The streets are exceptionally quiet at midnight.

Uncle Nine and his fellow brothers are already known to be catching ghosts tonight.

Although everyone was very curious about such a once-in-a-century event, they all returned home early and closed the door according to the mayor's request.

"Qiusheng, it's really lonely tonight!"

Wen Cai pushed a flatbed cart and wandered slowly through the streets, while Qiu Sheng looked around, looking for traces of those ownerless and lonely souls.

"Strange, why can't a ghost be seen? Did they know that the uncles were going to hunt ghosts tonight, and they were all hidden? "

"Huh? So why aren't these stinky tofu made for nothing? "

Looking at the cart full of stinky tofu, Wen Cai pinched his nose and asked.

"No, it's not a way to just wait like this, Wencai, let's listen to it!"

"Huh? A few shouts? "

"Nonsense, hurry!"

"Alright then!"

Wen Cai shouted loudly to the surroundings suspiciously:

"Come on! Let's buy stinky tofu! Fragrant and stinky stinky tofu! "

"Hehe, are you stinky tofu fragrant or smelly!"

Wen had just shouted when a purple figure appeared and appeared in front of the two.

"Xiaoli! Why are you here! "

Qiusheng and Wencai were shocked, but they couldn't hate this female ghost who provoked the two of them into their hearts.

"Why can't I be here?"

Xiaoli glanced at the two of them and said disdainfully:

"Isn't it because you're worried that you'll both be punished for this? When these ghosts are all caught, I will really leave Renjia Town! "

"Huh? Where are you going? "

Hearing that Xiaoli was leaving, Qiusheng and Wencai were a little surprised, and felt a little regretful in their hearts.

"Hehe, of course I'm flying away, is it stupid to stay here and be caught by your master!"

Xiaoli covered her mouth and snickered, and then looked at the stinky tofu on the cart, and her saliva couldn't help but flow.

"Hehe, these stinky tofu really smell so good! I've got to taste a piece! "

"No! No way! You can't eat it! "

Seeing that Xiaoli was about to pick up a piece of stinky tofu, Qiusheng immediately stopped the other party and hurriedly said.

"What! Isn't it just a piece of stinky tofu? Look at you two stinginess! "

"No, it's not! No! You misunderstood the two of us! "

Seeing this, Wen Cai also explained on the side: "These stinky tofu are not made of ordinary brine, but use rune water!"

If you eat it, the perineal qi will collapse, the soul will weaken, and there will be no chance to escape! "

"No wonder! So you're planning to trick the ghost into eating tofu! "

Xiaoli suddenly realized in an instant, and said with a wicked smile.

"There's no way, if you don't do this, how can you collect those ghosts?"

"Even so, the two of us are taking a big risk by doing this!"

"Really? So you guys look back? "

Hearing this, Xiaoli pointed behind the two with a wicked smile.

Seeing this, Qiu Shengwen turned his head puzzled, but his legs were a little weak in an instant.

I saw that at this time, the street not far from the two of them was full of those dense and terrifying ownerless lonely souls.

Each of their ghosts exuded a ghostly gaze, staring closely at the literary talent in front of them.

Compared with the stinky tofu on the cart, the yang energy of the two is the best food for these ownerless lonely souls.

"Mom! Hell! "

"Don't talk nonsense, let's run!"

Wen Cai shouted, and immediately chased Qiusheng's steps, and ran quickly forward.

At this time, in the open space in the western suburbs outside Renjia Town, Ye Tian, Uncle Jiu and other senior brothers were waiting there early.

"Master! Help me! "

"Hell here! Hell here! "

At this time, I heard Qiusheng and Wencai's heart-rending cries for help, followed by those terrifying ownerless lonely souls.

"It's coming!"

Seeing this, Uncle Nine instantly flew out of his hand, and the eight huge wooden stakes above the clearing bloomed with golden light.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

In an instant, eight Maoshan Taoist priests jumped down from the eight wooden stakes.

The rest of the people also stood in the center of the clearing, and the rest of the people also waited in the center of the clearing, waiting for those ownerless and lonely souls to throw themselves into the net!

"Run in! Fast! "

Uncle Jiu's hands were sealed, and he saw that Qiusheng and Wencai were already close in front of him, and scolded loudly.


Hearing this, the two of them once again exerted their strength to eat, and rushed into this clearing in an instant.

And those ownerless lonely souls followed the footsteps of the two, and they all stepped in.

"Innate Bagua Array! Rise! "

Uncle Nine shouted, and each wooden stake ignited a red flame, and golden light rose to the sky, forming a huge gossip hanging in the sky!


The formation has been completed, and the huge gossip emits a dazzling golden light, like a big bowl upside down, shining in every corner of the clearing.

These ownerless souls also noticed something strange at this time, but there was nothing they could do.

Now shrouded in these golden lights, it is impossible to escape.

"Brothers, let's go together!"

With the shout of the ninth uncle, all the Maoshan Taoist priests set out in unison, picked up the magic weapons in their hands, and rushed towards those unowned lonely souls who were extremely flustered.

For a time, the various Maoshan Taoist priests on the open space showed their abilities.

There are those with Qiankun bags, those with soul-collecting umbrellas, those with golden gourds, and those with wine jars.

In short, everyone is doing their best to help Uncle Nine collect ghosts, and everyone is busy for a while.


Unlike the others, blue lightning suddenly appeared around Shi Jian's body, and a punch blasted out, and a stream of lightning shot out, heading straight at those ownerless lonely souls on the opposite side.


Just as the lightning was about to hit the ghosts, suddenly a golden light appeared.

I saw that there were eighteen golden needles emitting dazzling golden light, forming a golden barrier in front of me.

The lightning thunder punch that Shi Jian played just now had already been dissolved on the spot by this golden barrier.


Looking at these eighteen incomparably familiar golden needles, Shi Jian scolded angrily and shouted loudly:

"Ye Tian! What the hell are you going to do! "

"What for?"

Ye Tian opened his mouth and replied coldly, and said angrily: "I want to ask, Senior Brother, what do you want to do!" "

After that, Ye Tian said loudly to the few ownerless lonely souls behind him who were lucky enough to survive:

"Your lightning and thunder punch hitting these ownerless lonely souls will make their souls scatter in an instant!

Are you doing this to help or are you deliberately causing trouble? "

"Senior brother! What are you doing! "

The four-eyed Taoist here saw the dispute between Ye Tian and Shi Jian, and rushed to the front quickly, questioning loudly.

"You are deliberately embarrassing Senior Brother Lin and want him to be punished by Yin Si with the two apprentices, right?"

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