Half an hour before the escape of the hundred ghosts, on a street in Renjia Town.


With a scream, another ghost trying to find a substitute for the living was destroyed!

"Ding! Destroy a ghost and get 20 merit points and 2 oceans! "

Host: Ye Tian

Cultivation is: Six Rank Heavenly Master

Merit: 1000/1000

Exercises: Maoshan Eighteen Needles, Maoshan Fu Gong Technique, Maoshan Dao Technique, Maoshan Medical Technique

Divine power: Samadhi true fire

Skills: proficient in national arts, the power of the overlord

Attributes: Copper skin and iron bones

Get! No more, no less, exactly a thousand!

Seeing Ye Tian standing next to him laughing alone, Hua Yanyan glared at him angrily, frowned and said:

"Didn't you say that all the ghosts and monsters were handed over to me? Why do you still do it yourself! "

"Okay, if you encounter a harmful ghost again, I'll hand it over to you!"

Now that the requirements for upgrading have been met, Ye Tian is no longer obsessed with killing powerful ghosts.

"Hmph, I don't know which of your words is true!"


At this time, a white shadow instantly rushed from the other direction of the street, and then turned into a fluffy mass and jumped on Ye Tian's shoulder.



"Doudou, why did you come here?"

Seeing this cute guy lying on his shoulder, Ye Tian couldn't help but touch its head.

Three days ago, Doudou finally woke up from his slumber.

The original golden fluff also dissipated, and was replaced by the original white hair, which made Ye Tian a little surprised.

Not only that, but Doudou's figure seems to have become much larger all of a sudden.

Ye Tian's pocket could no longer hold this fluffy little thing.

When he is fine, Doudou likes to lie on Ye Tian's shoulder, blinking two eyes the size of mung beans, and he chirps twice, which is very cute.



Doudou shook his body, pointed in the direction of the Shenlong Medical Hall, and made a stroke in front of Ye Tian, as if he was talking about something.

"Let's go, the hospital has a guest! Let's go back! "

"My God, you can understand this, you are a talent!"

Seeing that Ye Tian actually understood and understood Doudou's meaning, Hua Yanyan applauded again and again in surprise.

"That's right, otherwise, why would Doudou be willing to follow me instead of you?"

"Hey, hey, I don't like to hear you talk like this, wait for me!"

Who's in the hospital?

Ye Tian didn't know.

But what can make Doudou so anxious is not an ordinary person!

Pushing open the door, Ye Tian saw two familiar figures sitting in the dim room.

And Hua Yanyan was also a little surprised after seeing one of the figures.

"Aren't you the yin Wang Qian who was almost eaten by the little ghost?"


was exposed by Hua Yanyan like this, Wang Gan was a little embarrassed, coughed twice and walked closer with the figure beside him.

"Hello Ye Dao, hello Miss Hua!"

After Ye Tian returned the salute, he looked at the other figure with some surprise, and said with a smile:

"Why is Wang Yincha also free to come to me?"

The figure standing next to Wang Qian was none other than Wang Yangming, who had dealt with Ye Tian twice.

Seeing Ye Tian ask, Wang Yangming patted Wang Qian beside him with a smile, and said with gratitude:

"It's not for my younger brother, if you didn't make a timely move last time, I'm afraid that my younger brother has already lost his soul!"

"It turns out that the two Yin Cha are brothers, I didn't expect it!"

Ye Tian was a little surprised about the relationship between Wang Yangming and Wang Qian, while Hua Yanyan looked at Wang Yangming with some curiosity, not very familiar.

"Well, my younger brother came out to hook the soul for the first time that day, but who knew that he encountered such a thing!"

As he spoke, Wang Yangming was led to his seat by Ye Tian and continued:

"Today, my brother and I detained those ownerless and lonely souls and came to Renjiazhen to watch ghost shows, so I specially brought my younger brother here to thank the two!"

"Yes, thank you for your help, Wang remembers!"

"Haha, no thanks, no thanks!"

Hua Yanyan smiled happily, but Ye Tian frowned, and asked with some curiosity:

"Watching a ghost show?"

"That's right, Gang Lin's Yizhuang specially arranged a ghost show this year, and my brother and I are escorting those ownerless lonely souls to watch the show this time!"

Uncle Nine is the underworld money printer and belongs to the yang world assistants, so the title of Uncle Nine in the underworld is also Lin Assistant.

Seeing that Ye Tian was a little surprised, Wang Yangming opened his mouth to explain.

So that's the case, it seems that this is finally entering the plot of "Zombie Supreme"!

In previous years, Ye Tian noticed that Uncle Jiu's Yizhuang had never sung ghost shows, and naturally there was no plot of "Zombie Supreme".

Who would have thought that this year would still be the same as in previous years, but I didn't expect to enter the plot unexpectedly.

"What about the orphaned souls? Why didn't you see it? "

Hua Yanyan was curious, glanced around, and was a little surprised to see that there were no so-called ownerless lonely souls.

"Haha, Miss Hua laughed, there are more than a hundred ownerless lonely souls, how can I bring them to the medical hall of the Taoist chief?"

Wang Gan laughed when he saw this, and immediately looked at Wang Yangming on the side, and explained:

"Those ownerless lonely souls have all been watching the play in the theater of Yizhuang at this time, and my eldest brother and I have attached a wisp of consciousness to the bodies of the two paper figures, responsible for taking care of those ghosts!"

"I see!"

Ye Tian finally figured out what was going on, it seems that the plot of "Zombie Supreme" is destined to happen.

And the reason why this happened was because he and Hua Yanyan saved Wang Gan.

Otherwise, with Qiusheng and Wencai, two untalented guys, how could they subdue that ghost and release the hundred ghosts?

"What are you thinking?"

Seeing that Ye Tian was silent alone, Wang Yangming looked at him with some curiosity.

"It's okay, it's okay, I thought of something, and I was a little stunned!"

"Haha, Daoist Ye doesn't want to think about which girl he likes, hahaha!"

"You guy, you're pretty unserious!"

Seeing that Wang Yangming actually opened his mouth to make fun of himself, Ye Tian muttered angrily.

As soon as he was about to speak, he saw Wang Yangming and Wang Gan, who were still smiling, standing up at the same time, with a little anger on their faces.

"What's wrong? Surprise me! "

Hua Yanyan saw that the two of them suddenly reversed so much, and said complainingly.

"Doctor Ye, Miss Hua, something happened in the studio! Let's go first! "

Wang Yangming already had an angry expression on his face at this time, and immediately hugged his fists towards Ye Tian and Hua Yanyan, and then turned around and disappeared with Wang Gan.

"What's the situation? What happened to the theater? "

Hua Yanyan didn't know why, and looked at Ye Tian very unexpectedly.

And Ye Tian knew that it was this Qiusheng and Wencai who had caused trouble, and they were bewitched by the female ghost Xiaoli and let all those ghosts go.

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