"I heard you!"

Qiusheng listened to Wen Cai asking himself on the side, pretended to be very angry and glanced at Boss Liu, threw away the things in his hand, turned around and left:

"It's not us who are going to die anyway, let's just go!"

"That's it, I'll go back to sleep!"


Boss Liu was scared, and hurriedly stopped Qiusheng and Wencai, his face was full of tears as if he was about to cry, and begged for mercy and said:

"I add, can't I add money?"

After that, Boss Liu reluctantly took out another ten oceans from his arms and handed them to Qiusheng, pleading:

"Well, are you two satisfied now?"

"Hmph, that's pretty much it!"

Qiu Sheng pretended to be angry and glared at the other party, then turned his head to Wen Cai and gestured a sign of victory.

However, at this moment, a stream of pitch-black yin qi began to rise around them, and then all of them shrouded the three of them, and there was no way to retreat.

Ye Tian was a little surprised when he saw this scene, this situation was not at all different from what was played in the movie.

Woo woo woo ...

Woo woo woo ...

With the extremely miserable cries of women, a gust of wind blew around for a while.

Boss Liu was so frightened that he ran directly behind Qiusheng and Wencai, and said in great horror:

"Hey, that ghost is out, you guys should negotiate with him!"


Qiusheng and Wencai were also shocked, they originally thought that the rumors that Boss Liu's winery was haunted were just false rumors, and they wanted to make some money to make a show and make a profit.

But who knew that there was really a ghost in this winery, which made the two of them feel a little caught off guard.

"Qiusheng, what should I do!"

"You ask me, I know how the hell do you know!"

Qiusheng looked around for a week, and couldn't see any trace of the female ghost, so he hurriedly said, "Otherwise, let's run quickly!"

"Run! yes, run!"

"Hey, what should I do if you run away!"

Seeing that Qiusheng and Wencai were about to run, Boss Liu was so frightened that he hurriedly grabbed the sleeves of the two, refusing to let go.

"Damn, don't pull me, I don't want to die here!"

"Hurry up and let go of me! Who the is pulling my feet!"

Qiu Sheng and Wencai seemed to feel that their feet were filled with lead, and they couldn't move.

Looking down, I was almost scared out of my own two!

I saw that the feet of the two were tightly grasped by the bloody hands at this time, and they couldn't move.

A treacherous laugh came, and two bloody, extremely hideous ghosts appeared under the two.

At first glance, there are two old couples with gray temples!

At this time, the two ghosts were grinning widely, and Sen Sen's cold laughter towards Qiusheng and Wencai.

"Boss Liu, what's the situation with your winery! How can there be two old ghosts!"

"Yes, Boss Liu, are you me killing you today!"

Qiusheng and Wencai were already frightened by now, and they pretended to be angry with Boss Liu just now, and threw aside all the magic weapons.

There is nothing in his hand except those ten oceans!

"I... I don't know!"

Boss Liu's legs were trembling, although he didn't have a bloody hand grabbing his ankle, he was already too frightened to move.

"Hee-hee... Hee-hee... "

However, at this moment, Boss Liu only felt as if something was pressing on his shoulder, and then the sound of children laughing came into his ears.


With another sound of laughter, a ghost baby covered in blood and with sharp teeth and mouth appeared in front of Boss Liu.

The ghost baby's eyes are all white, and it is extremely infiltrating, especially the long umbilical cord that is still dragging on the belly!

At this time, he was constantly fiddling, and he put it on Boss Liu's neck again and again.

"Daddy, have fun! Daddy, have fun!"

The ghost baby grinned happily as he continued to wrap around the umbilical cord.

In less than a while, Boss Liu was tightly wrapped around his neck by the umbilical cord on the ghost baby's belly, and his breathing became a little short.

"Help... Save... "

Boss Liu kept begging for mercy, but to no avail.

At this time, Qiusheng and Wencai looked at this extremely frightening and strange scene, and said loudly:

"Ghost uncles, ghost aunts, it's okay, let us go!"

"Yes, yes, we are innocent, innocent!"



At this time, Doudou had clearly seen the crisis of everyone in the winery, and hurriedly gestured on Ye Tian's shoulder, constantly chirping.

"Wait, wait!"

A talisman had already appeared between Ye Tian's fingers, looking at the situation in the winery vigilantly, waiting for the appearance of the female ghost in red!


Sure enough, just when Qiusheng Wencai and the others were desperately begging for mercy, a red figure instantly slipped down from mid-air and landed beside the two.

I saw a girl dressed in red and with a pale face appear in front of the two of them, with a look of hatred in her eyes.

"Hee-hee, Mommy, Mommy!"

The ghost baby was originally tugging on the umbilical cord on his stomach, as if it had made Boss Liu almost out of breath.

Just after the female ghost appeared, the little ghost instantly jumped into the arms of the female ghost and hugged happily.

Even the umbilical cord finally fell from Boss Liu's neck.

And the old ghost of the couple, who grabbed the feet of Qiusheng and Wencai, also stood up faintly and floated behind the female ghost in red.

"Whew... Call... "

As if reborn, Boss Liu gasped for breath, looked at the female ghost in red in great horror, and shouted loudly:

"Xiaohong, Xiaohong, I was wrong, I was really wrong!

"Spare you?"

The red-clothed female ghost known as Xiaohong glanced at each other coldly, and then floated to Qiusheng and Wencai's side, and asked in a cold voice:

"Do you think I should let him go?"

"Uh... "

Qiusheng Wencai and the others were so frightened that their legs were weak at this time, and when they saw the female ghost in red asking, they shook their heads again and again.


The female ghost in red glared at the two of them, and once again floated to the front of Boss Liu, and said angrily:

"Why should I let you go, you say? Can you give me a reason to let you go?"

"I... I... "

Boss Liu was at a loss for a while, not knowing what to say.

At the same time, the ghost baby jumped on Boss Liu's shoulder again, took the long umbilical cord, and tied it around his neck again.

"Say it, and you probably won't believe what this person did to me!"

The female ghost in red floated faintly around several people like this, and said coldly:

"This person insulted me when I was twelve years old, my father and mother reasoned with him, and he also beat the two of them to death on the spot, and has possessed me for a long time since then!"

"When I was fifteen years old, he married a new love, and while I was still pregnant, he even designed to find someone to find me!"

"In the end, he framed me and threw me into a pig cage and drowned me!"

"Do you say, 'Do I have a reason to let such a man go?'"

Well, no flowers, no tickets.

I don't ask for it, you can do whatever you want. Alas...

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