"Hey, hey, you two, why are you so fierce to my wife!"

Here, Long Dashuai just turned around and called softly to Mi Qilian's back, then turned around, walked up to Aunt Su and Hua Yanyan with displeasure, and questioned loudly.

Aunt Cane: ...

Hua Yanyan: ...

The two of them were really speechless to the extreme for this very unscrupulous Long Dashuai, and then ignored each other at all, but turned back to their seats to drink tea.

Ye Tian looked at this scene, and he was also worried about Long Dashuai's future days.

Micheline may really love him, but I have to say that she is really green tea, and she actually eyebrows at her old lover in front of her husband, is this already her husband dead?

What's even more outrageous is that this Long Dashuai didn't seem to care about this matter at all, and turned his head to reprimand Aunt Sue and Hua Yanyan.

I really don't know if the future life of this dragon handsome will be a vast prairie...

"It's coming, it's coming!"

At this time, Qiusheng and Wencai ran into the house quickly, holding a bowl of water in their hands, and quickly ran to the front of Long Dashuai.

Seeing this, Wen Cai poured the ground zombie tooth powder into the water and held it up in front of Long Dashuai:

"Drink it!"


Long Dashuai sniffed it and said with disgust: "What a strange smell, it smells so bad!" "

"If you don't want to turn into a zombie, drink it!"

At this time, Uncle Jiu, who was sitting on the side, muttered angrily.

"Okay, I'll drink!"

Although he was dissatisfied with Uncle Jiu's attitude, Long Dashuai still picked up the foul-smelling tooth powder water and drank it with a clatter.

"Shhhhhh Cool! "

Immediately, a faint black smoke rose from Long Dashuai's body, and then the whole person began to dance involuntarily as if Michael Jackson was possessed.

For a while, the entire hall was full of the handsome figure of the dragon dancing, and sometimes he had particularly spicy eyes.

After a full five minutes, Long Dashuai stopped beating, but rolled his eyes and fainted to the ground in an instant.

"You two, go and send Da Shuai back to his room to rest for a while, his blood and qi have just run smoothly, and he will be in a coma for a while!"

"Yes, master!"

Seeing Uncle Jiu's order, Wen Cai and Qiusheng picked up the unconscious handsome and walked out of the guest room hall.

Afterwards, Ye Tian looked at Uncle Nine and the others on the opposite side, and told him what happened in Tengteng Town, and Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue were shocked when they heard it.

"Extreme Way Alliance! How did this organization appear again! "

"That's right, I heard that this organization has completely collapsed under the joint attack of the various major sects and the Yin and Yang clan twenty years ago, how can it appear again!"

Looking at the disbelieving looks of Uncle Nine and Aunt Sue, Hua Yanyan added on the side:

"Auntie, that's right, I also saw that logo, it is indeed exactly the same as the logo of the Extreme Dao Alliance that my grandfather drew for me, there will be no fake!"

"It seems that the entire Huaxia cultivation world will undergo earth-shaking changes again!"

Uncle Nine frowned when he heard this, and nodded and sighed again and again in a self-muttering voice.

"Whatever, it's a big deal to jointly destroy them once again!"

Aunt Sue didn't seem to take it seriously at all, and complained angrily.

"Hey, it's that easy!"

Hearing this, Uncle Nine continued: "If this Extreme Dao Alliance is really so easy to destroy, it will not reappear in the rivers and lakes after twenty years!" "

"Senior brother, senior sister, do you think we need to report this matter to the master!"

After all, the reappearance of the Extreme Dao Alliance meant that an evil organization had reappeared in the human world, and maybe it wouldn't be long before there would be another great war in the entire cultivation world.

In the face of this terrifying and secretive organization, Ye Tian felt that it was necessary to inform the uncles and uncles in Maoshan in order to be fully prepared.

"Well, that makes sense!"

Uncle Nine nodded and replied: "Although the jade plate is not left, but there will be no fake in this Extreme Dao Alliance's reappearance of the matter, when the matter here is dealt with, I will use the secret technique to inform the master of them, and then wait for the news!" "

"That's great!"

Su Gu and Ye Tian nodded in unison, expressing their approval.

Seeing that the matter of the Extreme Dao Alliance has been put on hold for the time being, the next question is how to deal with the matter of the evil baby.

Seeing that Micheline's belly is getting bigger day by day, if she doesn't find a way to lure the evil baby out, I'm afraid it will cause more trouble.

"Otherwise, when the evening comes, Auntie and Uncle Nine will work together to force the evil baby out of Micheline's body? Isn't that enough? "

Listening to Hua Yanyan's suggestion, Uncle Nine shook his head again and again: "No, such words are easy to make the evil baby move, maybe even Sister Lian's life is in danger, you can't do this!" "

"Hmph, I think you still remember her!"

Aunt Sue snorted on the side, and glanced at Uncle Nine sourly.

"These are two different things, don't make trouble unreasonably, okay!"

Uncle Nine is in a very bad mood now, although he already knows that he and Mi Qilian have no possibility, but he is not willing to watch her become a tool for the birth of a wicked baby.

"Actually, it's not that hard!"

Ye Tian looked at everyone's helpless looks, and explained: "Although this evil baby is very angry and has deep resentment, he is still a baby after all, as long as we attract him with toys and a lively atmosphere, I believe we can successfully lure it out!" "

This idea was the answer that Ye Tian got when he watched the movie in his previous life, and now that he said it, it can be regarded as a suggestion for Uncle Jiu.

"Hey, that's a great idea! How could I not have thought of it! "

Uncle Nine slapped the table and expressed his strong approval.

And Aunt Sue glanced at him angrily, and said unhappily: "It must be the old lover who saw you, and his IQ has become lower." "

Uncle Nine: ...

Hua Yanyan: Hmph!

Ye Tian saw that the atmosphere at the scene had become gunpowder again, and hurriedly said: "But there is still one thing that must be done at the moment, which is to lure the demon servant controlled by that evil baby away from here!" Otherwise, all the preparations you make will be in vain! "

"It's easy to do!"

Hearing this, Uncle Nine said directly: "Demon servants are yin and evil, and they are the most sensitive and fond of men's yang energy!" When the time comes, let Wen Cai be the bait, and he will definitely be able to successfully transfer the demon servant elsewhere! But I'm afraid I'll have to sacrifice some of his yang energy. "

"It doesn't matter, as long as you bring out that evil baby as soon as possible, Wencai will not be in danger!"

Ye Tian calculated in his heart that as long as this demon servant came out of the Great Shuai Mansion, Uncle Nine and the others would be able to start attracting the evil baby to appear.

Aside from the time delayed on the road, even if the demon servant really began to absorb Wencai's yang energy, it would only take half a minute at most, and there would definitely be no major problems.


As soon as he walked near the door, Wen Cai let out a big sneeze, and then looked at the four people in the room looking at him with a funny face, a little puzzled.

Qiusheng also felt the strange eyes of several people, and couldn't help but look at Wen Cai as well.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? Am I getting handsome today? "

"Come, Wencai, the master will tell you something!"

"Huh? How mysterious is it ... "


The third more is served, there are two more tonight, and it will be passed on later, everyone go to dinner!

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