talisman and instructed him: "You take this evil talisman and stick it on Ling Qianjin's body, which can ensure her temporary life, I will go to Niutou Mountain now and get her lost soul back!" "

"Thank you, Dr. Ye! Thank you, Dr. Ye! "

Wang Youcai's grateful old tears were rampant, dragging the exorcism charm in both palms, and kept kowtowing.

And at this time, in front of him, there was no Ye Tian, who had already disappeared without a trace.

On the other hand, because of today's digging up of the dried corpse, Uncle Jiu's mood has not been very good, although he saw that the dried corpse had been burned, but there was always a bad feeling hanging over his heart, which made him restless.

"Master, master!"

At this time, Qiusheng and Wencai ran in full of mud, looked at Uncle Nine in front, and hurriedly said:

"Master, the new water source has been dug up, you don't have to worry about anything!"

"Yes, master, I drank that water, it's sweet!"

"Well, that's good!"

Uncle Nine nodded in response, but his face was still worried.

"Master, are you still worried about the bat's nest?"

"Yes, master, haven't all this new water source been found? Why are you so worried! "

"Hey! What do you two know! "

Uncle Nine sighed, then sat down, and said slowly: "If this bat nest is not found for a day, it will be a great hidden danger, in case this new water source is destroyed again, I am afraid that the entire Hongfa Village will not even be able to drink a mouthful of clean water by then!" "

"Master, in my opinion, this bat nest must still be near this village, and when it dawns tomorrow, Qiusheng and I will shout to the captain and they will look for it together!" You can always find it! "

"Yes, master, this matter will be handed over to our brothers, and it will be done properly for you!"

Seeing that the two apprentices are now working so hard and concentrating, it makes Uncle Nine feel a little relieved.

Especially Wencai, since he and Ye Tian came back from the dojo of the four-eyed Taoist, the state of the whole person has changed greatly.

Not only did he take the initiative to ask Uncle Nine for advice, but even the things arranged by Uncle Nine were tried his best to do it, as if his mind had grown a lot.

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