At this time, Zhang Daring drove the carriage to the gate of his small courtyard, but saw several young people sneakily gathered in front of the house in the courtyard, squeezing each other.

"Oh yes, it's so good, it's fun!"

"Get out of the way! I can't see it!"

"Look at the fart, I haven't enjoyed it yet!"

"Go away, go away, it's time for me to watch for a while!"


"Hey, what are you doing on my doorstep!"

Zhang Daring patted a few people's shoulders angrily and roared angrily.

When several people heard this, they immediately looked at Zhang Daring with a shocked face, shook their heads and said:

"Brother, see for yourself!


Zhang Daring was a little curious, and immediately followed the movements of the few people just now, lying in front of the door and looking into the room through the crack in the door.

At this time, I saw my wife lying on the bed and shaking her body, and faintly, it seemed that she could still see the figure of a man.


Zhang Daring instantly felt extremely angry, and without saying a word, he directly smashed the door open and rushed into the house angrily.

At this time, Zhang Daring's wife was only wearing a small red belly pocket, and she looked at Zhang Daring walking in menacingly, and said in a panic:

"What are you doing! Zhang Daring! You want to scare the old lady to death, don't you?"

"Where's the wild man!"

Zhang Daring saw that there was no one on the bed except his wife, so he couldn't help but roar loudly.

The bold wife subconsciously glanced at the open window, then stood up and shouted confidently:

"What a wild man! Are you talking about the old lady stealing the man!!"

"That's not what I meant!"

On weekdays, this bold Zhang was a little afraid of his wife, but now that he didn't catch the adulterer, he was so angrily reprimanded by the other party, and his temper softened in an instant.

"That's not what you mean, what do you mean! I didn't follow Master Tan to run the carriage, and I actually came back halfway to suspect me of stealing a man!

The old lady is really blind, with such a wolf-hearted thing as you! "

After shouting, this bold wife actually covered her face and cried by herself, as if she was really crying.

Sure enough, Zhang Daring's wife turned passive into active and instantly hit the other party by surprise, so she had to comfort and persuade on the side, apologized and said:

"Okay, wife, it's all my fault, it's me who blames you!

"Hmph! You know how to bully me! I hate you to death!"

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

Zhang Daring apologized to his wife, and shouted to several young people who were still standing at the door watching the excitement:

"Get out! It's all you, here to stir up the relationship between me and my wife!

Seeing that Zhang was angry, several young people stopped making a sound for an instant, turned around and ran out of the courtyard.

"Tut-tut, this bold wife is really amazing, she scared him in a few words. "

"Yes, yes, I want to taste this little daughter-in-law when I have the chance, tsk. "

"That's right, look at her wave just now, I envy that adulterer a little. "

"Let's go, let's find a place to talk about this slowly. "

'Good, good!'

Several young people left Zhang Daring's courtyard with a smile and a smile all the way, and at this time, a figure was running quickly towards Master Tan's house.

This figure is Master Tan himself.

In fact, the adulterer who was frolicking with Zhang Daring's wife just now was Master Tan, fortunately, he stretched out his hand quickly, and the window was also by the window.

Otherwise, I will be caught by this bold today.

"Master, what's wrong, so panicked!"

At this time, Master Tan's master came over shaking a fan, and saw that Master Tan was panting and pouring tea, so he hurriedly stepped forward and asked with concern.

"Hey, it's not because of that little Zhang!"

"Xiao Zhang, he's back?"

In fact, the matter of sending Zhang Daring to Renjia Town to buy today was planned by Master Tan and Master Tan.

This Renjia town is far away from Shili Town, and the time it takes to buy on the road can be delayed for a whole day.

And even if this bold Zhang returns to Shili Town, he has to send things back to Tan Mansion first.

At that time, the master who was waiting in the mansion could arrange for someone to go to Zhang Daring's house to inform Master Tan, so as not to be discovered by Zhang Daring.

"Hey... "

Master Tan took a sip of tea and sighed: "I don't know what's going on, after this little Zhang returned to the town, he went home directly!"

"Master, you weren't discovered by him, were you?"

"That's not true, but I'm afraid that this East Window incident will happen, Xiao Zhang should be alert by now!"

"Then sir, don't go to his wife again during this time!"

"Hmph, you know what!"

Master Tan glared at the master unhappily, and said with an aftertaste:

"That woman is very good, I can't bear to be itchy if I don't go for two days, besides, isn't this stolen taste more interesting!"

"Hey, I'm admiring it!"

"But I'm still worried that Xiao Zhang will find out that I did it, you know, I'm running for mayor now, if the East Window incident happens, I'm afraid it will affect my reputation!"

"Master, don't worry, I understand that when the time comes, I will send someone to take Xiao Zhang him... "

As he spoke, the master made a motion of wiping his neck with his hand, and his face was full of sinister smiles.

"Still not good!"

Master Tan shook his head when he heard this, and explained: "That Xiao Zhang can do some kung fu, wouldn't it be worse if he confessed to you and me if he failed?"

"So what to do?"

After hearing this, the master showed a difficult look on his face, but he soon showed a smile and said eagerly:

"Master, I know a Maoshan Taoist priest named Qian Kai!

This guy's personality is just like his name, he can help you as long as he gives money!"

"Maoshan Taoist?"

"Okay, absolutely no problem!"

"Well, I'll leave this matter to you!"

Seeing this, Master Tan nodded, then looked at the stars in the sky, and said unsatisfied:

"When I get rid of that Xiao Zhang, I'll take his wife into the house, tsk... "


Zhang Daring didn't know that because he suddenly went home early, he had already caused himself to be killed.

At this time, in the cemetery outside Shili Town, the two adjacent broken jars were exuding a strong ghost aura.

The two ghosts who lived in it were also chatting without a word.

"It's really annoying, I finally caught a little fat man yesterday, but as soon as I took a bite of meat, it was dawn!"

"Old thing! It's not because of you! If you don't rob me, I won't get nothing!"

"Young man, there is a good saying, ginger is still old and spicy, you can't accept the old one!"

"What a mess! I want to give you a big mouth!"


"Yes, yes, I saw it, a handsome young man and a little beauty!"

"Don't argue, one of the two of us, no one will be left behind!"

"I don't care, I want that little beauty!"

"Okay, okay, give you a little beauty! Tut-tut, I'm going to open meat today!haha!"

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