"Ding! Kill a zombie and get 10 merit points and 1 ocean! "

"Ding! Kill a zombie and get 10 merit points and 1 ocean! "


At this time, in the courtyard, nearly 20 zombies were all buried in the fire, and the zombies outside the door were all in the mood.

Seeing that Ye Tian had just killed the Dragon Slayer Daoist, he actually had the intention of retreating, and he retreated one after another in an instant.


A rooster crowed, and the sky gradually raised a touch of red.

When the zombies saw this, they were horrified, and hurriedly turned around and ran, hiding in the dark place.

The sun of sunrise had just reached the sun, and before the zombies could escape, several of them were illuminated by the sun.

In an instant, black smoke rose and the whole body was on fire.

Seeing this, Ye Tian jumped up, and eighteen golden needles came out in unison, speeding towards those fleeing zombies.

"Ding! Kill a zombie and gain 10 merit points! 1 piece of ocean! "

"Ding! Kill a zombie and gain 10 merit points! 1 piece of ocean! "


Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation for: Four Rank Heavenly Master

Merit: 400/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty zombies had already died under Ye Tian's golden needle attack, but there were still a few zombies who dodged the attack and hid.

Looking at this scene, Ye Tian put away the golden needle in his hand, and then punched out, setting off a wave of qi.


All of a sudden, the smoke and dust are billowing and the air waves are churning!

The zombies in the courtyard that had been burned by the lightning fire and turned to ashes were gone.

And the daylight in the sky has swayed on the earth.

"Uncle Shi... Help, save me! "

Qiusheng crawled out of the house full of discomfort, covering his wounds and pleading.

"What's going on!"

Ye Tian was startled, turned around and came to Qiusheng, only to see that the wound that had been sprinkled with glutinous rice was emitting faint black smoke at this time.

And wisps of faint black qi are constantly coming out of the meridians under its skin towards the heart, and it is almost near the heart at this time.

"Why is this corpse poison so powerful!"

Ye Tian also encountered such a situation for the first time, when the Thousand Crane Dao people were injured by the royal zombies, and it was because they had been delayed for too long and did not receive timely treatment to present their current situation.

And just now, after Qiusheng was scratched by a zombie, he had already applied glutinous rice to the wound.

What I didn't expect was that this corpse poison was so powerful, even if there was glutinous rice close to him, it was not completely eradicated.

"Bear with me, Qiusheng!"

Fortunately, this corpse poison is not as serious as the original Thousand Crane Dao people, as long as the few meridians at Qiusheng's heart are sealed as soon as possible, he can temporarily save his life without worry.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian's eyes were quick, and in the blink of an eye, ten golden needles had been pierced into his chest.

For a while, a faint black gas kept spreading from the tip of the needle and drifting in the air.

"It seems that the Western zombies bred by these three evil positions are really powerful, and they are not comparable to the one in Hongfa Village at the beginning!"

Although I have never encountered that Western zombie, it can be seen that the corpse poison carried by this Western zombie is really strong.

In less than one night, it has already caused a large-scale corpse denomination.

Fortunately, he stayed by Qiusheng's side tonight and helped in time, otherwise, Qiusheng would have become an irrational zombie at this time!

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the root of all qi. Cultivating hundreds of millions of eons of eons proves my supernatural powers. Inside and outside the Three Realms, only the Tao is the only one. There is a golden light in my body, which covers my body. Blind to it, not to hear it. Covering the world and nurturing the masses. Recite it once, and there will be light in your body. The guards of the Three Realms, the Five Emperors welcome. All gods salute, and serve the thunder. Demons are frightened, and spirits are dead. There is a thunderbolt inside, and the god of thunder is incognito. The wisdom of the hole is thorough, and the five are soaring. The golden light appears quickly, covering real people. The stars are bright, protect my sky! Haste as a law! Chi! "

At this time, Ye Tian was already a fourth-grade heavenly master, and his aura was very strong, far from being comparable to the situation at that time.

In an instant, under Ye Tian's Golden Needle Method, the black qi in Qiu Sheng's heart was rapidly dissipating and defeating.

In just half a minute, the corpse poison had been completely expelled, and Qiusheng's face began to gradually become ruddy.


Ye Tian let out a sigh of relief, then stood up and put away all the golden needles on Qiusheng's body.

"Uncle Shi, is he okay with Qiusheng?"

Wen Cai's ribs in his chest were broken and he couldn't move, and just now he couldn't help but feel very worried when he saw Ye Tian expelling the corpse poison for Qiusheng.

"Don't worry, he can't die!"

Ye Tian stuffed a pill in Qiusheng's mouth, then carried it on the carriage, and turned around and ordered:

"Look at him, neither of you should leave!"

After that, Ye Tian ran out of the hospital.

In less than a while, Ye Tian found a man and instructed him to drive the carriage to Qiaojia Town.

and paid him ten oceans, and on the way, he took care of Qiusheng and Wencai.

The man was already scared because of what happened last night, but fortunately last night's collective corpse mutiny didn't involve him.

So I packed my bags early in the morning and prepared to leave the place.

It happened that Ye Tian found himself and gave out ten oceans as a reward, and the man readily agreed, so he agreed to the errand.

"Uncle Shi, you must be careful!"

Wen Cai was also carried into the carriage at this time, looked at Ye Tian's cheeks, and asked sadly.



Doudou also seemed to be quite reluctant, lying on Ye Tian's body and reluctant to come down.

Seeing this, Ye Tian gently dragged Doudou off his body, put him into Wencai's arms, and said:

"Remember what I told you, besides, Qiusheng will wake up in half a day, and when the time comes, you both take some of this pill, which can speed up your recovery from your injuries! Remember? "

"Remember, Uncle Shi!"

"Good! Hurry up and don't linger! "

After that, Ye Tian stopped talking to Wen Cai, turned around and ordered the man who was driving the car a few words, and then watched Wen Cai and his party disappear in front of his eyes.

"Looks like this time, I can let go of my hands and feet!"

After sending off Qiusheng and Wencai, the burden in Ye Tian's heart was also lightened a lot, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of lightness.

It's just that Jiuquan Town at this time is very different from the previous two days, and the streets are sprinkled with blood stains and stumps.

Those who didn't plan to move out also began to evacuate and leave here because of the situation last night.

In less than half a day, the entire Jiuquan Town seemed to have become a dead city

Today, Jiuquan Town is completely covered with a gloomy atmosphere, and the surrounding temperature seems to have dropped a lot.

The wind kept blowing, and even the sky began to turn gray, as if the sun had hidden in the clouds.

"We must destroy that Western zombie as soon as possible and re-seal the Three Evil Positions!"

Ye Tian made up his mind in his heart, and then returned to the dojo house. I closed my eyes and waited quietly for the night to fall.

Recommend a friend's comic genre novel, if you like it, you can take a look: "Variety: Starting from the Moon"!

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