"Phew, old thing!"

Seeing that the figure of the princess gradually disappeared, Li Erniu's originally smiling face no longer existed, and his eyes revealed a strong hatred.

"Brother, forget it, there is Daoist Ye, he will administer justice for us! Don't be angry!"

Seeing this, Xiaohua hurriedly persuaded her.

And Qiusheng and Wencai also walked in quickly, looking at the aroma of the morning, and said happily.

"Yes, yes, with my uncle here, I promise to give you both a perfect explanation!"

"That's right, let's not be stunned, let's eat quickly! I'm hungry!"



Doudou was also circling back and forth in front of breakfast at this time, as if to declare that his stomach was already rumbling with hunger.


"What a situation!

Out of the courtyard of Li Erniu's house, Wang Po trotted all the way and rushed towards her house without stopping.

The little granddaughter's soul did not return overnight, which made Wang Po feel a little strange.

But thinking that five days have passed, maybe the granddaughter has really succeeded in taking away that Li Xiaohua.

Thinking that her little granddaughter could finally return to Yang and be reborn, Wang Po's mood couldn't help but feel excited and happy.

So, the princess, who couldn't sleep with excitement all night, saw that the day was almost over, so she hurried to Li Erniu's house to see if her little granddaughter really succeeded in winning the house.

But obviously, what happened just now shocked Wang Po.

Not to mention that I can't feel the breath of the little granddaughter's soul at all on the body of the little flower, even the hawthorn, which was my favorite food on weekdays, the other party shook his head and refused!

Obviously, the little granddaughter failed!

That whole night, where the little granddaughter's soul went, the princess didn't know!

Soon, Wang Po returned to her dim room, quickly picked up a piece of rune paper, wrote Xiaohua's birthday, and put it on the plate of white rice in front of her.

"Nannan, Nannan, come back quickly!"

"Nannan, Nannan, come back quickly!"

Wang Po kept grabbing the rice grains in front of her and sprinkled them on the rune paper, but no matter how she called her little granddaughter's name, she never got a response.

Wang Po's heart was already burning at this time, and her repeated shouting had no effect, making her feel that things had changed.

And at this moment, the door of the room was kicked open by a force in an instant, and a white figure appeared in front of Wang Po.

"Why? You can't get your little granddaughter's soul back, can you?"

The person who appeared was Ye Tian, he looked at Wang Po's shocked expression and asked coldly.

"Who are you, where is my girl?"

Wang Po looked at Ye Tian who was standing at the door, and shouted angrily in great surprise.

"Why, you use evil magic to harm people, aren't you going to explain this matter?"

"Explain, what's there to explain!"

Wang Po sat down again, and said lightly: "My nannan accidentally fell to her death, I can't let her go to the underworld, I want her to live!

"So you chose Li Xiaohua, the sister of Li Erniu in the next village, right?"

"That's right!"

Wang Po nodded and replied: "That little flower is good-looking, Nannan liked to play with her when she was alive, and use her body to revive my Nannan, isn't it okay?"

At this time, Wang Po's expression had become distorted and hideous, and she slapped her hands on the table and defended loudly.


Ye Tian scolded angrily when he heard this, and then pointed to Wang Po's nose and said loudly:

"Life and death are fate, your granddaughter died, and she planned to resurrect someone else's body, so what is the sin of someone else's soul?"

"Hehe, I can't care so much, anyway, I want my granddaughter to come back to life!"

Wang Po looked at Ye Tian coldly, and then the door behind her closed instantly, and the room became dim again.

Only the kerosene lamp in front of the princess emitted a faint light, reflecting on the princess's face, which looked extremely weird.

"Looks like you're planning to do something with me?"

Ye Tian was not afraid, but turned around and put a chair in front of him, and said with a smile.

"I don't care who you are! Anyway, you hurry up and hand over your soul, or I'll make your death ugly!"

Wang Po looked at each other coldly, then grabbed a handful of rice from the table and threw it around.



I saw that the green light points gradually lit up, and the sound of footsteps on the ground slowly came from all around.



At a glance, I saw four paper figures slowly walking out from all around, they were wearing colorful clothes, and their pale cheeks were painted with pink blush, which looked extremely strange against the green light.

"Psychic paper tying technique, it seems that you will have a lot!"

Ye Tian looked at the paper bundles that exuded evil aura all over his body, and said with great interest.

Psychic paper binding is a kind of Taoism, and as a disciple of Maoshan, I also have some understanding of this spell.

It's just that these paper figures at the moment are completely evil people full of yin energy, and compared with the psychic paper binding technique of the righteous path, there is already a world of difference!


Hearing this, one of the paper bundles actually raised his arm and smashed a chair in front of him in an instant.

Then he turned his very stiff head and looked coldly in Ye Tian's direction.

"Boy, this paper binding technique is a magic technique taught to me by the white girl herself, if you don't want to die, you will obediently surrender and hand over my granddaughter's soul!"

"It seems that there is a master behind you!"

Ye Tian shook his head helplessly, he thought that this Wang Po would be the root of all evils, but what he didn't expect was that there was also a white girl.

"Toast without eating and drinking!"

Wang Po's face was already blue with anger at this time, and seeing that Ye Tian still looked fearless, she instantly burst out in anger.


I saw that the four paper figures instantly emitted a scarlet light, and then a paper knife appeared in the hands of each paper figure.

Raised high, he slashed towards Ye Tian's body.



However, Ye Tian didn't move at all, and the four paper knives made a metallic impact sound when they fell on Ye Tian's body.

Then the paper knives collapsed and fell aside.

This scene shocked Wang Po, and then grabbed a handful of rice and sprinkled it on the bodies of those paper figures.

In an instant, the shape of the paper figure instantly became much taller, and with a fist the size of a sandbag, it rushed towards Ye Tian again.


Seeing that Ye Tian stood up, his fists came out, and the four paper figures were all shot through his chest, and then black yin qi came out of his body, and in the blink of an eye, they were scattered on the ground.


Wang Po stood up in surprise, watching the four paper figures being smashed to pieces by the other party's punch, and shouted loudly in disbelief.

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