"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

The fat nun thought for a long time, and finally made a decision, nodded and said, "But I still hope that you can save our church as much as possible!" We also need to continue to spread the gospel of the Lord! "

"I'll do my best!"

Ye Tian nodded, and then called Chang Wei and instructed: "Arrange for two people to send these nuns to the village to settle down temporarily, and remind all the villagers not to move around at night, and stay at home!" Did you hear me clearly? "

"Don't worry! Wrap it up on me! "

Chang Wei patted his chest and reassured, then looked at the fat nun with disdain, and said unhappily: "Let's go, why are you still stunned?" "

The fat nun wanted to say more, but after seeing Ye Tian's cold face, she finally didn't speak, and took a group of little nuns, along with the two security team members, all of them left the church.

"Qiusheng, Wencai, you and the others peeled all the garlic heads, and then pounded them to make garlic water!"

"Yes, Uncle Shi!"

Qiusheng and Wencai agreed without any hesitation.

Uncle Nine looked at Ye Tian commanding everything, stood aside and didn't make a sound, but in his heart he was more and more surprised by this junior brother, and he always felt that Ye Tian didn't seem so simple.

As night fell, there was silence around the church, and there was no sound.

Uncle Jiu, Ye Tian and the others were ambushed around the church early, quietly observing all the changes around them.



As the moon grew higher and higher, the sound of bats spreading their wings could be heard in the sky.

Seeing this, Ye Tian made a gesture lightly, reminding everyone not to make any noise.



Soon, the group of chirping bats flew down from the sky, and then a huge figure jumped down from the bat's body in an instant, looking around with a suspicious face.

This is the Western zombie?

Uncle Nine was surprised when he saw the Western-looking zombie.

And the Western zombie was looking back and forth, left and right, as if some strange smell made him smell very uncomfortable.

Ye Tian knew that the smell of garlic water volatilized by those things, although the wooden barrel had been sealed with a lid, it still volatilized a faint smell.

Soon, however, the confusion and dissatisfaction vanished from the face of the Western zombie, who shook the black cloak behind him, turned around and entered the ashram of the church.


Coming to this once very familiar environment, a sneer flashed on the face of the Western zombie.

Memories of the vampire's time slowly came to mind, and what came into view was the portrait of Father Na Qi and the corpse that had long since turned into white bones.


The Western zombie roared angrily, shattering the portrait of Father Qi on the wall and throwing it on the ground.

It seemed that the hatred had not been completely resolved, and the Western zombie held Father Qi's white bones in the palm of his hand again, and turned into pieces of slag with a slight pinch.


Seeing this, the Western zombie laughed again, and then opened a coffin, and immediately lay down in it, falling into a deep sleep.

The swarm of bats that followed hung upside down on the top of the ashram wall, gradually ceasing to sound.


Ye Tian saw that the timing was almost the same, and there was no other sound in the church, so he said softly to the people around him, and a golden needle had already appeared between his fingers.

And Uncle Nine flew out of a talisman and hit the roof of the church.

"Liuding Liujia, left and right blessings, divine soldiers order fire, ten thousand magic powers, Maoshan Tiangang fire, urgent as the law!"


In an instant, the entire church instantly burst into flames, and as for the fat nun getting rid of Ye Tian to protect the church, Ye Tian didn't pay attention to it at all.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, a monstrous flame rose from the real church, and explosions were constantly heard.

Chirp chirp!

Chirp chirp!

Soon, the group of black-pressed bats flew out of the flames that filled the church, and almost half of the bats were covered in flames.

Every now and then, a bat would fall to the ground and never make a sound again.


A loud cheer came, and I saw that the Western zombie rushed out of the church in an instant, and appeared in front of everyone's eyes with fire all over its body.


A thick corpse qi and yin qi burst out from the body of the Western zombie, and all the Tiangang flames in the body were annihilated in an instant!

"Do it!"

Seeing this, Ye Tian shouted, and more than a dozen members of the security team who had already been ambushed in the surrounding trees, Qiusheng and Wencai stood up together, and poured down the bucket full of garlic water in their hands!


The garlic water that came from the sky was like the Yellow River pouring down, straight into the whole body of Western zombies.



Suddenly, the whole body of the Western zombie was filled with thick black smoke, and the garlic water was like concentrated sulfuric acid constantly looking down on every inch of skin on his body.

In less than a moment, the original pale face of the Western zombie had all turned into a charred black, and the whole person seemed to have escaped from the fire, which was extremely terrifying.


The strong burning sensation made the Western zombie dry feel miserable, and the pain was unbearable, and he hurriedly waved the black robe on his body, wanting to shake off all the garlic water.



At this moment, the bats in the sky were all coming towards everyone, and many people had already fallen from the trees because of the bats' attack!

Seeing this, the Western zombie flew up in an instant, grabbed one of the security team members and was about to suck his blood dry!


However, just when the Western zombie wanted to suck the blood, Ye Tian jumped in front of the Western zombie and hit the zombie's side with a heavy punch.


The air waves were churning, the smoke was billowing out, and the body of the Western zombie was instantly knocked away by Ye Tian's heavy punch on the spot, hitting the big branch in front of him.

Seeing this, Uncle Nine pointed at the Western zombie who fell to the ground with his right hand, and roared loudly:

"It's too much of a star on the stage, and the strain doesn't stop! The Jade Emperor has a ruthless force, and the gods are in all directions! Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, purple thunder and lightning! Taishang Laojun is as anxious as a law! "


A purple thunderbolt came out of the situation, turned into a long horse, and went straight towards the body of the Western zombie.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened.

The swarm of bats that were still attacking everyone actually flew in front of the Western zombie in unison, turning into a huge barrier to block the other party tightly.


In an instant, countless bats were struck by lightning and turned into flying ashes, and Naxi Yangjiang City had already stood up again and rushed towards the depths of the dim dense forest.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this, Uncle Nine shouted angrily, and at this time, a bunch of bats flew from nowhere, showing their sharp fangs again, and attacked everyone.

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