"Dad, I'm in so much pain!"

In the guest room, Shi Shaojian slowly woke up, the bones on his body were like falling apart, and the pain was unbearable.

The most infuriating thing is that at this time, I can clearly feel the high swelling of my cheeks.

The pain is so hot that it is really unforgettable!

"It's not your own fault!"

Shi Jian was relieved when he saw his son wake up, but looking at his embarrassed appearance, he couldn't help but scold:

"I told you before I came, be careful with what you say and do! You just don't listen!

If you offend others, you can still get back face for you as a father, but you shouldn't go against Ye Tian!

He showed mercy to his subordinates today, otherwise, I'm afraid you would have been killed by now! "

"Daddy! Aren't you a big brother! Even if Ye Tian is also a seventh-grade heavenly master, he is also your little junior brother! Will he ignore you like that? "

Shi Shaojian felt aggrieved, sat up and shouted at Shi Jian, venting the boredom in his heart.

"Bastard! Dare to talk to me like this, looking for death! "

Shi Jian raised his hand and slapped Shi Shaojian's other cheek.

Seeing that Shi Jian was angry, the other party didn't dare to say anything more, so he could only cover his cheeks and cry aggrievedly.


Although this Shi Shaojian made himself very uneasy, he was his son after all.

Helpless, Shi Jian sighed and continued:

"Don't worry, this Ye Tian beat you, and my father will let him double it back! beat my Shi Jian's son, there is absolutely no such reason not to pay the price! "

"Daddy! You've got a way, haven't you? "

Shi Shaojian asked happily when he heard this.

"Not yet! But I'll make them regret messing with me! "

"Yes, Dad, I believe in you! Let's take a look at those people! "

Shi Shaojian was thinking about it in his heart, and the appearance of Hua Yanyan and Jingjing had already appeared in his mind.

Ever since he entered the inner hall just now, Shi Shaojian had noticed the two beauties standing behind Ye Tian.


On the other side, Ye Tian and Uncle Jiu and other senior brothers had already set up the eyes of the Innate Bagua Array in the open space in the western suburbs of Renjia Town.

As long as Qiusheng and Wencai lure those lonely souls and wild ghosts here tonight, the rest of the matter will be much easier.

"Brothers and sisters have worked hard! I asked Aunt Sue to prepare a meal at the Lailai Restaurant, everyone had a good meal, but it was hard for everyone at night! "

"Haha, Senior Brother Lin, you're polite!"

"Senior Brother Lin is thoughtful, after a long time, I'm really hungry!"

"yes, let's go have a drink!"


When the senior brothers heard what Uncle Nine said, everyone's faces showed smiles.

Seeing that the other senior brothers were walking towards Renjia Town, Ye Tian stopped the Ninth Uncle, the Thousand Crane Daoist and the Four-Eyed Daoist.

"What's wrong? Senior Brother Ye, is there anything wrong with holding us down? "

"Yes, Senior Brother Ye, is something wrong?"

The Thousand Crane Daoist and the Four-Eyed Daoist didn't understand what was going on, while the Ninth Uncle stood aside and looked at the two with a smile as if he had guessed what Ye Tian was going to do, and didn't speak.

"I'll show you something good!"

Ye Tian looked around and saw that the rest of the senior brothers had walked away.

As soon as he flipped his palm, two cyan spirit fruits appeared in his hand.

"This... This will not be ... "

"This is the Gathering Spirit Fruit!"

The Four-Eyed Daoist and the Thousand Crane Daoist were shocked at the same time, looking at the two cyan fruits in Ye Tian's hands, they couldn't believe that they could be true.

"That's right, it's the Gathering Spirit Fruit!"

Ye Tian opened his mouth to answer, and then said: "I accidentally found this Gathering Spirit Fruit, there are four in total, one for each of our four brothers!" "

"Haha! How embarrassing is that! "

The four-eyed Taoist had already looked straight at him, and when he heard Ye Tian say this, he immediately took one and put it in his hand.

"I'm sorry you put it back! Unpromising! Thank you, Senior Brother Ye! "

The Thousand Crane Daoist glanced at the four-eyed Daoist with disdain, but he also reached out and took the other Gathering Spirit Fruit in Ye Tian's hand.

"You're embarrassed to say me, don't you take it too?"

"I'm at least saying thank you! You didn't say anything! "

"Hehe, who are our brothers, don't use those vanity!"

Looking at this Gathering Spirit Fruit in his hand, the Four-Eyed Daoist couldn't suppress the joy in his heart.

Immediately raised his head, looked at Ye Tian and said:

"Senior brother shouldn't have advanced so fast after eating this Gathering Spirit Fruit!"

"That's right! Senior Brother Ye and I both ate this Gathering Spirit Fruit! "

Uncle Nine looked at the four-eyed Taoist from the side and was surprised, and said with a smile:

"However, the advancement speed of Senior Brother Ye and I is completely incomparable!

He has now become a seventh-rank Heavenly Master, and I am only a fourth-rank Heavenly Master! "

"Oh my boy! Disastrous! Senior Brother Lin, you haven't broken through the bottleneck of the three-grade Heavenly Master for many years!

Now relying on the Gathering Spirit Fruit sent by Senior Brother Ye, he has broken through directly! "

"What am I! Compared to Senior Brother Ye's opportunity, I don't deserve to mention it at all! "

"Senior Brother Ye, what else do you surprise us?"

When the Four-Eyed Daoist and the Thousand Crane Daoist heard what Uncle Nine said, they were all very curious and looked at Ye Tian again.

"Senior brother, you are so honest, you don't hide any secrets from me!"

"My own brother, what a secret to hide! Let these two boys also open their eyes and see what realm our little junior brother has grown up to now! "

Seeing Ye Tian smiling and scolding himself, Uncle Nine waved his hand very proudly, and immediately straightened his waist.

It seems that Ye Tian's prominence is as if he has obtained it himself, and you are very proud.

"I say, you two don't hide it! I'm going to die! "

"yes, I'm in a hurry! Senior Brother Ye, don't sell it! "

"Good! Then you see! "

Seeing that the two were a little anxious, Ye Tian smiled.

Immediately, he spread out the palm of his right hand, and a golden flame instantly appeared in front of the two of them!

"Samadhi is really hot!"

It was as if at this time, the entire clearing was echoing with the extremely shocked voices of the Four Eyes Dao and the Thousand Crane Dao people.

The eyes of the two of them were now wide, and their jaws seemed to have fallen.

Looking at the Samadhi True Fire in Ye Tian's hand, he was completely stunned!

"This... This is really Samadhi True Fire! It's so easy to summon! "

The four-eyed Taoist took off his glasses, wiped them vigorously, put them back on the bridge of his nose, and said in disbelief.

"There will be no mistake, the appearance and breath of this flame are undoubtedly the true fire of Samadhi!"

The Thousand Crane Daoist looked at this flame and nodded in shock.

Then he suddenly grabbed Ye Tian's shoulders and asked loudly:

"Senior brother, have you advanced to the realm of real people! Was he deliberately suppressing his mana just now? "

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