originally thought that the mayor of Jiuquan Town would be as played in the movie, only promised, and obeyed his son David's advice on everything.

But now it seems that this mayor is indeed a little dignified.

After listening to Ye Tian's talk about the three evil positions, he waved his hand disdainfully, pointed to the church courtyard behind him and said:

"For so many years, Jiuquan Town has a thriving population and a prosperous life.

It's you so-called Maoshan Taoist priests, who are always talkative and alarmist, and you have to say that this good church is a three-way position, to confuse the minds of the townspeople. "

Looking at the mayor's eloquent theories with himself, Ye Tian was not angry, because there was no need for that at all.

Although they did not say it, they knew for themselves what their purpose was in favor of the reopening of the church.

Through this church, they were able to cooperate with the dragon-slaying Taoists who transported the opium, and used the church as a transit point to transport the opium to every nearby town.

The benefits that can be brought by this are definitely a very considerable amount.

Therefore, the reopening of this church is impossible for the mayor's family to stop or stop.

"In that case, I don't have much more to say!"


The mayor smiled contemptuously, and snorted coldly: "Daoist Ye came to our Jiuquan Town as a guest, we welcome it, if you have to meddle in our own affairs in Jiuquan Town, don't blame everyone for tearing their faces when the time comes!"

After speaking, the mayor glared at Ye Tian, turned around and left here.


At the same time, according to Ye Tian's instructions, Qiusheng and Wencai had already opened a room in the inn.

At this time, he had already come to the inn hall, ordering food and waiting for Ye Tian's arrival.

And in a corner not far from the two, a chubby middle-aged man was arguing with a young man in a suit with oily hair and pink face.

The middle-aged man, surnamed Liu, is the owner of a winery in this town, who is bitter and mean, and his moral character is corrupt, and many townspeople are extremely disgusted with him.

And the young man in the suit and leather shoes was the son of the mayor of the town, David.

"David, have you thought about my winery? Do you want to? I can tell you, as long as you make a deal, you will definitely make a fortune!"

Boss Liu was eating Yali pear in his mouth, and his hands kept gesturing in front of David, looking very excited.


"Really, you promised!"

When Boss Liu heard David's answer, he was so surprised that even the pears in his mouth fell on the table.

"But we'll have to talk about the price!"

"What? How much do you want to give?"

"Five thousand oceans!"

David smiled slightly, then stretched out the palm of his right hand and placed it in front of Boss Liu.

"Damn! 5,000 oceans!"

Boss Liu was directly angry when he heard this, but he was still a little jealous of the identity of the other party's mayor's son, and said unhappily:

"My entire winery is worth 5,000 yuan! You bargain like this, be careful that you don't have an asshole when you have a son!"

"Huh. "

David was not angry, and always treated him with a smile: "I am a businessman, and your factory is not clean, whether you sell it or not, you make your own decisions!"


As soon as he heard this, a trace of sadness flashed on Boss Liu's face, but he still said angrily:

"Don't listen to other people's nonsense, there is no problem in my factory, it's just some villains spreading news to slander me!

And you're also a person who has drunk foreign ink, how can you believe such absurd rumors as ghosts?"

"You don't have to say that, believe it or not, as for whether there are ghosts in your winery, you know best!"

"Hey, don't listen to other people's nonsense!"

Seeing that David still insisted on saying that there were ghosts in his winery, Boss Liu was obviously a little nervous, and said in a loud voice:

"That's it, if you still don't feel at ease, it's a big deal that I'll go back and find a Taoist priest or monk to do a Dharma in the winery, won't it!"

"It's up to you. "

Seeing this, David didn't want to talk about it, so he stood up and looked at his watch, and said, "Think about this matter yourself, my friend is almost here, I'll pick him up!"

With that, David left the table with a smile on his face and walked outside the inn.

"Hey, hey, don't go, let's discuss something!"

Seeing this, Boss Liu wanted to keep the other party again, but unfortunately David didn't pay attention to him at all.

Helpless, Boss Liu had no choice but to sit down angrily again, muttering angrily: "Damn, I'll find a mage when I go back!"

"Haha, Boss Liu, long time no see!"

"Yes, Boss Liu, I heard that you are looking for a mage, right?"

Here, when Boss Liu was thinking about the next thing with an unhappy face, Qiusheng and Wencai came to the table with a wicked smile on their faces and sat down.

"Hmm, Qiusheng, Wencai, why did you come back?"

Boss Liu was taken aback, and then his eyes instantly bloomed, and he asked repeatedly: "Did Uncle Nine come with you!"

"No, we are ... Not... "

Wen Cai was about to open his mouth when he heard this, but Qiu Sheng covered his mouth and dragged him aside.

"You guy, why are you so honest, you answer whatever others ask, what is not?"


Wen Cai was puzzled, and looked at Qiusheng with a puzzled expression.

"If Boss Liu knew that we were here with Uncle Shi, wouldn't there be anything wrong with the two of us about what he said just now?"


When Wen Cai heard this, he nodded again and again in agreement.

"This little thing, we can completely solve it, earn half of the money, don't tell Uncle Shi, do you know!"


Wen Cai looked at Qiusheng with wide eyes and nodded again and again.


After unifying their opinions here, the two sat back next to Boss Liu.

"What the hell are you two sneaking around!"

"Nothing, nothing!"

Qiusheng laughed, waved his hands, and then asked with a smile on his face: "We just heard that Boss Liu is looking for a mage to do things in the winery, is it true?"

"What, you two will do the same thing?"

Boss Liu glanced at the two of them very contemptuously when he heard this, and said disdainfully: "If Uncle Nine is here, maybe I will find him to do this ritual, as for the two of you, hehe!"

"Hey, Boss Liu, don't look down on people, okay!"

"Yes, Boss Liu, both of our brothers and sisters will be able to do it, a small magic event, there is absolutely no problem!"


Boss Liu glanced at the two suspiciously.

"Of course it's true!"

Seeing this, Qiusheng and Wencai nodded vigorously, as if they were afraid that the other party would regret it.

"Okay, in that case, ten oceans, if you want, this ritual will be handed over to you!"

"Yes! Yes!"

When the two heard this, they agreed again and again, after all, each person could get five oceans.

If this is left to the master or uncle, I am afraid that the two of them will not be able to share a penny.

Can you give a flower support, thank you!

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